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there you go... MeeGo

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No Keyboard = No Buy
Then only an used dev version on ebay is an option ........
Lets see if nokia make this ******** /supergau real .......

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1st post.. thank you all for the information and news on the N9.. or whatever else they decide to call it

I just wanted to ask, is Peter Skillman still at Nokia ?
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Yeah but i heard they locked him in an office with WP7 prototypes and won't let him out until it stops sucking 10x worse than meego. Probably he will quit soon.

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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
since when is contributing = earning money?
you may want to learn some basic accounting.

the reason why IBM contributes to Linux is because some companies want to run Linux over IBM's property OSes (AIX, OS/400 or MVS and the like) but still want to make use of the hardware quality of IBM.
IBM's PDF: «it also provides flexibility, choice, and an attractive total cost of ownership that can benefit IBM customers.»
maybe you should learn to read, too?

"At LinuxWorld, IBM to announce that it received more than $1 billion in revenue from Linux sales, plus a slew of product and new customer announcements.

Linux Brings In $1 Billion in Revenue for IBM

NEW YORK—IBM executives are preparing to announce at the LinuxWorld trade show here that the company received more than $1 billion in revenue from sales of Linux-based software, hardware and services in 2002.

See the date? They've made their first billion from Linux back then.

And.... wanna know about 'IBM the hardware company?'

1.1 Business Segments[2]

1.1.1 Global Services (57% of Revenue)
1.1.2 Systems and Technology (18% of Revenue)
1.1.3 Software (23% of Revenue)
1.1.4 Global Financing (2% of Revenue)

Yeah, take a guess which of those 4 are the part where they 'sell hardware'.

Ok, you're getting enough free education from me. If you want to learn more, I'll be chargin you some tuition fees.

I ain't givin free clues to clueless peeps no more.
Class .. : Power User
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Patience : [###-------] | Weapon(s): Galaxy Note + BB Bold Touch 9900
Agro ... : [###-------] | Relic(s) : iPhone 4S, Atrix, Milestone, N900, N800, N95, HTC G1, Treos, Zauri, BB 9000, BB 9700, etc

Follow the MeeGo Coding Competition!

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anyone know whether resistive or capacative?

i hate capacative :/
Posts: 673 | Thanked: 856 times | Joined on Mar 2006
Originally Posted by misterc View Post
that's why redhat has decided NOT to release the code of their updates anymore, so that Oracle would have to reverse engineer the updates from the updated source code & couldn't simply take over the updates in binary anymore...
who said money is corrupting?
That is true, in fact they have stopped distributing atomic patches addressing individual issues (unless you pay for support).

Leaking individual patches would cancel RHN subscription.

The whole source is still available.
Posts: 283 | Thanked: 336 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by optimaxxx View Post
anyone know whether resistive or capacative?

i hate capacative :/
resistive touchscreen is a „no go“ nowadays. the mainstream want an iphone-like screen and the consumer N9 is for them (not like the good old N900). And if you look at the actual TS-Phones made by nokia, you will notice that they all have a cap. screen. So you can be 100% sure the N9 has it too. BUT there is a rumor that it will have a special new display making a HW keyboard „dispensable“ and MAYBE this new technology is a mix of capacitive and resistive screen.

EDIT: BTW in 2 days, 20h and 9 minutes we will know more

Last edited by zymo; 2011-06-18 at 05:50.

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Gosh, I seriously cannot wait until the middle of this week. Ok I can because I've waited so long, but you know what I mean.
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Apr 2011
the begin of the next week

duke nukem4eva, epic!, harmattan, n-950, nokia diamond, non-believers, rm680, wasteland

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