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laasonen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post

If you've used airmon-ng to make a mon0 interface, your wlan0 interface is still in normal managed mode, and you should use "mon0" as the interface over which to inject and capture packets, etc.

Also, you need to have iw installed in order to use airmon-ng (without it, airmon-ng doesn't work, and instead of getting a convenient mon0 interface, you have to manually put wlan0 into monitor mode using iwconfig). iw, however, currently conflicts with aircrack-ng. I've removed the conflict in iw's control file, but can't get iw to build right in the autobuilder yet, so in the meantime, there's a .deb I've precompiled in the [Announce] Aircrack-NG 1.1 thread, about 30-or-so posts in, that you can install instead of the iw in the repositories, which doesn't conflict with the aircrack-ng in the repository.
You or someone seem to have typed "sleep 1s" instead of "sleep 1" somewhere :/
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Originally Posted by laasonen View Post
You or someone seem to have typed "sleep 1s" instead of "sleep 1" somewhere :/
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "sleep 1s" instead of "sleep 1"? What are you referring to?
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Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "sleep 1s" instead of "sleep 1"? What are you referring to?
This error:
Nokia-N900:~# airmon-ng start wlan0

Interface	Chipset		Driver

wlan0		TI WL1251	wl12xx - [phy0]sleep: invalid number '1s'

				(monitor mode enabled on mon0)

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Oh, that. I don't know what that's about, and mine gives me the same error all the time, but notice the part where it says "(monitor mode enabled on mon0)"? That means it worked. If you run iwconfig or ifconfig you will now see a mon0 interface in monitor mode.
laasonen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
Oh, that. I don't know what that's about, and mine gives me the same error all the time, but notice the part where it says "(monitor mode enabled on mon0)"? That means it worked. If you run iwconfig or ifconfig you will now see a mon0 interface in monitor mode.
Yes, I have been using it over hour now without problems
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It's definitely summer, the script kiddies are out from school.
Pirate Party UK -

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Originally Posted by karam View Post
Correct i saw it funny cause i use mitm a lot
and using it to cut users off is funny for me
A punch in the mouth is sometimes funny to see as well, what you are doing is called "denial of service" - most countries have laws covering exactly this type of activity. You disrupt other users of a system that you don't even own - Why?

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laasonen's Avatar
Posts: 565 | Thanked: 618 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by dchky View Post
A punch in the mouth is sometimes funny to see as well, what you are doing is called "denial of service" - most countries have laws covering exactly this type of activity. You disrupt other users of a system that you don't even own - Why?
Blocking file sharers from public wlans when they are jamming the whole station would be useful Not not necessarily legal, but what are you going to
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Maybe and i don't use dos attake to bother people i just use it to cut of the internet from my brother computer so he goes to study

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In my uni in Thailand, this would also be useful for kicking out users who suck up the bandwidth with their downloads. They screw things for the rest of us.

Peoples concepts of illegality are classified in psychology. Don't because they say so is one step up from I can do it because I have the power. A real healthy approach would be understanding the functions a law serves, and following the law based on our perception of the function that the law is serving.

The European union just banned mint, with a whole bunch of other medicinal plants. The ban originated from business interests, which is the function that the ban serves. If you disagree with the function, it is better to ignore one law, then to loose trust in the concept of law and community at a larger scale.

These issues are based on the social contract, a concept people would do well to relearn.

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hacking, hax!! *monitor*, no harm done, script kiddies, spoon fed

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