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Originally Posted by blipnl View Post
Everyone knows it's not going to be cheap. Remember how Nokia said they are going to spend mountains on Nokia WP ads when it's there?

I was wondering how they could cough up that kinda dough. *grunt* n9 *grunt*

I believe Microsoft is picking up most of that tab.....
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Originally Posted by titou1234 View Post
Could it be the form factor ?
I think that the body is only in one piece without any screw. So the assembly has to be tricky and it increases the time to do it. Perhaps, this could justify the price.
Display is mounted with 2 screws.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Actually, as I understood it, since it's running Ice Cream Sandwich, it's not supposed to have any buttons anymore (ala Honeycomb style UI move to remove buttons).

Also, I walk about with a 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab in my pocket all the time. So far, I've never had anyone say they even noticed it. Actually had several Verizon guys try to walk up to me to sell me on tablets whenever I peruse them and then have to show them that I'm already carrying one and listening to my podcasts (since I'm usually wearing my Motorola S305 bluetooth stereo headphones while I walk about the shops).

I'll bet it won't be cheap either, though, but I get the sense it'll still be cheaper (and far better specced.. coming out in a couple of months, possibly) than the N9. It's an incredible shame that Nokia concentrated so hard to lock it down with closed-source and TC/DRM, instead of investing those resources toward getting far more MeeGo compatible open-friendly and competitive components to at least be able to claim to be better than Android or anyone else's offerings.
FINALLY get rid of those damned droid buttons

Well, tbh i guess it's got nothing to do with anyone else. it's just my legs that are too big, og my pants that are too small... the result is, nevertheless, that several of my pant get a nasty white stripe, and sometimes they even get torn apart. furthermore the practicality of using just one hand to reach most of the screen at least also dies out when the screen exceeds 4 inches. I gave up one handed usage with the n900, but i'm certainly looking forward to trying it daily once again. it'll be the sacrifice of my hardware keyboard, but i think i'll manage!

It's funny, cause when i go to some phonesalesman to talk about N9 he says that it's nice, but if just wait a little longer i can get the so-called searay instead.. which is the same, just better.. then i tell the man that i honestly think that windows phone is getting better, and that i am looking forward to the nokia windowsphone, BUT that i wont buy one, and that i think meego (sry maemo6Harmattan) is way nicer, smoother and more user friendly, they don't want to talk to me anymore... perhaps microsoft is paying them to propagandize (is that a word) their products...

and as for meego.. well... i think you're absolutely right... more open would definately be nice... BUT, if they've ever had any hopes (seems like they don't nowadays, but anyway..) to sell this phone to real people (not you reading this, and not me, people who want a nice looking, nice feeling, easy to use phone i guess 99 percent of users??) they have to make it look fancy, and to do that, they have to use closed source from a business point of view i guess... and well... honestly... if it makes them sell more, which leads to more support (no, do not start trolling, just hear me out!!), then i'll be happy, and the customizability of the n900 was more than enough for me.. N9 is a tad more closed ui-wise, let's see if it suffices...

but i'll go to bed, my digital systems course is calling for me @ 08.15.. sweet dreams, folks!

Last edited by bequezox; 2011-09-14 at 22:40. Reason: forgot something

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one thing i'm glad about is the size of the n9, i like my nutsack to have some room in my jeans with an already crowded pocket of wallet, change, and keys. i tried the sg1 and sg2 and their way to big, same with the omnia 7. i think iphone size is good, not too small not to big.

i have to agree there. i prefer a solid phone that lasts then super spec. i remember people used to ask me why i bothered buying these expensive system boards and other components when they can get a faster one and cheaper one etc. i prefer quality when i can get it and it's valued right for me.
Never argue with stupid people.They lower you to their level then beat you with experience.
Humility is something we should all taste.
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Holy cow this thread's on fire, can we slaughter kittens yet?

Originally Posted by danramos View Post
NEXUS PRIME (aka Samsung I9250, possibly the Samsung Galaxy Nexus)
4.65-inch SuperAMOLED screen
1280 x 720 pixel resolution
8.8 millimeters thick
metal chassis
running Android's Ice Cream Sandwich
arrives in the US by the end of October... supposedly just after the iPhone 5 launch
Crap if accurate, I do believe the N9's about to be "shat on".
It was possible to argue that it holds-it's-own against top-end's out now, & the iP5.*
But this looks just too damn good, in every hw aspect.
Nexus Prime was on the short-list for my next Android.
Looks like it will be my Android upgrade, if this is factual.
After my N9, of course!!!!
This time it'll prolly be available in Oz way later than the US, which was the opposite for the SGSII.
Still, I imagine the large size will be irritating at times.
I still feel it's getting ridiculous (for a ph) once you go past 4.6".

*judging by the rumoured mediocre hw bump

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-09-15 at 06:47.

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Originally Posted by myrjola View Post
<SNIP>Anyway one other person asked about the deliveries and one Nokia person said that one of the (possible) reasons for the slow availability is that it takes much longer to produce N9s than the other handsets (several times longer). The physical construction (and production process) is quite different from any other current mobile.
He also said that the demand has been greater than expected.
At least the N9s coming for sale in Finland are being produced at the Salo factory.
Def. want to address this, no time now.
Trying to step-away from this stuff a bit more.
Smells very odd....

Originally Posted by smegheadz View Post
has anyone kept track of the confirmed prices? i've been lurking a bit here because works pretty havok lately but only seen some preorder random stuff, nothing concrete.
We prolly should start a wiki entry hey?

Wow, Engadget really do love their Mangos don't they

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-09-15 at 00:34.

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Many complaints that you pay to much for the Mobile-Phones. What's expensive? Nokias Oro, the golden C7 costs about 1000 euros. Expensive?

What about the Motorola MC75A, almost 2000 euros.
I dont see any silver, gold or diamonds on him.
And i don't think it's the NFC-chip....
Foto, video and specifications on my website. Ooh yeh... also a link where you can buy him....
(Laughing is good for everyone.) And This link here is not about that Phone. Just my website. Today I updated the info about stickers, summarized; not all NFC-stickers transforms your Mobile Phone into an NFC-Phone!

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Originally Posted by Joao View Post
Many complaints that you pay to much for the Mobile-Phones. What's expensive? Nokias Oro, the golden C7 costs about 1000 euros. Expensive?
Not as expensive as the Tag Heuer Link Smartphone (4700 Euros). Just because it is expensive as hell doesn't mean it will sell.

And just because it is expensive, doesn't mean it's justified either.

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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
ofcourse you can cut prices by manufactoring in China or other lowprice countrys where the workers is payed half or even lower salary.

Question is if thats good for European and US as countrys in the long run!?

Those price comparisions should deal with those facts too..
The maximum a Chinese factory worker gets per month is $206 that's why I just lost my job making solar panels at SolarWorld after 8 years. That plant has been there for more than 30 years. Some of the workers had been working there for more than 30 years. Why did it close? The executives said the Chinese are flooding the market with cheap solar panels. I can't imagine Nokia is somehow immune to this pressure.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Not as expensive as the Tag Heuer Link Smartphone (4700 Euros). Just because it is expensive as hell doesn't mean it will sell.

And just because it is expensive, doesn't mean it's justified either.
You mean... THESE incredible things??

Hilarious. You have to admit, though, the video is pretty good--STILL better than that crap pseudo-transformer garbage Nokia kept lugging out.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

Last edited by danramos; 2011-09-15 at 03:13.

disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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