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With wifi engaged, my n900 running 2.3.4-UMay nitdroid is able to accurately reproduce my location. I suspect, if you have cellular to get you online, you would be able to use the gps while running nitdroid. If nobody test this, I will test it in 3 weeks when I may be back to civilization . What do you think, grand master e-yes? Or what is the explanation of this?

Another nitdroid advertisement from bunanson

With this on a n900, nitdroid is only less than maemo on 1 item: outgoing phone voice.

To the same token, another android tablet without gps, even with wifi engaged, does not locate my location.

Edit: It does NOT make any sense to me. Just ignore it for the time being


Last edited by bunanson; 2011-07-11 at 02:35.

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I am trying to think... which is a dangerous thing for bunanson, he is actually thinkin

Is this A-gps or just a static location from my ip-address, or this is totally BS as the gps is NOT YET engaged in nitdroid?
well, whatever, somebody is going to snatch my n900 from me in a couple of hours, and cannot play with it till a month from now, if any. Oh well, back to my ex-flame, N810 soon.

Posts: 362 | Thanked: 426 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Italy, Lombardia
I have a tablet with broken gps (now repaired) and even without gps google maps can find precisely my home position when WiFi is on.

But it isn't A-GPS, it is only the good network geo-localisation by google.

It gets your ADSL ip and for some (I doubt for all) ip addresses it knows where there are installed (home/office of the owner)

Last edited by Fabry; 2011-07-16 at 14:25.

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Posts: 293 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ Al Quds, Isawiya
its fake gps i think
i read it somewhere
they have made the fake gps so you can use location services

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