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Originally Posted by somedude View Post
can we take your answer as an answer from Nokia USA in general. thanks.
Not at all. If you want to ask Nokia USA about sales, warranty, support, etc then please ask Nokia USA, not someone following this thread.

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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
Not at all. If you want to ask Nokia USA about sales, warranty, support, etc then please ask Nokia USA, not someone following this thread.
Wise words. But who exactly is following this thread?

Oh... and if you ever need more testing in the future for USB features, I have a full-fledged shop for such things in my office.
Posts: 457 | Thanked: 600 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I would be willing to send a handful of N9s from Switzerland to the US if there is no better option. Of course in the case of a defect you would have to send it back here for repair.

But maybe you just have to wait a bit longer until the n9 makes it to the US through non-nokia channels.

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Originally Posted by Rugoz View Post
I would be willing to send a handful of N9s from Switzerland to the US if there is no better option. Of course in the case of a defect you would have to send it back here for repair.

But maybe you just have to wait a bit longer until the n9 makes it to the US through non-nokia channels.
Thanks dude. What's the price there in Schweiz?
Posts: 1,067 | Thanked: 313 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ USA
Originally Posted by Rugoz View Post
I would be willing to send a handful of N9s from Switzerland to the US if there is no better option. Of course in the case of a defect you would have to send it back here for repair.

But maybe you just have to wait a bit longer until the n9 makes it to the US through non-nokia channels.
nice!yes, how much is it there for the 64?
Posts: 457 | Thanked: 600 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Oh dear, i should not have made that offer

I will only order it at, right now its not available there. They say mid october til it ships (16gb), end october for 64gb model.

The price is currently 594 CHF for the 16gb model, at current exchange rates that 594/0.915298296 = 649$

649/0.915298296 = 709$ for the 64gb model.

Shipping is probably between 20$-50$.
As I said, I won't order mine til its available, so right now its probably best to wait.
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Well guys, here's the update for the last week. Still no update on the 64gb phones, price and availability is still not known. My friend with the Nokia connections is sorta panicking and has set aside a 16gb Black N9 for me.

We might do a "dry run" to see how things go - from the purchasing to shipment - this week. Good news, it sounds like I could have a N9 in my hands in the next week or so. And it'll be at the 8000 Pesos price - around $595 USD for the 16gb version. That's a solid $50 cheaper than most other offerings.

The bad news, I'm still going to have to either go down there or work out something for the larger orders if people are still interested.

Cyan is confirmed a no-go, Magenta - my friends calls it nuclear pink - is way brighter and less dark than each pic has shown so far. And numbers are still unknown around availability. Weird that they're still in the dark. There's a week to go for the so-called release, I'll find out more this week, guaranteed.

Just an update. If I get the N9, I'll report the entire process to you and meanwhile I'll keep asking the question about bulk purchases.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Well guys, here's the update for the last week. Still no update on the 64gb phones, price and availability is still not known. My friend with the Nokia connections is sorta panicking and has set aside a 16gb Black N9 for me.

We might do a "dry run" to see how things go - from the purchasing to shipment - this week. Good news, it sounds like I could have a N9 in my hands in the next week or so. And it'll be at the 8000 Pesos price - around $595 USD for the 16gb version. That's a solid $50 cheaper than most other offerings.

The bad news, I'm still going to have to either go down there or work out something for the larger orders if people are still interested.

Cyan is confirmed a no-go, Magenta - my friends calls it nuclear pink - is way brighter and less dark than each pic has shown so far. And numbers are still unknown around availability. Weird that they're still in the dark. There's a week to go for the so-called release, I'll find out more this week, guaranteed.

Just an update. If I get the N9, I'll report the entire process to you and meanwhile I'll keep asking the question about bulk purchases.
You the man. Price isn't that bad @ all. Good communication too. Keep up the good work....
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gerbick FTW!
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
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I'm really interested, thanks for all your work so far.

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depression, nokia n9, purchase, the elop flop

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