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Originally Posted by yukop4 View Post
still got mine -only use it for recording music with streamtuner and streamripper-just leave it running and it scoops up endless music
although shoutcast stopped working which was a pity

however i have gone back to using my apple newton message pad 110 i bought 20 years ago for phone contacts -anyone still got one
Streamripper definitely rocks!

By the way if you go to Shoutcast, just download the .pls files from your favorite stations.

Open those up in Xmms and you're good to go.
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Just got a n810. It puts me in a situation similar to when I got a Palm. Kind of catch the last train.
I don't hold an unrealistic expectation, I just wish the popular app in n810 can get updated when the upstreams get updated. Zim, maemo map are good examples.
I wish homebank can update to the latest version since the later versions support importing new format that is used by my bank.
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Likely the people that originally worked on them got themselves a N900 or moved on to Android. Nokia basically split the community when they handed out some 3000 N900 at a dev conference.
Be warned, posts are often line of thoughts at highway speeds...

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Originally Posted by pelago View Post
Yes, batteries have a natural lifespan of only a few years, unfortunately. You would need to find a newly manufactured battery to fit your device to get a better life - do they still make them?
The BP-4L battery is one of the best smartphone batteries available and used by many popular Nokia phones.

So it is very easy to find it, a genuine one costs less than US$20.

So no reason to stop using the Nokia N810

Oh, there will new softwares releases to Maemo 4 very soon...
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
-- My blog about mobile & scientific computing ---
Sailfish : Sony Xperia X, Gemini, Jolla, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Nexus 4. Nokia N9, N900, N810.

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Gotta link or a store where I can buy a new one?
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Addison, a BP-4L will not fit into a N800 and its terminals are on the left, anyway, while the N800's are in the middle. Just tried to put one in into my N800

Agreed, but it doesn't help that both GTK+ and Qt versions are extremely old (not so much with Qt, but it's enough for people not to bring their stuff over)

Last edited by jstokes; 2011-09-07 at 23:11.

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So I'm goosed?

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Posts: 118 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on May 2007
Originally Posted by Addison View Post

So I'm goosed?
This probably isn't worth much, but I've had good results with a Lenmar replacement battery in my N810. It doesn't have the capacity of the "equivalent" Nokia battery (BP-4L), if the Nokia battery is genuine and brand new. But it's much better than a counterfeit, worn out or expired Nokia battery.

I don't know the status of the battery for the N800 (mine's still functioning), but if it's less popular or no longer used much, it may be that the "new" batteries you're finding are counterfeits or questionable refurbs.

The Lenmar batteries are readily available (I think mine came from Office Max) and reasonably priced, although I see some allegedly genuine Nokia batteries that are cheaper.

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Yeah, my Nokia batteries come packaged as original and new.

I can spot a fake.

But they were probably made 4 years ago and have nothing left in them.
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@ addison

Disclaimer: I don't own an n800, a Lenmar battery or any other products mentioned in this post.

Lenmar also makes a BP-5L battery for the n800, google it.

You could also get an external battery pack such as . Sure it will double the weight and size of your n800 but you'll get 4x the battery life per charge!

Just google "external battery pack nokia adapter" for more battery packs.

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maemo4, nokia n800, nokia n810

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