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Yeah SLP is running X11 and even officially supports GTK (or at least did).

Hopefully this will be a wake up call for Nokia and they will get on board with Tizen too. Remember that Tizen is owned by LF and is said to be 100% open source so it's nothing stopping anyone to use it if they want to.
But the WM7 "horse" has a blood lineage tracing back to donkeys such as WM6.5, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1 that was fully neglected for too many years and Microsoft did sweet F all to maintain it (still running on Pocket IE4/6!!).

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Originally Posted by jflatt View Post
I hope Titzup moves to the html format, it's more standards compliant
Me too, but only if it supports transactions and has embedded GPG-signatures in the software packages. And if LinuxFoundation and LSB officially replace rpm with html :P

Fragmentation is killing Linux. Debian and Ubuntu are not innocent of that either.

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Originally Posted by tkatchev View Post
The most annoying and wrong-headed thing about MeeGo is their promotion of Qt as the preferred (and sometimes 'required') native toolkit.

Linux-with-Qt-required isn't Linux, it's a travesty.
Linux-with-Qt-required is BETTER than Linux-with-any-and-EVERY-toolkit-going, for mobile purposes.

This is because as well as good native performance, it can provide a more consistent user experience across different applications and devices (when developed a certain way), which is extremely important in the mobile space in order to achieve better usability (i.e. ISO-9241 effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, and ease of learning etc). This is the kind of thing that helps a 'platform' to gain traction with the actual public, which in turn brings more developers in, etc.

Of course as you are probably aware it also provides a cross platform IDE, or even the option to develop within Visual Studio if desired.

It also means that optimisations can be concentrated on one area/toolkit rather than across multiple different toolkits.

This could just be a difference in user requirements, some wanting a full Linux desktop distribution on a small screen/device, others wanting apps to have mobile-specific interfaces and consistent UX with good mobile performance.

Originally Posted by tkatchev View Post
If it's Linux, I want all the toolkits -- Qt, GTK, SDL, ncurses.
This may not be of interest to you as the advice comes from Steve Jobs, but there is a short piece of relevant advice in the video here.


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Originally Posted by Ken-Young View Post
But that's a problem, isn't it? What's the point of developing yet another platform which will support HTML5, especially if it *only* supports HTML5? If HTML5 apps eventually are found to be just as good as native apps (which I doubt will be the case), then Android/iOS/ZunePhone will support them, (...)
Absolutely. And not only Android/iOS/ZunePhune, but S40, Bada and anything else that can run Opera. A web browser with widgets doesn't make a smartphone.

Originally Posted by Ken-Young View Post
(...) and there's no need for Tizen. They aren't even aspiring to create anything that would differentiate them from the existing, increasingly entrenched, market leaders.
Well, that's where I am more optimistic. I care about HTML5 for web development, but on a phone it has no more value to me than javascript. However, what is it that cripples Android? It's the fact that you can't get past Dalvik. IF you can get past HTML5 onto this phone, in a way that allows for direct porting of applications... Maybe to such an extent that you don't need EasyDebian... If you can get a core of developers that port real Linux software... Then the OS does differentiate them from the existing, increasingly locked-in market leaders. As Maemo was differentiated, even as Maemo 6 is.

Not saying that the whole great big population will care. But for ME as a consumer, that would be much better than control freak iOS, Dalvik crippled Android, or these things that Microsoft designed solely to copy Apple's 30% on every app strategy.

Closed parts aren't really that big a deal for me. As long as it doesn't hinder software development/usage. I would have loved a Windows 8 phone if it was a true desktop-class Windows 8. But I realize now that Microsoft's Metro is nothing but an appstore lock-in. Crew that! We don't need another Apple, only with 3 years delay.
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Originally Posted by caa View Post

This may not be of interest to you as the advice comes from Steve Jobs, but there is a short piece of relevant advice in the video here.

Steve Jobs is the asshat who doesn't understand how a pencil is better than fingerpainting for many tasks. There is one thing and only one thing that Steve Jobs is good at. Making PR enhanced Truths. He is on the completely other side of the scale when it comes to ANYTHING that interests this audience.

Originally Posted by caa View Post
Linux-with-Qt-required is BETTER than Linux-with-any-and-EVERY-toolkit-going, for mobile purposes.

This is because as well as good native performance, it can provide a more consistent user experience across different applications and devices (when developed a certain way), which is extremely important in the mobile space in order to achieve better usability (i.e. ISO-9241 effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, and ease of learning etc). This is the kind of thing that helps a 'platform' to gain traction with the actual public, which in turn brings more developers in, etc.

Of course as you are probably aware it also provides a cross platform IDE, or even the option to develop within Visual Studio if desired.

It also means that optimisations can be concentrated on one area/toolkit rather than across multiple different toolkits.

By your argument, Windows would be better if people only developed in Visual Basic. There is more to GUI, UI and consistency than to limit the available toolkits. Even Visual Studio has a full width of different languages, tools and GUI elements that allows for quite different layouts, if the developers choose to not follow standards.

Would WinAmp be better if it looked like the average VB application? (Arguably, MS MediaPlayer would.)
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Last edited by volt; 2011-09-29 at 00:08.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Will you sing that same tone when Bada goes open source?
Of course. Always in his near-perfect falsetto.
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You don't understand. After 200 years of iterations, name changes, unfinished alphas and dropped projects our beloved maemo->meego->titzen will finally be released as LCARS and will be powering starships with FTL drives. Hurray! Looking forward to it.

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Zitzen is the german world for animal tits. So when I spell Tizen or Titzen, it sound like a mixture between animal tits and the english word "tits". How weird is that?

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Originally Posted by caa View Post
Linux-with-Qt-required is BETTER than Linux-with-any-and-EVERY-toolkit-going, for mobile purposes.
Honestly, let me tell you something: I don't care one whit what's 'better for mobile purposes'. I care for what's better for me.

And Linux-with-Qt-required is not at all something I want or care for.

This is because as well as good native performance, it can provide a more consistent user experience across different applications and devices (when developed a certain way), which is extremely important in the mobile space in order to achieve better usability.
To hell with 'consistent user experience'. The apps I use don't provide a consistent user experience -- and that's exactly why they're good apps and why I use them.

A 'consistent user experience' is a bollocks buzzword used by computer-illiterate marketing robots, not something for real people with real needs.

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Originally Posted by tkatchev View Post
To hell with 'consistent user experience'. The apps I use don't provide a consistent user experience -- and that's exactly why they're good apps and why I use them.

A 'consistent user experience' is a bollocks buzzword used by computer-illiterate marketing robots, not something for real people with real needs.
Some people work with wrench, crowbars and hacksaws.

Some people work with pen, paper and books.

Neither is 'better' than the other.

Computer is the infinitely pliable and adaptable tool of our time. It may become one thing to you and a completely different tool for some other Joes out there.

The smarter person is the one who can understand the many different subjects and context that exists in this world, and not merely and exclusively pushes his own world view toward the others.

The smarter person is the one who realize that we do need each other to each accomplish our goals. In this case, the more people desire and depend on our platform, then the more chance we get for more people to support it so it exists longer and become more pervasive.
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