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bockersjv's Avatar
Posts: 857 | Thanked: 1,206 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Chertsey in the Thames, United Kingdom
Just seen this. I bought Sygic whne it emerged. The latest version 10 was an embarrasing pile of pooh. A typical hour long journey involved the application crashing 2-3 times. Signal getting lost and never re-connecting unless app was re-started. Re-starting it required stopping that car as there are two or three screens to get through,

Then there is the routing. OMG, it took me down unmade roads and accross fords and was frankly useless if driving in rural locations. A recent journey involved it taking me round in a big circle of urban roads TWICE only to appear in at the same spot.

I now have it running sometimes just for fun to see how convoluted a route it would take me on for journeys I am familiar with. I even paid for the traffic add on, what a waste of money.

I've gone back to using my Tom Tom
Proud owner of Jolla phone, number 274.

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Originally Posted by zehjotkah View Post
I'm not using the live traffic feature, but I assume it works the same way as on Android/Symbian. So it should work.
Yes, it SHOULD. It SHOULD not have been taken off line in the first place. Sygic SHOULD have rolled out an update the removed the need for activation if they were going to turn the servers off.

Quite a lot of SHOULD there. Not known for their customer service though - experience of two products (this and McGuider a few years ago) has proven that. Perhaps Slovakia doesn't have the same level of consumer law we expect.

Last edited by alynsparkes; 2011-05-18 at 14:41.

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For the few who wondered how to reinstall MM after a reflash and with the repo down( like myself a couple of days ago)..... Just use xterm to install the deb which you should have gotten with your for me i used dpkg -i /media/mmc1/Downloads/SetupMobileMaps.deb. I have not activated yet...maps are on my computer and its late...researched everywhere to work this out all night..should work though. will take care of it tomorrow and report if anyone is interested.
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If you are really THAT desperate then just search for the crack - you already paid for it anyway.

This is what happens if you do not use a mainstream OS - commercial companies can just drop you at any time.
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Originally Posted by Frappacino View Post
If you are really THAT desperate then just search for the crack - you already paid for it anyway.

This is what happens if you do not use a mainstream OS - commercial companies can just drop you at any time.
they haven't dropped it...
Posts: 619 | Thanked: 691 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by zehjotkah View Post
they haven't dropped it...
Someone should change the thread heading then

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Posts: 55 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Not a crack my friend. It installed the deb I paid for which couldn't be installed thru HAM because the repo is down. Won't activate my search for how to i did come across a crack....but didnt use it as they (sygic ) has a responsibility to I and every other maemo customer, which I personally want them to uphold. But perchance if I did use the crack would that be wrong considering what they did to paying customers? This is a large entity which obviously doesn't care about its customers while I am one small chip in the matrix. how much work would it have been for them to reactivate the repo? Ive seen maemo repos go down several times due to whatever fault...and the longest I have seen is two days. If they want to fix this and we were important it would be done by now instead of almost being two-three weeks.
Originally Posted by Frappacino View Post
If you are really THAT desperate then just search for the crack - you already paid for it anyway.

This is what happens if you do not use a mainstream OS - commercial companies can just drop you at any time.
Posts: 55 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by Sekou718 View Post
Not a crack my friend. It installed the deb I paid for which couldn't be installed thru HAM because the repo is down. Won't activate my search for how to i did come across a crack....but didnt use it as they (sygic ) has a responsibility to I and every other maemo customer, which I personally want them to uphold. But perchance if I did use the crack would that be wrong considering what they did to paying customers? This is a large entity which obviously doesn't care about its customers while I am one small chip in the matrix. how much work would it have been for them to reactivate the repo? Ive seen maemo repos go down several times due to whatever fault...and the longest I have seen is two days. If they want to fix this and we were important it would be done by now instead of almost being two-three weeks.
btw i misunderstood your sorry for that...but the rest of my statement stands.
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Jul 2008
Does anybody have the latest update, as the repostitory is down..
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by zehjotkah View Post
A comment from Sygic:

the repository will be up again, soon.
Still down

buysomethinelse, goodbye sygic

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