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Posts: 28 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Sep 2010
When I tried to use:
find -name \*mp3 | sort > playlist.m3u
I get this error message:
-sh: cannot create playlist.m3u: Permission denied

It worked on other folders.

The Following User Says Thank You to fidel For This Useful Post:
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it is app called Headphone control... with this app you can pause/play media player. So why you cant do some app to use other buttons. I thing it is posible.

Last edited by Nnet; 2011-02-09 at 17:02.
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2010
This is ridiculous. There should be a better way .
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Feb 2010
I would like to create a (random?) playlist of all musicvideos (*.mp4) in the folder .videos/Musik/

Can someone help?

Last edited by redhotfoo; 2011-04-15 at 01:13.

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I have my N900 now for 2 weeks and, after the usual stumbling, I managed to solve the playlist issue the EASY WAY:

-1: First install the excellent CL (command line) player called 'mplayer':
This is without a doubt the most universal mediaplayer available to maemo.

From now on, no matter how you proceed with the playlist issue, you'll always be able to enjoy the benefits of 2 players that can operate simultaneously: I do that: I watch video using mplayer (it plays all kind of formats the standard player is incapable of) while listening to additional music using the standard mediaplayer;

-2: Install the graphical shell around mplayer known as 'KMplayer', as not all of us are CL-wizards: One likes to operate from the desktop;

-3: All us musiclovers lived in a stone-age once, where we walked around with mp3-players that could only follow directory- and file-order: Hence we organized our affairs in directory-structures that made sense to us. This organisation we migrated from machine to machine, and now it ended up in the N900, maybe on an SD-card that was in the previous hardware. So, assuming all that:

a) Open KMplayer;
b) Tap the menu bar on top called 'kmplayer';
c) From the kmplayer-menu choose 'Generate Playlist';
d) From the Generate Playlist-menu choose 'Directory Media Scanner';
e) A directory-browser is presented to you: Browse 'till you find;
f) To open any directory INCLUDING all of it's subdirectories for playing, tap it when it is 'buttonized', right next to the 'back'-arrow ...

... and there you are: Your stuff is played to you just as you organized it ...

Henceforth you can take another advantage, but I'll describe that in a next comment, as this is my first one, and I don't know yet if length is limited here.

The Following User Says Thank You to Armando For This Useful Post:
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Now that you find yourself listening to your music just the way you organized it, through the benefits of KMplayer's 'Directory Media Scanner', take a most useful advantage of the situation:

g) Tap the menu bar on top now called 'Directory Media Scanner';
h) From the Directory Media Scanner-menu choose 'Playlist Options';
i) From the Playlist Options-menu choose 'Export as m3u';
j) A dialog box with 2 fields appears:
k) In the first (and selected) one, edit a name for the playlist-to-be;
l) Tap the 2nd field, which is a button carrying the name of the directory that was written to on the previous occasion, in order to choose a directory to write the playlist to ... N.B. It really doesn't matter to much which directory you choose, as the standard mediaplayer, for which you are producing this file, will find it anyway anywhere (as long as it is a child of 'MyDocs') ... so you are quite free to follow your own internal logic ...
m) Tap the 'Save'-button, and done it is ...

Now you have a 'your_playlist.m3u'-file, that is usable by the standard mediaplayer, for those occasions that you wish that one to play the music by playlist, while KMplayer does something else:

Did you know these m3u-files are just plaintext, and can be edited even by 'notes'?

Every item in it requires nothing more than a path-line ended by carriage return looking like this:

/media/mmc1/Audios/Music/Licht/WCPAEB/1967_Vol2-BT/Vol2_10-Tracy Had A Hard Day Sunday_YT.mp3

... where '/media/mmc1/' is the mounted SD-card,
'Audios/Music/Licht/WCPAEB/1967_Vol2-BT/' the user-made path to the file, and
'Vol2_10-Tracy Had A Hard Day Sunday_YT.mp3' is the file itself ... or:

/home/user/MyDocs/Muziek/Klassiek/Bach_JS/BWV1080-Die Kunst der Fuge_Gustav Leonhardt/BWV1080-04_Fuga a 4 voci_Leonhardt-1-02.mp3

... where '/home/user/MyDocs/' is your starting point for data on n900's internal memory,
'Muziek/Klassiek/Bach_JS/BWV1080-Die Kunst der Fuge_Gustav Leonhardt/' is the user-made path to the file, and
'BWV1080-04_Fuga a 4 voci_Leonhardt-1-02.mp3' is the file itself.

Other lines, like '#EXTM3U' or '#EXTINF' are not essential and can be deleted if you wish:

Main point however is that in this file you organize WHAT you want to hear/see, and the ORDER in which you want to see it.

Now you know it all: Have fun!

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Posts: 47 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Antipodes
Ok, I have trawled this thread how can I delete a playlist? I have tried to no avail!!!!
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Can i make a playlist using wmp on pc and save it to phone?

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