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~ $ /usr/bin/gpe-calendar
Updating Travel
Updating 30b
The profile contains the unsupported custom attribute X-WR-CALNAME.

Both calendars say updated "0 minutes ago" in the Calendars view. I think I'm going to try installing Todo and Contacts one at a time to see if they bring a lib to the party that fixes the Cal issue.
Posts: 93 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Sep 2007
So on N800 OS 2008 I can't install this..

Missing libsoup2.2-8 (>=2.2.98)

What to do?
Posts: 1,097 | Thanked: 650 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I installed gpe-calendar on my N810 along with COntacts and todo.

After reading this thread, just now I imported Google Calendar ical using the ical address for my GCal.
The first time it failed saying the URL does not exist. So I made my calendar public and did a refresh on my gpe-calendar app on and I can get all my Google calendar events in gpe.
This is great. I did not even know this could be done.
Great way to have one view of my persoanl IT based events and the collaborative GCal calendar.Maybe having todo and contact (I also installed GPE-summary) might help resolve the issue.

But can I import my GCal wihout having to make it public and open to everyone ?
Greyghost's Avatar
Posts: 415 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Austin, Texas
Originally Posted by traveller604 View Post
So on N800 OS 2008 I can't install this..

Missing libsoup2.2-8 (>=2.2.98)

What to do?
I am having the same problem...I just updated firmware on my N810 and it's in one of the repos I backed up. I am enabling them one at a time but so far I haven't figured out which one it's in.

Edit: Found it: In Maemo Hackers (

Last edited by Greyghost; 2007-12-19 at 17:20.

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