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Nokia N9/50 QuickTweak script
This have a different set of tweaks like Speed Up Transitions based on different version from PR1.1 that created by F2thaK (Thanks)…
I also used some stuff from Almehdin’s script and I got a big help with some my commands from hxka from Russian forum (Thanks to both of you).

N9 - This script work properly only on PR 1.3 and base/blanco theme !!!
N950 - This script work properly only on LEAKED PR 1.3 and base/blanco theme !!!

This package including option to Backup files from your phone before you start to tweak.
I tried this script a few times and it’s work perfectly and quickly, but still I'm not responsible for the damage will cause to your phone

If you use Home screen settings app, use N9/50 QTwaek carefully – DON’T use rotation from tweak A, B and background changer from tweak W !!! -> it can cause REBOOT-LOOP !

If you use some tweaks that you need write something, PLEASE write letters exactly like in default or example strings, big or small letters. You will see this in the question like (def. LIGHT), this mean write big letters, or (ex. ffffff) this mean write small letters. If you will do mistake, sometimes this can cause REBOOT-LOOP.

If you broke your device and you need to reflash, you can use my instruction or read this post.

Video of F2thaK (v2.6)

Before installation, make sure you have "allow other sources" set in settings and developer-mode activated.

  • Download and transfer the .deb file (thanks to Ammyt & hxka) to your phone.
  • Install the .deb file by the usual way (double tap on file).
  • Go to application Homescreen. You will see a new icon (Thanks to 3llipsis) at the end of the list (see pic. above) and you can see the PDF instruction inside the: /home/user/MyDocs/Documents
  • Tap on it and it will ask you for password of devel-su (default: rootme)
  • Choose letter you want and press enter (you can write big or small character).
  • Run “Create Backup !!!” (tweak K) on your first use of this app, you need to do this only once ! When you will update to new version, you DON’T need to do this again.. You also don’t need to run “Restore” before updating !
    To update to new version, just install new .deb file (double click).
  • After creating Backup, start to play with tweak A, because of some tweaks that uses same files and if you restore A, this also can restore some other tweaks and you should be reapply them…
  • You can choose more of one tweaks separated by one space and press ENTER. (ex: A B D E ... Enter)
  • Some tweaks need refresh or reboot and if you want to use more tweaks in the same session, just put this letters at the end. Or use what you want, but don't refresh them until the end of the session.
Tweaks menu:

Before using this tweaks, please
read this PDF instruction for the

(for N950 here)
of tweaks
(you also can see this instruction in your Documents folder after installation)


read WIKI on this site !

(thanks to thedead1440)

* To uninstall my application, do this by usual way, go to: Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications. Choose N9 QTweak and uninstall it. Another way – long press on N9 QTweak icon on the app homescreen.

UNINSTALLING of N9QT will NOT restore your tweaks !!!

* If you uninstall this app it will leave the Backup files in MyDocs (/home/user/MyDocs/.N9QTweakBackup) and if for some reason you forgotten to restore your tweaks before uninstalling or just want to restore later, you can do this manually or only one time by running the one simple command as ROOT: sh /home/user/MyDocs/.N9QTweakBackup/RESTORE . This command:
  1. restore your tweaks to default (except the new IM’s)
  2. Delete this folder (.N9QTweakBackup) from your phone
  3. Refresh your home and lockscreens

For those who forgotten to create backup, here is my clean backup (for N950) with restore file for PR1.3.

Now N9 QTweak is on too
And you can add my repo for updates via tweak II or by running this 3 commands as ROOT:
echo 'deb personal main'   > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openrepos-Schturman.list
wget   -O - | apt-key add   -
apt-get update
And you will get system updates when update will be available

You can disable auto-checker from tweak SS and use system updates..
Tweak UU and auto-checker still can work too...

Special thanks to: hxka, Shayco, Almehdin, mohammad7410, Niwakame, F2thaK, jflatt, ildar_sh, r0mis, alxs_as-is, leo1994, superjunior, oSCho, kuzmichov, cckwes, Rusnak3-COBRA, Shaun, Arie, dvarlamoff, CODeRUS, Fenol, aegis, Ancelad, nba0nb, itsnotabigtruck, traysh, nikkirov, Craig_Mabbitt, HanzBlix, guillermorojaz, Iktwo, Crabstick, Gnome, hooddy, wellef, latency, 3llipsis, thedead1440, Camerado, wook_sf, sony123, hungthai_pt, MohammadAG, AJMAL P.M, eccenux, colin.stephane, mbanck, guillermorojaz, ajalkane, qwazix, Vesuri, chemist, chenliangchen, flopjoke, farfary, MFaroTusino, wwwjfy, wolke, thp, Kozzi, dannejanne, AMD ,Gandan, Xt4zy, MK99, brkn, Akkumaru, ladoga, Art-O, lorenzo, efion, minimos, rainisto, SQR, ATN, cr0c0, khan.orak, msyarik88, ffsinit, arcean, iDont, plazmatics, Mikkosssss.


Version 9.8.8 (12.12.13)
* PDF instaruction - updated.
* RESTORE file - updated.
* Tweaks Z - updated.
* Tweaks R - updated, added option to add/remove new emoticons themes (see PDF instruction).

Version 9.8.7 (17.10.13)
* PDF instaruction - updated.
* RESTORE file - updated.
* Tweaks Z - updated.
* Tweaks HH-3 - updated Debinstaller to v1.0.3.
* Tweaks X-2 - updated Deb packages creator to v0.1.7.
* Tweak KK - updated, added Image converter (see PDF instruction).
* Tweak F - updated, added option to disable LED breathing notification for battery charging (see PDF instruction).

Version 9.8.6 (22.09.13)
* PDF instaruction - updated.
* RESTORE file - updated, added checking command about Open mode, Coderus aegis-install and opensudo.
* Tweaks B, BB, CC, E, HH, II, KK, M, R, RR, T, X, Y, Z - added checking commands about Open mode, Coderus aegis-install, clean backup and opensudo where it needed.
* Tweaks DD, F, R, T, W, Y - added new checking commands for color and font size (light & bold) changing tweaks to prevent user mistakes.
* Tweak HH - Some commands updated. Also added Coderus Debinstaller & Coderus Power Menu QML (see PDF instruction).
* Tweak RR - Added option to install trusted apps (see PDF instruction).
* Tweak T - From T-3 removed option 0 (will be installed automatically if needed). Option 0 (zero) leaved as hidden option. Also added option to reostore all toggles in widgets applet if you edited it with GConfik.
* Tweak X - Added option to install trusted apps (see PDF instruction). Also updated version of deb packager.

Version 9.8.5 (31.08.13)
* PDF instaruction - updated.
* Tweak X - updated DEB packages creator.
* Tweak T - updated option 3 (thanks to Coderus). New sys-ui and unrestricted setting. Before updating of tweak T-3 you need to run this command as ROOT to remove 2 old packages:
apt-get remove --purge -y duicontrolpanel-ledapplet duicontrolpanel-ledapplet-l10n-additional
Version 9.8.4 (26.08.13)
* PDF instaruction - updated.
* RESTORE file - updated.
* Tweak Z - updated.
* Tweak EE - updated, unstable FasterN9 (1.1.7).
* Tweak II - updated, added Schturman repo.
* Tweak X - updated, added DEB packages creator.
* Tweak KK - updated option 2 (thanks to Craig_Mabbitt).
* Tweak UU - updated, now can use my repo if installed.
* Auto-checker - updated, now can use my repo if installed.

Please download new version from Tweak UU or:

Download here v9.8.8 (for N9 with PR1.3) - NEW version
Download here v9.8.8 (for N950 with leaked PR1.3) - NEW version

Download here v9.8.7 (for N9 with PR1.3) - Old version
Download here v9.8.7 (for N950 with leaked PR1.3) - Old version


If you like my work, you can DONATE here. Thanks!

Last edited by Schturman; 2013-12-13 at 06:34. Reason: New version 9.8.8

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What does this offer over the tweaks that AIMehdi has?
Arie||Nokia N9 64GB x2|Nokia N950


Temporary Inception Fix

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Schturman's Avatar
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Read tweaks menu, its different from that AIMehdi has. I built it for my self... If someone want to use it, he can to use it...

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F2thaK's Avatar
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Faster transitions has been updated, @ v2.6 now.

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Posts: 59 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Finland
hmm.. i cant make that wallpaper full size? i make 855 x 855 and add it to wallpaper.. then i choose H and reboot.. still dont work.
Schturman's Avatar
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Originally Posted by vihru View Post
hmm.. i cant make that wallpaper full size? i make 855 x 855 and add it to wallpaper.. then i choose H and reboot.. still dont work.
Read manual, before pressing h, go to setting in your phone, choice wallpaper, choice your picture and press done. After that's in my script press h. You dont need to reboot.

Last edited by Schturman; 2011-12-03 at 15:26.
Schturman's Avatar
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Posts: 54 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Jan 2010
This is great stuff. Thanks to you and f2thak

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Schturman's Avatar
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New version uploaded ! See the first post for changes and instructions..

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hebrew vkb, n9 qtweak, n9 quick tweak, n9 quicktweak, root-ssh

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