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so i ordered it from Negri Electronics today at 812 + 20 for expedited shipping. we shall see how this one goes. Negri seems to have stock of it according to their front page.

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Originally Posted by godofcookery View Post
so i ordered it from Negri Electronics today at 812 + 20 for expedited shipping. we shall see how this one goes. Negri seems to have stock of it according to their front page.
i just posted on another thread, but you can get an addiontal $35 off with the coupon code 'sb35offjkh'. Not sure if your order went through but doesn't hurt saving more money if you can

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I posted in the worldwide availability thread, but was told would be better here... Speaking from Montreal, Canada, I have a friend that has one of the cell phone booth things, and I finally managed to convince him to start selling the N9, lol (Apart from myself, apparently nobody knew about that phone ) I just got word from him 30 minutes ago with a 820$CAD quote for 64gb, final price. I'm currently at work so I can't call him back to let him know I am screaming of joy, but if everything is true, I am placing my order right after work! I am not sure if anybody else from TMO is in Montreal, as I have never shipped anything so shipping could be Let me know if you have questions you want me to ask the guy for "worldwide availability"

PS. Phones are coming from Dubai

EDIT: Actually... I texted him, and that price is for 16GB But he did tell me that his contact from Dubai told him that prices should be dropping by Wednesday :O So something else to look forward to...yet again

Last edited by IsaacDFP; 2011-10-24 at 19:11. Reason: Correction
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Originally Posted by charbar View Post
i just posted on another thread, but you can get an addiontal $35 off with the coupon code 'sb35offjkh'. Not sure if your order went through but doesn't hurt saving more money if you can
too bad i missed this, but in light of the amount, i can live with missing the coupon. appreciate the post very much.
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Okay, here's the deal. There's two options for Australia - I'm working with another member to sort out a possibility in Australia - and there's two options for Dubai.

A long story made incredibly short is that Australia is about 4 days on the West Coast US from shipping date to around 5-7 days on the East Coast US from shipping date. The 16gb versions are a shade over $680 US, and it seems like prices are set to drop to like $675 US in a week or so. The 64gb N9's are starting to show up, but the price is not available to me at this very moment. But the person I'm working with (not sure if he wanted me to say his name or not) is definitely digging down to help us there.

I hate to keep sounding like I'm saying "wait" but that's where we're at. Mobicity is the second option from Australia. The good... they ship fast. The bad... they ask for a lot of information. License, passport, utility bill all scanned and sent to them for fraud purposes. They're currently over $680 as well, but so far has delivered two N9's the US without issue and without us having to pay customs.

Dubai connection has proven to be trustworthy and I'm still securing a lower price. I'm at around 2300 Dirhams, around $636 USD and shipping has cost a solid $40 USD there. Once I get the go ahead, I will either link to a merchant or discuss what we can do and in what quantity. The good news is that the 16gb Cyan and 16gb Magenta are in great supply. The 64gb ones are there, but have proven to be popular - but not to the point of where it's not something we cannot afford - no premiums. The experience on shipping from there has been either as slow as 8 days - long story there - to as quick as 5 days to the midwest US. I'm sure since I'm east coast, it would have been a day quicker for me. The second option for Dubai is that I can arrange for more to be purchased. We need to find a better way to ship money though. He fronted the purchase - he's my "bro" that's there - and then I paid him back. My bank balked at first at the transfer, but the transfer went without a hitch.

Malaysia, Mexico and Singapore have all been offered up by friends, connections or fellow TMO members, but I have not run any dry runs through them.

I don't like how Expansys is making folks pay out of the behind for one. I think they finally dropped below $800 for the 16gb versions...

If you have any questions, I'm free to answer most. I will link to the merchants in a bit - the final pricing and how we can get a lower price is what I'm working on now. It looks positive. 6 phones in the US, 6 out of 6 are in people's hands.

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Posts: 323 | Thanked: 209 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Tampico, México
Well guys, just sent the money to this guy, the final price was $7,500 pesos shipping included which is a surprinsinly low price for what it is.

Will be sent tomorrow morning from México City and will take 1 day to get home.

Will take pics when received and talk to this guy to see if I can do more business for you all.

wish me the best luck

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I have a new black 16 GB N9 for sale within the U.S. Hopefully this is a reasonable place to post it.

I was one of the N9Seconds winners (see, and just received this N9 today as my prize. Unfortunately, they didn't give me a choice of model, and I really need more than 16 GB to hold my music collection, so I'm selling this 16 GB one and working on acquiring a 64 GB model for myself.

I am located in the U.S., and I am looking to ship it within the U.S.

For more information, email me at I'm at work right now, but later tonight, I'd be happy to provide pictures, etc. for those interested.

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diegofigueroa's Avatar
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Guatemala
You and Gerbick are awesome! thanks to both of you.

Originally Posted by dcastrog View Post
Hello people!

In regards of Mexican N9s I have just found two sellers who are willing to send me some N9, but only in black and 16 version.

However, the prices are very competitive.One of them is offering me the phone for $550 USD plus shipping to my house (I also live in Mexico). The other one offers it for $620. Again, both sellers are offering the black version with 16GB on board,

I'm gonna do a first buy and see how it goes, and see if it's a scammer or something. Will do the deal personally and come back with the results.

hope it goes well, got me very excited

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16GB version is available at for $699. It is a NY based store.
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Originally Posted by dcastrog View Post
Well guys, just sent the money to this guy, the final price was $7,500 pesos shipping included which is a surprinsinly low price for what it is.

Will be sent tomorrow morning from México City and will take 1 day to get home.

Will take pics when received and talk to this guy to see if I can do more business for you all.

wish me the best luck
This may have been mentioned, but how much will they be selling the N9 for (officially) in Mexico, and would they offer it w/out a contract and would that be unlocked? As the US and Canada are the only countries I've been in that I can recall (may not be accurate) doing this 'lock' nonsense I don't know if Mexico is the same.

depression, nokia n9, purchase, the elop flop

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