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I think the question is... why not a DIFFERENT RT-capable Linux-based OS, though? Or hell.. why not ANY other RTOS?
You mean like symbian or s40? Well RTOS are more expensive to maintain and especially to extend than linux (Linux kernel provides all necessary services, for your own custom RTOS you have to do a lot by yourself) Also I would argue linux has better performance (less communication overhead), but honestly i'm not an expert.

Nokia won't give up on s40 for "dumbphones", but maybe they decided they could reach lower price points with linux too and don't have to use s40 for that.

Last edited by Rugoz; 2011-09-30 at 06:18.

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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Eldar has no future...
Off-topic, but Something just doesn't match up here... Eldar also said yesterday, that Nokia's Vertu is under fire; sales aren't good as Russian retailer Euroset is going to stop business. Bloomberg, however, tells the same day, that Vertu is doing better than ever - "the division's (Vertu) success is largely due to surging demand in the Persian Gulf, Russia, China and other status-conscious emerging markets".

So someone really has no future...!/eldarmurtazin...75215317876736

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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
They probadly "leaked" it again after yesterdays announcement of tizen. And now maybe with some more info to make the rumor go wild...
Or rather because of the other yesterday's announcement of laying off 3500 employees around the world and closing factories, to show that there is some credible plan to refactor the company and not "just" size it down -- all for government in Finland which is very worried about these layoffs as Nokia, Digia, and Finnair have announced their troubles yesterday. This is after Elop has promised April 27th that there will be no additional layoffs to those announced in April.

I'd be brutal and look at WSJ level leaks with these lenses. It is political battle and all means are "fine" in it.

Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
too me this is logical step. meltemi is more like Maemo7... I mean loprice devices 2012 will be > 600Mhz perfect running linux instead of broken symbian crap.
Assuming if they would fly. Good luck to those who are still in the flock.

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Originally Posted by Rugoz View Post
You mean like symbian or s40? Well RTOS are more expensive to maintain and especially to extend than linux (Linux kernel provides all necessary services, for your own custom RTOS you have to do a lot by yourself) Also I would argue linux has better performance (less communication overhead), but honestly i'm not an expert.
As far as I can see, Nokia's strategy for past decade was to rely more and more on external suppliers, be it hardware or software non-core business. This is classical learning from MBA courses (concentrate on your core competencies) and can be seen same way here. After all, MeeGo developments were also in this style -- make it possible to externally develop whole core OS and only work on the areas where your differentiation is worth from business/strategy points of view. If you have ever looked into Nokia's Maemo Base Port requirements for external vendors, you'd seen that immediately.

Now, all this means that if there is even something coming out of Nokia on "meltemi" wind, it most likely follow similar approach by acquiring base OS or even adaptation parts from those hardware manufacturers who are working with Linux. But as there are very few of those in low price points and most of them seem to be oriented to Android business, it would be interesting to see what Nokia gets. Android base port is sufficiently different from what Maemo base port was, including available APIs (bionic vs eglibc, for example, power management at drivers level, etc). Maintaining real-time code on top of such base port seem to be unlikely and business unviable, at least to me. There are some RT-related patches for Linux kernel, but then, if your HW vendor gives you a kernel that he supports, would you struggle with your own patches on top of it without dedicated kernel team of quality that already left the ship?

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Originally Posted by number41 View Post
One word comes to mind: Aegis.

It doesn't really matter if it's linux, that doesn't necessarily translates as open. Nokia seems very much inclined to making a linux-based locked down platform with very little open for modification.
Let's not mix technology and policies here. A technology (in this case aegis) that can verify certain things and provide secure storage for application/user data and define what can use what does have it's valid use. What are the actual policies and implementation is another matter. To draw an analogy - it's not the same thing to argue that the police should (not) exist and to argue what should a police be enforcing.
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rather this than windows phone really.

now, they are whistlers than say nokia keeping them to not fire them,

so i will not get fond of it unless i see high end devices coming with it.

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Originally Posted by number41 View Post
One word comes to mind: Aegis.

It doesn't really matter if it's linux, that doesn't necessarily translates as open. Nokia seems very much inclined to making a linux-based locked down platform with very little open for modification.
Please, let's rather discuss this on the aegis thread.

What Nokia has done is add the *possibility* of controlling the platform, most likely because at the time (I guess before Feb 11) operators who were considering N9 demanded it.

As far as we know, unlocked phones will however allow you control (but you will lose features until you reflash).

But, please discuss this on the aegis thread.

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
I think the question is... why not a DIFFERENT RT-capable Linux-based OS, though? Or hell.. why not ANY other RTOS?
Why not Harmattan with an RT kernel?
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In a sense that is Nokia's way of saying that with the transition from MeeGo to Tizen, they are officially leaving the boat an refocusing their Linux know-how on Meltemi development.

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Meltemi is at least real, since Elop mentions it here:

I wonder what the "Clipper program" is tho. Perhaps the device or group of devices?
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