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Originally Posted by lemmyslender View Post
A couple years ago, I wanted a tablet tethered to a phone. The N900 was a nice convergence device. Now, I'm back to a tethered tablet. This thread seems to be one of the better sources for info thanks to Capt'n's diligence. I almost wish they'd switch back to ITT, and open up the discussion to other tablets more (as opposed to competitors).
I was thinking the same thing just today. ITT would be a much more suitable place for discussion, and for people like you and me that don't mind a broader conversation, would be a wonderful place to synergize.

It seems that is still going, and Reggie is still hosting it (at the very least, he maintains the name servers). Though it looks like it's not doing much of anything other than forwarding to for discussion.

Originally Posted by lemmyslender View Post
But big thanks to Capt'n for keeping it going.
Awww.. Thanks! You just made my day!

To be honest, it would be lovely if there was a site that accepted posts from its members and based on rankings filtered posts based on popularity. I just realized, I'm describing slashdot, though something a bit more tablet-oriented..

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
...but we've managed to make connections here with intelligent and interesting people we don't necessarily want to lose touch with in case.. something? happens to this forum and we lose touch. I wanted to ask the question of this particular thread of Android watchers... where would you go if TMO were to disappear? Would any of us run into each other? More importantly, how can we continue to talk to each other in the absence of TMO? ...or does that matter at all?


I personally would be continuing to frequent the Droid Fans group in Facebook and browse through XDA Forums and the rare visit to I wouldn't mind added some of you to Facebook and I'm pretty sure most of you are probably on XDA. I'm not so sure about I've seen some of you there too, but I have far less to say there seeing as how I can't use MeeGo (that itself being an issue!).
I am H3llb0und in every other forum including XDA.
And I also would like to add some of you in Facebook
Mobile: HTC Desire HD @ 1.2GHz | Revolution HD ( Gingerbread 2.3.5 ) and LauncherPro Just waiting for ICS!!!
Tablet: Asus Eee Pad Transformer @ 1.4GHz | Revolution HD ( Honeycomb 3.2.1 ) Just waiting for ICS!!!
Lost: Nokia N900

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Waiting for my SGS2, which will result in the retirement of my n900.

I'll miss the keyboard, and the convenience of linux out of the box but it is time to upgrade.

So have any of the other android converts in this thread found a workaround for the "swipe from the left to get a cursor" option that allows maemo to interact with css menus and other mouse events?

I am surprised this idea hasn't been copied by every other mobile browser by now.

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Posts: 395 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Boone, IA
I've been frequenting (ok lurking ) the Nook Color threads over at XDA.

Occasionally reading other stuff as the topic grabs me...

I'm Snoshrk on most forums....
Nook Color
CM7 Nightly

N800 (retired...soon to eBay)
Favorite Apps: CommunitySSU,DiabloTurbo, Flipclock, Keepnote, Dialcentral, Gizmo5 ,MediaBox/pyFMradio, Telescope,Diablo5 theme, Tear, Personal Menu/Launcher, OMWeather,Blubbels, Advanced Power/ to play with Garnet6...

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Originally Posted by H3llb0und View Post
I am H3llb0und in every other forum including XDA.
And I also would like to add some of you in Facebook
Certainly! For you and for anyone that wants to do so, I'm simply Dan Ramos on Facebook (with the same avatar image as seen here) and on most forums I'm either 'danramos' or sometimes 'Mi1ezDR' (a reference to a cartoony avatar I'd drawn for myself years ago named Miles).

Feel free to add seek me out and add me to your list--but be sure to tell me who you are (or were, in case this site disappears) on here and be sure to say that NegatronDan sent ya.

Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
Waiting for my SGS2, which will result in the retirement of my n900.

I'll miss the keyboard, and the convenience of linux out of the box but it is time to upgrade.

So have any of the other android converts in this thread found a workaround for the "swipe from the left to get a cursor" option that allows maemo to interact with css menus and other mouse events?

I am surprised this idea hasn't been copied by every other mobile browser by now.
Welcome aboard, lad. I've never run into that before on any Android browser. Seems like a decent idea, though I've noticed that mouse-over's seem to work as expected when I use a real bluetooth mouse (where you get a cursor) with my Motorola Droid to browse the web. I suspect that, since this seems supported, it might be easy for someone to make a simple cursor hack for Android to GENERALLY support some kind of HID mouse-emulating device with the finger if it's initiated in some funky way like that "swipe from the left" thing. Wouldn't even have to be supported by the browser--it would just work anywhere in any app, then. Thanks for letting me know it even exists.

Originally Posted by Snoshrk View Post
I've been frequenting (ok lurking ) the Nook Color threads over at XDA.

Occasionally reading other stuff as the topic grabs me...

I'm Snoshrk on most forums....
I've not seen you around but then I think the only problem I have with XDA is that it's SO huge that it's hard to run into anybody else you might know from here.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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Posts: 395 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Boone, IA
Originally Posted by danramos View Post
I've not seen you around but then I think the only problem I have with XDA is that it's SO huge that it's hard to run into anybody else you might know from here.
Have a grand total of 1 post there and that today
Nook Color
CM7 Nightly

N800 (retired...soon to eBay)
Favorite Apps: CommunitySSU,DiabloTurbo, Flipclock, Keepnote, Dialcentral, Gizmo5 ,MediaBox/pyFMradio, Telescope,Diablo5 theme, Tear, Personal Menu/Launcher, OMWeather,Blubbels, Advanced Power/ to play with Garnet6...

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I wonder is anyone looking forward to the Sony S2. I think the dual 5 inch screen is a very cool idea. I think Sony created the ideal Nokia n810 replacement. The device is still pocketable and the screens are more than large enough for viewing at extended periods of time. I love the design and form factor. Why must Sony continually find ways to empty my wallet.

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Here is another demonstration of the S2

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debernardis's Avatar
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I don't think we are at the end of TMO unless Reggie is already fed up with it. There is still plenty of us interested in maemos and the recent farewells seem to be due more to personal reasons than to a failure of the devices in getting love.
I would however like very much a better and more open organization of the forums, with a real subsection devoted to android and to other platforms.
Finally, fwiw, I am debernardis on all forums as well as on twitter; full name on FB.
Ernesto de Bernardis


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frostbyte's Avatar
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I'm fo' sho looking at Android as a viable next step, as the ever-elusive Nokia replacement for my N900 seems to get farther and farther, despite a 5000+ post thread... If the N9 does show up with a hwkb it'll be a go for me, otherwise Android seems to have sooo much more going on every week, it's absolutely a non-stop hardware-software fest out there!

It is interesting how the vibe on TMO seems to be a constant roller-coaster ride, though not blaming the lot, recent news from Nokia have been anything but encouraging. Otoh, I've found plenty of fresh breeze through new devel on the N900 so I'm not quite ready to call it quits.

I've lurked around xda-dev forums here and there, mainly for some co-workers who've heard of "rooting" yet had no idea where to begin with. All in all a well maintained group of wikis and seems to be so much less bickering between posters.
[ArchLinux|OpenBox blissness]

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