Poll: would you like to have BackTrack 5 on your n900?
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would you like to have BackTrack 5 on your n900?

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kingoddball's Avatar
Posts: 1,187 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Australia
it's not working though.... is it??
build for xoom?
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!
Posts: 182 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Jordan
Originally Posted by kingoddball View Post
it's not working though.... is it??
build for xoom?
never tested ! hehe

"A basic ARM BackTrack image which can be chrooted into from android enabled devices" this what they've said
Posts: 219 | Thanked: 80 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Has anybody got this working yet
I would try this if i had an 8gb sd card i am pretty sure that "!booting" it would be easy its getting it work properly that is the problem
Has anybody tried chrooting into it
P.S move this thread to alternatives since it is a possible alternative os for the n900 not a competitor
Posts: 182 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Jordan
The Readme file:

BackTrack 5 ARM Edition Quick Start

This image has been developed and tested on the Motorola Xoom. Your mileage may vary on other devices.
As this image runs in a chroot, you will need to have your device rooted. There are numerous tutorials on the subject online and are not included here.

***Rooting your device will potentially void its warranty and we are not in any way resposible if you brick your device while rooting it.


1. Since the image runs in a chroot, there is no root password set.

2. There are 2 scripts under /usr/bin/ 'startvnc' and 'stopvnc' that are set to start with the Xoom's default resolution.

3. The current vnc password is set to 'toortoor' and can be changed by running 'vncpasswd'

4. This image is a work in progress and suggestions/tips from the community are always welcome.


1. Once you have downloaded the ARM BT package, save the files in a convenient location. The steps below assume they are in the platform-tools folder of the Android SDK.

2. Go to your platform-tools directory and proceed to make a directory on the device to store BT5:
./adb shell
mkdir /sdcard/BT5

3. Copy over the busybox install files:
./adb push busybox /sdcard/
./adb push installbusybox.sh /sdcard

4. Install busybox on the device:
./adb shell
cd /sdcard/
sh installbusybox.sh

5. Transfer the required BT5 files to the device:
./adb push fsrw /sdcard/BT5/
./adb push mountonly /sdcard/BT5/
./adb push bootbt /sdcard/BT5/
./adb push bt5.img.gz /sdcard/BT5/
./adb push unionfs /sdcard/BT5/

6. Uncompress the image and start BT5:
./adb shell
cd /sdcard/BT5
gunzip bt5.img.gz
sh bootbt

If all goes well, you'll be in the BT5 chroot:

# sh bootbt
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
root@localhost:/# ls /pentest/
backdoors database exploits passwords scanners stressing voip
cisco enumeration forensics python sniffers tunneling web
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so that means we need to run it in chroot instead of booting. Becuz we need the kernel of the device, or didn't I understand it right?
Posts: 182 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Jordan
Originally Posted by mr_pingu View Post
so that means we need to run it in chroot instead of booting. Becuz we need the kernel of the device, or didn't I understand it right?
ya i think so we need to run it in chroot
but is this limitid to android phones?
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 274 times | Joined on Jul 2010
It runs on chroot just fine , however some one has to do the work to get it to work like easy debian .

if you just want a basic chroot :

extract the image on your pc .

use dd to get the image onto a partition on your sdcard ,

then check that partition for errors and resize the file system to fit the partition .

disconnect your n900 from pc and reboot if you have repartitioned the sdcard .

then mkdir mnt/bt5 and then mount /dev/mmcblk1pX /mnt/bt5
chroot /mnt/bt5

thats all .

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Posts: 1,187 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Australia
We need Qole!
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!

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Posts: 36 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Belgium
Running BAT 5 on the N900 is quite nice. I really would like to do that: BT 5 is much more than wireless cracking.
However, I do believe that the N900 is not right device to do a full penetration exercise.
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria
Originally Posted by fatcobrah View Post
karam said that it's impossible to mount it bcoz of it's size so try it on ur MicroSD

if i use the script which gives me all of the internal memory http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=768794&postcount=1
i think this way will let me mount it from eMMC right?
well that is correct it will work but believe you don't wanna have all the internal memory

the best way is to backup your rootfs and optfs with backupmenu application
then hex the emmc.bin (vannial defaul) and reflash your n900 with the hexed emmc then restore you backup

btw to hex the emmc open the emmc.bin file with any hex editor and search for string partition you will see a bit below numbers :
2048 change them for ex : 8192 to have 8 gb optfs so MyDocs will be 22 gb after the reflash

and to restore backup with backupmenu (if you don't know) you will see 3 options 1:restore rootfs 2:restore rootf and optfs 3:restore optfs
it is recomended by me to restore the optfs then the rootfs and not restoring them together
cause restoring them together has made a f**ken problem to me
i had to reflash my n900 to a previos firmware then to the newst firrmware strange problem

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