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what should work :

charging, ...

what has been tested :

basically nothing.
Nope, I think it won't with the current script. I know that you can't use the "" script with the meego kernel. If you do you'll likely end up in kernel panics (after some minutes). At least this was the case in RescueOS and as you used this kernel it'll happen here probably too.

So if you are still interested in this, better modify charge21.bash from meegochare.tar to point to BackupMenu's i2cset, i2cget binaries.
also load bq27x00_battery.ko

And finally either rewrite it to work with sh or add /bin/bash. sh -n at least finds no errors, so it'll probably also work with sh...

It's an interesting idea anyway. Just today a very similiar, but still different one came up in my mind :-).

Last edited by NIN101; 2011-09-04 at 23:20. Reason: Typo
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I tried using backupmenu and it appears to slow down the device and make it quite stuttery. I made a backup and then uninstalled it and the device was back to normal again. I have installed CSSU, overclocking, custom kernel, transitions mods, and karam's mods, not sure if that matters. Anyone else experienced this?
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I got no problems with latest backupmenu. I don't use karam's patches. KP48, CSSU, 500-900 mhz.
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Originally Posted by noetus View Post
I tried using backupmenu and it appears to slow down the device and make it quite stuttery. I made a backup and then uninstalled it and the device was back to normal again. I have installed CSSU, overclocking, custom kernel, transitions mods, and karam's mods, not sure if that matters. Anyone else experienced this?
I don't see how that can happen. BackupMenu doesn't run anything at all during a normal boot - you either boot into BackupMenu (in which case nothing else is run), or you boot normally (in which case BackupMenu never gets loaded).

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Hi guys, i have a problem with the Tools section of BackupMenu. I can't open the Root Shell Command Line from the T option, can you help me? did i missed something? i have not idea about it..

Maybe becouse i'm using the maemo kernel?
Do i have to reinstall the kernel-power?

OK, Update about my question.. it was becouse i used the Maemo Kernel. I used the power kernel and it worked, but in the Command Line i see a message like "battery percentage XX%" it's driving me crazy a fix for this? thx community

Last edited by santiago; 2011-09-09 at 01:12.
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Originally Posted by Rob1n View Post
I don't see how that can happen.
Does this use a bootloader? I know it changes which it boots based on the slider being open. But how does it determine where the target kernel is? Maybe it's loading from the wrong place?

Another possability (more likely actually):

I know there's a "fail-safe" in the original Titan kernel that causes it to not load the "default" settings if you reboot the device in quick succession, or if the "last boot reason" flag is watchdog. I think that's still in. Maybe that triggered, and it was "stuttery and slow" because it was using the old default kernel rates? (600 / std voltage?)
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Originally Posted by woody14619 View Post
Does this use a bootloader? I know it changes which it boots based on the slider being open. But how does it determine where the target kernel is? Maybe it's loading from the wrong place?

Another possability (more likely actually):

I know there's a "fail-safe" in the original Titan kernel that causes it to not load the "default" settings if you reboot the device in quick succession, or if the "last boot reason" flag is watchdog. I think that's still in. Maybe that triggered, and it was "stuttery and slow" because it was using the old default kernel rates? (600 / std voltage?)
I don't know. Backupmenu depends on bootmenu, which basically interupts the normal Maemo boot process. At the point it interrupts it, the kernel's been loaded already(from the kernel partition on NAND) and the rootfs has been mounted.
As far as default settings... could be. But I don't have any problem with it usually, and the few times I get the PK "default settings have been used" message I just run the kernel-config load *profile* and am back in business.

Yea, yeah, yea. I need to go ahead and do some bugfixes. Eh... shouldn't be too hard, but I'll have to find my maemo extras-devel login password...
My projects: BackupMenu - OS Backup & restore | Video: Flashing your n900(LiveCD)
My devices: N770 + 8GB SD card soldered internally, N900 with 8GB SD card + Custom OC(125-950 typically).
OC freqs: 0:22,90 125:22,90 250:28,180 500:30,360 550:32,400 600:34,430 700:39,430 750:41,430 805:45,430 850:47,500 900:50,500 950:54,500 1000:58,500 1100:67,520 1150:71,520

Last edited by RobbieThe1st; 2011-09-09 at 04:46.

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Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Sep 2011
Sorry, but my english is wrong.

I tried restore my backup wittth backupmenu (RootFS and OptFS).
Occurred without an error.
After My N900 not possible pwer on or charging.
Always loop reboot.

What can I do?
Posts: 167 | Thanked: 204 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by gyu_ma View Post
Sorry, but my english is wrong.

I tried restore my backup wittth backupmenu (RootFS and OptFS).
Occurred without an error.
After My N900 not possible pwer on or charging.
Always loop reboot.

What can I do?
You could start by giving us more info, but, chances are that what you restored with BackupMenu depends upon something that was updated by flashing - kernel-power, for instance.

So, your backup should work if you restore it AFTER you've made sure you have the same kernel and software. You'll probably need to flash your way out of the reboot loop, install whatever was missing, and redo the restore from Backupmenu. I recently wrote up that process in another thread, which may be helpful at this point.

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Estel's Avatar
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I got strange issues with backupmenu root console, lately. when I enable it, I see everything correctly and I'm able to type 'root' as login, but as soon as i hit enter, I'm throw back to backupmenu (just like after exiting with exit - I see half-backupmenu + console output of keys pressed). I can try again (or use other backupmenu options), but it doesn't help. 100% reproduceable, on kp48 and kernel-bfs7
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backup, backupmenu, cssusupplement, max(useful), rescue-console, restore, system

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