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So the noob section is supposed to anything goes so here it goes. I consider myself fairly savvy and I have figured out lots of stuff on my new n800 since I got it but there is this floating add window thing on the desktop after I flashed to os2008 and I have know Idea how to get rid of it. It switches from boingo to OS2008 usersite. How do I remove/switch what it is saying.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2007
On desktop, just to the right of the "earth" browser-icon, click the "home" menu, then choose "Select Applets."
I believe the thing you want to remove by unchecking is called "Web Shortcut."
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Posts: 574 | Thanked: 166 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ BC, Canada
The one you are seeing is called "Tableteer info". Uncheck it.
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