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I just wanted to share something that I noticed today related to the sudden-battery-death (well, 4%) bug.
First some background :
I left from home in the morning for a trip with fully-charged N9, turned on Drive to see the distance to the destination and forgot it on. Once arrived, I checked the time and noticed Drive was still on (and GPS with it). "**** there goes my battery" was my first thought, and in fact, half of it was gone. I turned Drive off.
Then during lunch time, after some minor netting with 3G, the N9 alarmed me of "battery low" (from the half level that it was *before* i started navigation a first time). An sms followed (second notice of battery low), and a call (third and fourth notice in a row).

The phone had 4% battery left, 8 minutes talk time + 2 hours standby time.

Now to the intresting part.
I figured it was a good chance to test my "power saving mode level fix", by changing the power saving mode level, which -at that time-
was at 10%. I move the slider to 60%, putted the phone on stand-by, and restored it then back to 10%. No help.
"oh well" i thought, locked the screen and dropped the phone in my pocket. no necessary usage anymore.

Fast forward to about an hour ago, I check my phone for an SMS. Battery level was 27%! Wtf?
Level is *still* 27% (phone was in standby).
Remaining talking time, 1 hour 28 mins, stand by time 1 day.

Bug in power management? Sounds more and more like that to me!
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Last edited by tortoisedoc; 2013-06-29 at 15:57.

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known bug. no fix for it.
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Originally Posted by coderus View Post
known bug. no fix for it.
Well, was not known to me :P (that the bug was known, I knew the bug).
Apologies for the double posting in that case.

Is power management code behind closed source?
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Experienced this bug for the first time while geocaching last winter. GPS on, OpenStreetmaps loading through 3G. Thought the cold was bad for the battery.

But also in summertime it happens. Suddenly down to 4%, and after going into flight mode and power saving mode, the battery may eventually come back to 43%. Quite annoying.
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This poster removed all battery monitoring apps and is happier now.
Atleast old Battery Icon app had a problem.

Read update.

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Originally Posted by Wallace View Post
This poster removed all battery monitoring apps and is happier now.
Atleast old Battery Icon app had a problem.

Read update.

hmm you mean duicontrolpanel-batteryapplet?
That is open source.
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