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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
Oh, my mistake. Judging from the introduction to OSS in their developerWorks portal, IBM might be a charity?

"IBM has committed to open source in a big way with contributions to more than 120 projects, including more than $1 billion in Linux® development."

Might want to spend all those time coloring and formatting your posts to researching and fact checking your arguments instead
since when is contributing = earning money?
you may want to learn some basic accounting.

the reason why IBM contributes to Linux is because some companies want to run Linux over IBM's property OSes (AIX, OS/400 or MVS and the like) but still want to make use of the hardware quality of IBM.
IBM's PDF: «it also provides flexibility, choice, and an attractive total cost of ownership that can benefit IBM customers.»
maybe you should learn to read, too?
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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
Have you actually used any Japanese phones? They got nice screens and camera, that is all.

Imo the hotspots are in USA, Korea and Scandinavia that got still most of the companies building the networks around globe, but relevance as phone manufacturers and trend setters is nothing like it was in 2000-2007.
People over at Finland where using phones more than anybody else in the globe back in 2006, now they are behind UK. Mostly because of Symbian still having much larger market share than anywhere else.
Beg to differ
You may be right about the Japanese phones though.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post
Not wrong (especially relative to Redmond and Cupertino), but note that Google don't release source code to all project participants at the same time (which breaks the model a bit IMO).

Err... what? Just get a Blackberry Storm (ha ha) from eBay or something. Am I missing something here?

edit: btw i would never buy blackberry or iphone simple as that
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Originally Posted by paweltrzpis View Post

edit: btw i would never buy blackberry or iphone simple as that
I'm familiar with the term. I'm just wondering what a Nokia device is going to do for me which would make me excited about mobile haptics.

At University 10 years ago I got to wear a glove which could 'feel' objects which existed only in a 3D modelling program. That was cool. I'm not sure Nokia is going to introduce that into anything announced on Tuesday.

So, having established that I'm missing something: I'm interested. What is it that I'm missing?

...and yes, my BB Storm suggestion was a joke (well, like a joke but without the funny bit, a bit like the Storm itself).
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Last edited by shallimus; 2011-06-17 at 21:01.
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hey boys here there is the time in which there it will be the conference 10.00am - 12.00pm...but my question is this time is GMT+??? is the time in singapore, in australia, in finland, in usa or where?
erendorn's Avatar
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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
since when is contributing = earning money?
you may want to learn some basic accounting.

the reason why IBM contributes to Linux is because some companies want to run Linux over IBM's property OSes (AIX, OS/400 or MVS and the like) but still want to make use of the hardware quality of IBM.
IBM's PDF: «it also provides flexibility, choice, and an attractive total cost of ownership that can benefit IBM customers.»
maybe you should learn to read, too?
Well, it's a wild guess, but you can consider that IBM would sell less if they contributed less to Linux (as you quoted, «it also provides flexibility, choice, and an attractive total cost of ownership that can benefit IBM customers.», and customers bring money)
So it is fair to say that IBM earnings are partially caused by the Linux servers attractiveness, and that they effectively earn money from open source.
It's not because you don't sell something that you don't earn money out of it. There are different business models out there.

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Originally Posted by viic View Post
hey boys here there is the time in which there it will be the conference 10.00am - 12.00pm...but my question is this time is GMT+??? is the time in singapore, in australia, in finland, in usa or where?
Why wouldn't the times on the link you've given be in Singapore time? That's where the event is after all.

As for how that relates to you, Google suggests:
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erendorn's Avatar
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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post
So, having established that I'm missing something: I'm interested. What is it that I'm missing?
You are interested in open devices running gnu/linux
=> Nokia makes a handset with this characteristic and some other characteristic you don't care about
=> this second characteristic appeal to the market
=> the handset sells a lot, bring profit to Nokia
=> Nokia support the handset more
=> An open device running gnu/linux get more support
=> profit!!

Well, at least that is how I feel about it

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misterc's Avatar
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Originally Posted by erendorn View Post
Well, it's a wild guess, but you can consider that IBM would sell less if they contributed less to Linux (as you quoted, «it also provides flexibility, choice, and an attractive total cost of ownership that can benefit IBM customers.», and customers bring money)
So it is fair to say that IBM earnings are partially caused by the Linux servers attractiveness, and that they effectively earn money from open source.
It's not because you don't sell something that you don't earn money out of it. There are different business models out there.
like you point out yourself, the GNU/Linux business model isn't quite that obvious.
but, let's say a customer buying an IBM System p decides to run GNU/Linux on it. did IBM make money thanks to GNU/Linux?
wouldn't IBM have made even MORE money, had the customer dumbly bought an AIX license (IBM's Unix) and went on renewing the license for the system's lifetime?

this being said, NOKIA is becoming a hardware company too since they are letting Symbian run out and have more or less pulled out of active GNU/Linux development.
does NOKIA's contribution to GNU/Linux help them sell more devices?
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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
like you point out yourself, the GNU/Linux business model isn't quite that obvious.
but, let's say a customer buying an IBM System p decides to run GNU/Linux on it. did IBM make money thanks to GNU/Linux?
wouldn't IBM have made even MORE money, had the customer dumbly bought an AIX license (IBM's Unix) and went on renewing the license for the system's lifetime?

this being said, NOKIA is becoming a hardware company too since they are letting Symbian run out and have more or less pulled out of active GNU/Linux development.
does NOKIA's contribution to GNU/Linux help them sell more devices?
Yes, if you "sell something" by opposition as "not sell something because the whole package is too expensive", you actually make money. But if you know better, talk to IBM, I'm sure their model is crap and they want to change it.

Nokia contribution didn't seem to help them that much, and funnily enough, they dropped it.

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