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Hi Leute,

ich bring das mit dem flashen nicht hin es kommt immer die Fehlermeldung im DOS "Suitable USB device not found, waiting!

Das Handy hab ich ausgeschalten, dann auf U gedrückt und man sieht auch im Fenster nur das Nokia Zeichen und rechts oben das USB Zeichen.

Kennt jemand das Problem und kann mir evtl. helfen ?

Danke und Gruß

Folgende Dateien habe ich verwendet:

Maemo Flasher 3.5
und diese RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin (wobei ich es auch mit anderen Versionen schon versucht habe)

Diese Anleitung hab ich verwendet:

Name:  Nokia N900 Flash Fehler.jpg
Views: 465
Size:  91.6 KB

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Are you trying to flash from a 64 bit Windows system? It's better to do it from a 32 bit OS.

Also, the rootfs image you are using is too old. At least try to use 1.3.

Here are the instructions I have followed many times to flash without a problem, both in Windows XP 32 bit and Ubuntu 32 bit (notice I'm flashing both rootfs and VANILLA, and that will wipe your whole eMMC. If you just want rootfs just flash rootfs):

For a newer rootfs image (and also a VANILLA image, in case you need it) refer to:

Also, try a different USB port / cable / computer if you continue having problems.

Last edited by malfunctioning; 2014-10-28 at 00:20.

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peterleinchen's Avatar
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Falls du wirklich ein Win7 64bit hast (geht auch), dann brauchst du libusb32. Such hier im Forum oder direkt auf sourceforge. Damit geht es problemlos.

From now on English please.
SIM-Switcher, automated SIM switching with a Double (Dual) SIM adapter
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Ich konnte diese thredschen forsteen. Ich spreche keine dutch. Danke schon. Pleaisch schpeak englisch.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Ich spreche keine dutch.
Neither do I, gewoon een beetje.
Maar natuurlijk we continue in English....
SIM-Switcher, automated SIM switching with a Double (Dual) SIM adapter
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Es ist besser, ein Linuxsystem zu verwenden.

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Originally Posted by jellyroll View Post
Es ist besser, ein Linuxsystem zu verwenden.
And now the Dutch people speak German.

Yes it it always better to use a Linux system. Always. But sometimes you are forced or just bound. And I flashed from Debian as well as XP or Win7 64 bit.
SIM-Switcher, automated SIM switching with a Double (Dual) SIM adapter
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Last edited by peterleinchen; 2014-10-28 at 20:57.

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Posts: 330 | Thanked: 556 times | Joined on Oct 2012
Here's one reinob, javispedro, and other Spaniards will appreciate.

How do you say "public bus" in German?

Answer: Subanestrujenbajen.

Last edited by malfunctioning; 2014-10-29 at 02:25.

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endsormeans's Avatar
Posts: 3,141 | Thanked: 8,164 times | Joined on Feb 2013 @ From my Gabriola Island hermitage, near the Edge of the World
Hahaha..o malfunctioning! ...

For years and years and years I wondered...
Since I was a kid I loved film from all over the world...
Now I know why I have never seen a german action film with public buses in it!
The bad guys and good would have missed the bus countless times!
Just in trying to tell everyone else ..."Hey everybody quick! Get on the damn Subanestrujenbajen!"
Lurker since 2007, Member since 2013, Certifiable since 1972

Owner of :
1-n770 (in retirement), 3-n800's / 3-n810's (still in daily use), 5-n900's ((3 are flawless, 1 loose usb ( parts), 1 has no telephony (parts))
3-nexus 5's : 1 w/ Floko Pie 9.1 (running beautifully) waiting for Stable Droid 10 rom, 1 w/ ̶Ubuntu Touch, 1 with Maru OS (intend maemo leste when ready)

1/2 - neo900 pre- "purchased" in 2013. N̶o̶w̶ ̶A̶w̶a̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶r̶e̶f̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶c̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶e̶w̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ - neo900 start up declared officially dead -
Lost invested funds.

PIMP MY N8X0 (Idiot's Guide and a video walkthrough)
242gb ON N800

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Originally Posted by malfunctioning View Post
Here's one reinob, javispedro, and other Spaniards will appreciate.

How do you say "public bus" in German?

Answer: Subanestrujenbajen.
LOL. Here the back-translation to German:


PS: let's not derail this thread..

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flashing n900

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