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..... at least a week of vacation
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Get evince if you ever want to view a PDF. Much better than the built-in one.
I like mpd and mmpc for music playing, but whatever your preference, you _must_ get some better media player than the built-in one.
If you want an xterm (you will, for any serious fiddling with the device) get the "flying keyboard" one:
If you're a commandline junkie, but not a vi-person, get JOE:
If you want to take notes, highlight PDFs, etc., Xournal!
Because writing stuff up on the tablet, exporting (with notebook paper background) as PDF, and printing from the PC produces lovely results, and confuses little sisters into thinking you borrowed their sharpie collection.

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free's Avatar
Posts: 739 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Germany - Munich
Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Get evince if you ever want to view a PDF. Much better than the built-in one.
Why much better? I think I'll reinstall it to give it a try..
What I don't like for the integrated one is that you have to tap rightclick and then next page to go to next page. Boring.. Or did I miss a shortcut. That's what I'm missing on the integrated one.

If you want an xterm (you will, for any serious fiddling with the device) get the "flying keyboard" one:
Interesting one. I'll have to try that.
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
The problem with installing evince is that afterwards, when you click a pdf link in e.g. the browser, the system will launch evince instead of the built-in pdf reader. And evince won't show you the pdf.. either it can't be launched with the file as parameter, or the way to launch it is incorrectly set up. Not sure which one it is.
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
anidel's Avatar
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Exactly,I've noticed the same behavior and removed evince since.
The internal PDF viewer on OS2008 has been greatly improved.
Faster and you can go back and fort by simply tapping on the side of the screen (a little arrow appear and fades out after the tap).
Very handy.
free's Avatar
Posts: 739 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Germany - Munich
Exactly why I removed it

This bug is probably easy to fix.

Ok I'll try the tap on the side. Thanks
Benson's Avatar
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Well, if they improved the one in OS2008 enough, that would be nice. I'm tired of the browsing issue too.
But why (I consider) it's much better than OS2007 version:

Evince lets me:
  • view 2 facing pages
  • view continuous scrolling
  • rotate (for portrait view)
  • use the TOC in many PDFs, instead of memorizing page numbers
  • easily go to page numbers (w/o menu)
And I'm happy to trade browser integration for all that. My main use is offline reading of course notes, manuals, exported PowerPoint presentations, etc., so it's not a big deal to save the odd online PDF, view it, and then delete it manually.
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I was going to follow your instructions:

For setup repos, I use this:
Using xterm and becomeroot , copy this to /etc/apt/sources.list:"

but then I realized I don't know how to use both xterm & becomeroot together. Once I open xterm what I'm I supposed to do next?

i tried typing "/etc/apt/sources.list" and it gave me this:
"- sh: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied"

does this mean I am missing "sh" (whatever that is)? I am a total newb so please bare with me =/

thanks in advance, lg

Last edited by lennygaudy; 2007-12-02 at 22:40.
free's Avatar
Posts: 739 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Germany - Munich
These lines I posted have to be copy-pasted in the file /etc/apt/sources.list

/etc/apt/sources.list is not a command!

So first you should install becomeroot.

With this, you will be able to become root ( by typing sudo gainroot in xterm ) and then will be able to edit this file (which is only writeable by root).
2 things:
*As somebody said, TAKE CARE, root has full power on the device. If you do a mistake, get ready for a reflash (happened to me already 3 times in 2 months)

*How will you copy-paste the content or how to overwrite the file...
Ok I've set up a webpage for you:
Grab wget:
click install

open xterm
Go to the correct directory:
cd /etc/apt
Become root (using becomeroot)
sudo gainroot
Make a backup of your current sources.list:
mv sources.list sources.list-orig
Grab the new sources.list from internet:
Rename it
mv src.txt sources.list
Close xterm

Go in application manager and click on check for updates.
You should have more applications.
This sources.list is far from exhaustive, maybe I'll update the post later.
iontruo2's Avatar
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O.k. I haven't got a top ten per-say, but I'd like to encourage some users to give their Google Talk Video Chat a good chance, and play a little with it. It's not so bad at all.

This might be just 'pure user' thoughts, but in the home environment it can be very helpful as a video 'intercom' of sorts.

My wife is pregnant and due within six weeks. So, she is in bed a lot these days. I keep a few horses and we have found this to be quite FUN to 'check in' when I am out at the barn doing tidyup and chores. I suspect this may make things also easier when baby has arrived and wifey is feeding and I am not so close as to simply be called out loud through a couple of floors or across the driveway to the barn.

With the N800, I like that the camera can be rotated to have the view away from the user and towards 'a child' or the pet or another friend. My connection is medium high speed and I am basically happy with the image feed.

O.k., in that baby consideration as well, I just installed all the key baby cd's of melodic lullabies etc on my wife's N800 for her to have at her fingertips 'when needed' (yes,yes mine will have them too!)

Just a couple of practical uses I felt moved to share that I am finding meaningful.

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