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Originally Posted by Brock View Post
another question to think about: what about companys making accessoires for phones... display foils, cover protector and bags aso... usually they get the sizes of the device before release to prepare the products... they should get some informations too before the release... and no leaks from them...

edit: have to go to work now, see later this evening...
P.S. 16h, 21m, 30sec left
They will not leak for sure - commercial interests first!
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Originally Posted by generationally View Post
Maybe the disruptive part is not unique to the Harmattan device but something that will be part of several future Nokia devices independently of OS?

Maybe the Harmattan device just happens to be the first to get the disruptive part/feature and WP devices will have the same disruptive part/feature?

Oh, I expect it to be in WP7 phones from the start, no questions about that (otherwise it wouldn't really be disruptive, or to phrase it differently, it would be as disruptive as the 770 was). But that is where it makes no sense - if this is that good, why hand it over to MS? Why kill Meego, only to give the best technology the company has (probably an overstatement) to a device which the company doesn't really care about anymore?

Why not wait and put it on WP7 first?

I guess I just don't get the business logic behind Nokia this year. Too many ifs...
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Originally Posted by kanishou View Post
Many people thought that WebOS was amazing, and quite a bit ahead of its time. It's still held in high regards, but it's not seen as a serious contender to the "big two", like WP7 is. Sure it might make it big eventually, but that is far from certain.

It just shows how hard it is to break into that exclusive club of top ecosystems, and it's really not just about how good the MeeGo device is going to be.

It could be disruptive, it could be really awesome and mind-blowing... Yet still not be a complete alternative to WP7.

Let's just hope for the best. It is the nature of "disruptive" technologies, that it is rather difficult to foresee the outcome. Elop is no fool (contrary to popular opinion ), if he is on to a winner then he will hold on to it. And that's the whole purpose of the new MeeGo strategy after all: To find a future winner.
Well, if Nokia replaced all their Symbian handsets with WebOS I'm pretty sure WebOS would be the top ecosystem in a few months. Don't forget Nokia is still #1. But I see your point.
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have you read the eldar murtazin's tweet? i mean the tweet on MeeGo it will be at new iphones level .
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Originally Posted by viic View Post
have you read the eldar murtazin's tweet? i mean the tweet on MeeGo it will be at new iphones level .
That is not a news, besides it is not disruptive.
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Apr 2011
my opinion is as the eldar's one...
Elop is scared that MeeGo can be better than iOS and so much better than WinSuckSeven.
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Originally Posted by viic View Post
have you read the eldar murtazin's tweet? i mean the tweet on MeeGo it will be at new iphones level .
You mean this one?

eldarmurtazin Eldar Murtazin
Someone misunderstand me yesterday. Maemo/meego could stand at the same level as iphone. But now it isnt. Thats dead horse

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ok thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Originally Posted by zlatokosi View Post
Well, if Nokia replaced all their Symbian handsets with WebOS I'm pretty sure WebOS would be the top ecosystem in a few months. Don't forget Nokia is still #1. But I see your point.
The trouble is they have a empty space between Symbian and WF7. People bying Symbian today might get annoyed, when it get dumped in favor of WF7.

That situation can be resolved in one of the following ways:
1. continue support for Symbian for the time that is needed to perform transition of 70% of customers
2. provide WF7 (or other) firmware update for limited number of Symbian phones
3. dump Symbian phones no matter the consequences.

#3 is most likely, and it will make them drop from #1 (some may argue they are not #1 anymore).

The thing is that they need to keep existing customers somehow, so they can have eco$i$tem. Saying "we are nokia" is not enough.
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if you don't know yet

Nokian huomisessa uutuuslaitteessa ei ole MeeGo vaan Harmattan

translation: Nokia's new device to be revealed tomorrow won't have Meego but Harmattan.

Tietojemme mukaan kaikki muut Nokian MeeGo-laitteet liittyen Inteliin ja viralliseen MeeGoon on haudattu ja markkinoille julkaistaan ainoastaan Nokian omaan kehitykseen perustuva Harmattan-laite
Google translation: Our knowledge, all the other Nokia devices MeeGo connection and Intel official MeeGoon is buried, and the market only in Nokia's own development based on the Harmattan device

#6000 here we come

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duke nukem4eva, epic!, harmattan, n-950, nokia diamond, non-believers, rm680, wasteland

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