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I would like to run perl on the n800. I read in a description of the n810 that it runs perl. If so, why not the n800? I've never heard of anyone using perl on any of this hardware. Does anyone have an answer to this?

-- rhackenb
Posts: 465 | Thanked: 149 times | Joined on Oct 2007
It comes with OS2008, looks like it's part of the perl-base package.

Try updating your repositories and see if perl-base is available?
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Noblesville, IN USA
Any idea which repository it might be in? I updated my n800 yesterday and didn't see it.
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Originally Posted by rhackenb View Post
I would like to run perl on the n800. I read in a description of the n810 that it runs perl. If so, why not the n800? I've never heard of anyone using perl on any of this hardware. Does anyone have an answer to this?

-- rhackenb
Interesting to hear that Perl is supported in OS2008. Python is very well supported in OS2007 (some, might even say it is better than perl ;-)

N800, Think Outside Kbd, 8GB SDHC Card (OCZ, ext2), and 8GB SD Card (Patriot formatted as VFAT)
Zaurus SL-6000, IR Keyboard, 1GB SD Card
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Perl is not an optional extra on Debian-based systems, i.e. it should come pre-installed on any Internet Tablet. At least that is the case with ITOS2007 and ITOS2008, probably the earlier ones as well.

On ITOS2008 beta for N800:

$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.3 built for arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi

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Posts: 84 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Noblesville, IN USA
It seems like a given that perl should be on the n800. It's only software running on a linux-based system. I don't know the n800 well enough to understand why it isn't an easy task to be put on it. Does it have to be compiled for the n800?
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On ITOS2007, I have perl. Have you checked whether your tablet has it already?
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Noblesville, IN USA
When I do a 'perl', I get a 'not found'. I have also walked through the typical locations (/usr/bin/perl, etc) and it's not there. I have never reflashed my n800. I bought it in early 2007. I have now idea of which firmware version it is and don't know how to test for it.

If I reflash for the 2008 version, will I get it?
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Hmmm. Then perhaps I installed it somewhere along the way. Sorry for being of no help.
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Oddly, I *had* Perl on my N800 with the July OS2007 update, but I recently installed the latest OS2007 firmware and it's vanished. Likely it's not installed by default but is a dependency of some app. It's good to hear it is in OS2008 by default.

Be forewarned: The perl interpreter is apparently the default one for Debian-based distros, and thus will only have standard Perl modules (and maybe not all of the them). In particular, there will be no DBI (thus, no SQLite access) or any graphic library bindings like PerlGTK. Theoretically, they could be compiled with Scratchbox, but I don't think anyone has tried. I had intended on trying myself, but my tuits lately have all been square.

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