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In case somebody missed these I would like to highlight some improvements since day 1:
- Now both the kernel and twrp can be flashed as an .img from twrp (no need for PC and heimdall anymore)
- Plus I uploaded a kernel with Flatpak support
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edp17, why don't you open a new thread on XDA and report your work there as well? It can be more visible than here for new users!
Edit: why not also on
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Fortunately, the SailfishOS-porter guys do very seriously know their business and they are extremely helpful.
From here I would like to emphasize my gratitude towards them for helping me in this project! Thank you!
Before you start to download anything, please read it carefully.
The first requirement is your device must be rooted and you should be able to install a custom recovery (preferably TWRP) onto it.
For this ROM you can either use the stock partitions or you can re-partition to give more space to /system and /data. It doesn't matter which one you chose, I tried and both worked well.
Or if you scroll down to the New partition layout, you can use a completely unique partition layout which gives the most of the internal storage to Sailfish OS. (I currently use my device with this setup.)
Installation instructions:
1. Download all files, CM12.1 zip, Sailfish OS zip, twrp2.8.7.img and kernel*.img to the external SD card on the phone
2. Reboot into TWRP (Hold buttons: Power on + Home + Volume up)
3. Do a factory reset
4. Still in recovery, flash the CM12.1 image
5. Still in recovery, flash Sailfish Os image
6. Still in recovery, flash twrp2.8.7.img to recovery partition
7. Still in recovery, flash kernel*.img to boot partition (this step is not required since sfos 4.4, kernel is installed by flashing the zip file)
8. Reboot
9. Enjoy the latest ( Sailfish OS on your i9100.
You will need patience as the first boot will take for a while. Then you can go through the initial Sailfish OS set up.
This Sailfish OS Android HAL based on CM 12.1.
Some useful patches:
Apps from Openrepos
Apart from the Jolla store there are plenty of other, community made apps in Openrepos. There is a user-friendly app to install/remove apps from this source called Storeman. It can be downloaded and install from this location: Storeman
In Ubuntu, connect USB cable. telnet 2323 or SSH nemo@
How to make a backup/restore with TWRP:
Now the old clunky method is no longer needed. Once you flashed the twrp2.8.7.img to the recovery partition you can boot into TWRP with the usual button combination (Hold buttons: Power on + Home + Volume up) and can make backup/restore.
Instructions for bluetooth (Since Sfos 4.3, BT works normally, don't need this magic)
BT works however turning it on/off is not as user friendly as I hoped. Here is a little instruction/troubleshooting.
Turn BT on (It only works from Settings/Bluetooth!!!!! DON'T try from TOP MENU!!):
If BT hasn't turned on since last boot:
If BT has turned on at least once since last boot:
Turning BT off: Go to Settings/Bluetooth and tap on the white dot next to the Bluetooth option.
Notice: Never try to tap on the white dot twice without going back to the main menu of Settings.
Never try to turn BT on from Top Menu.
However, if you accidentally did any of these BT cannot be turned on again unless you:
- reboot the device (this is the easiest) or
- in a command line as root issue the following command 'systemctl restart bluetooth-rfkill-event.service' (this will restart the bluetooth-rfkill-event service)
I am not sure how pairing works with different devices.New partition layout
I mentioned that I tried this Sailfish OS installation with the stock partitions and with another what created for Android 7.1.2. With the stock partitions however was a bit more sluggish than the other one. No wonder as in the stock partitions the /system has only 0.5GB and the /data has only 2GB storage and the rest 12GB is the separate internal storage (eMMC). In Sailfish the entire os (rootfs) including all directories (like /home) live on the /data partition so the 2GB was a bit tight. (The OS itself consumes about 1GB so not much left for apps and other stuff.)
With the other partition layout, the picture was a bit better as the /system had 1GB, the /data got 4GB and the rest 9GB remained for the internal storage. But the partition where the OS lives was separated from the 9GB partition. When I installed a few apps and copied some big files into the /home, I felt the limitation very soon.
Although this layout was sufficient for android but not good enough for Sailfish.
Therefore I have created my own partition table where I restructured the sizes accordingly to my need. (The lanchon repit zip file is available in the download section.)
In this new layout I gave 1GB for the /system (the prior 0.5GB was also fine as the CM12.1 base consumed only 400MB which let a 100MB free space, but I thought that might be not enough in the future so I have chosen 1GB here), I gave only 8MB for the internal storage (eMMC which is mounted into /android directory in this rom), and this made me possible to gave all the rest 14GB to the /data partition. So basically the Sailfish apps and /home can utilize the entire internal storage.
As an extra, on the S2 there is a 0.5GB /preload partition which is hidden and unused by default. In my partition setup I set 7MB to this and the rest almost 0.5GB is also added to the /data.
Go back to stock partitions
In case you would like to do this, you can download the stock partition pit file from the download section.
For this use Odin v1.83 which is also in the download section.
The steps are:
Sailfish OS is available to download. This requires a different kernel. Both of these can be found in the download section above.
General advice: Patience! All (except camera) apps do start and work but they do need time. This is true for websites. When you clicked on something, wait patiently, eventually, it will start/load.
Know issue: The camera app crashes and the device reboots.
Improvement: Stock browser stable and works!
Sailfish OS is available to download. This requires a different kernel. Both of these can be found in the download section above.
Sailfish OS is available to download. This requires a different kernel. Both of these can be found in the download section above.
Sailfish OS is available to download. This requires a different kernel. Both of these can be found in the download section above.
Note: With the new version the patch that displays the provider logo at the bottom on the lock screen stopped working. This issue is not related to the OS. The owner of the app should fix it.
Update: In Openrepos Kodi is fixed for SFOS!
Do not work:
There is an extra little issue is a delay in screen refresh which is related to how vsync is handled in v10 backend in qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin. I managed to improve this but there is a little delay still. Probably this is the reason why we need to jump back to Settings every time before trying to turn BT on, but I am not sure.
Battery life:
In my experience the battery life is good. On standby, it can survive 10 days. (Almost 11.) I have checked once or twice daily during this period.
Porting SailfishOS to some devices:
Last edited by edp17; 2022-10-20 at 10:27. Reason: is available