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Can someone tell me one reason to perfer Nokia N9 over Galaxy S2?

1) Bigger Screen: I always love big screen so 3.9 inch is not match for 4.3 inch screen of S2
2) Faster Processor: Having dual core and faster processor is always gives superior perfomance
3) Future Proof: With the future of Meego uncertain we never know, how much will Elop spend in providing support for N9
4) Economical: I think N9 is 100$ more expensive than S2

So what major advantage does N9 holds over Galaxy S2.
Posts: 99 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Can someone tell me one reason to perfer Nokia N9 over Galaxy S2?

1) Bigger Screen: I always love big screen so 3.9 inch is not match for 4.3 inch screen of S2
2) Faster Processor: Having dual core and faster processor is always gives superior perfomance
3) Future Proof: With the future of Meego uncertain we never know, how much will Elop spend in providing support for N9
4) Economical: I think N9 is 100$ more expensive than S2

So what major advantage does N9 holds over Galaxy S2.
i can't answer any of the questions above but I will add this:

The N9 looks like a windows phone so it's less likely to be stolen and if you lost it someone would be sure to return it.

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Originally Posted by ziggadebo View Post
i can't answer any of the questions above but I will add this:

The N9 looks like a windows phone so it's less likely to be stolen and if you lost it someone would be sure to return it.
Nicely put
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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Can someone tell me one reason to perfer Nokia N9 over Galaxy S2?

1) Bigger Screen: I always love big screen so 3.9 inch is not match for 4.3 inch screen of S2
2) Faster Processor: Having dual core and faster processor is always gives superior perfomance
3) Future Proof: With the future of Meego uncertain we never know, how much will Elop spend in providing support for N9
4) Economical: I think N9 is 100$ more expensive than S2

So what major advantage does N9 holds over Galaxy S2.
Can't think many. Easier to tinker with. Why do some people choose to use Mac when computers with Windows have more horsepower and have generally more applications and better long term support?

The reason varies and a person who asks a question like the one you did should choose GSII. Mind you, I prefer Windows on my computer.
Posts: 199 | Thanked: 232 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sweden
After holding a N9 the SGSII feels like a poorly built fragile toy! Just sayin'!
faN9oy I am!

Last edited by eMiL; 2011-10-27 at 07:18.

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the n9 have better camera, and nice to use UIl.

(unless u install a custom launcher, like spb 3d shell or go launcher EX).

and taskswitching wont get fixed until ICS release

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Originally Posted by eMiL View Post
After holding a N9 the SGSII feels like a poorly build fragile toy! Just sayin'!
I am very much tempted with the new version of N9 which has this beautiful snowhite color and glossy display

But the question is, is it really worth to have it over S2? What difference will there be in terms of perfomance when we compare both the processors?
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on May 2011
Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Can someone tell me one reason to perfer Nokia N9 over Galaxy S2?
as you say the N9 is way too expensive if you look at the specs. i don't understand why - maybe its only because nokia don't want to sell many of them.... but besides that i'd definitely prefer the n9 over the s2 just because its not only another cloned android - it's something different and for me thats good because all those androids are kind of boring me (i like to have android as an extra feature on my n900 but not as "standalone-os"). in contrast to that the nice harmattan UI is really well done and totally amazes me. i think it does a great job on daily usage and in addition to that the n9 design doesn't look bad at all

can someone explain why the n9 is so damned overpriced?

oh and i totally understand why some people say the s2 feels like a cheap toy - i absolutely agree...

(sorry for my funny english^^)

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In Malaysia they are about equally priced, but as you say the Galaxy clearly has the better hardware specs. Still, if you want some reasons why folks like me chose the N9, here are some.

OS user-end: Let me be blunt, Samsung's Android UX is a mess. My mother owns an S2 and while she was asking me how she could do this and that and I was fiddling with it I really began appreciating just how well-designed the Harmattan UX and overall architecture is on the N9. Social media, email, Skype/Google Voice are all flawlessly and out-the-box integrated whereas on the S2 I needed to hunt for a facebook app and then hunt for another app to get decent sharing integration in the Gallery app. Stuff like that. You get the feeling that some of these Android manufacturers are sitting on their laurels and having a sort of "there's an app for that" mentality and aren't investing their due effort in making sure their phone software is a nice, all-round, out-the-box-works package. Samsung is a notorious example of such a manufacturer imo. Of course, this is easily worked around if you're comfortable with rooting and flashing your own custom Android ROM, but then Real Multitasking (TM) and the delightful swipe-based UX paradigm are also massive icings on the cake for the N9 if you dig them.

OS geek-end: I'm not a big fan of Java, and I'm not a big fan of having a rigidly defined, platform-specific app-development framework. I want to be able to write and run simple shell scripts and quick-hack up python UIs. And Qt is my favorite development framework on the desktop. If you're like me, well, the N9 is pretty godsend.

Finally, the N9 is physically pretty. Very pretty.
My blog: Between Linux and Anime

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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
I am very much tempted with the new version of N9 which has this beautiful snowhite color and glossy display

But the question is, is it really worth to have it over S2? What difference will there be in terms of perfomance when we compare both the processors?
Well, think about what you need the processor for. The UI is fluid on the N9, Android is not the most performant operating system, so a faster CPU merely makes it adequate. Videos run just fine on the N9 as well, though perhaps you can think of some corner cases were CPU actually matters.

Where CPU can still make a difference is in very demanding applications or games. This will only rarely make a difference though, because generally apps for Android are built with the lowest common denominator in mind, while all apps for the N9 can take full advantage of its capabilities if they need to, because they are obviously directly targeted towards the device.

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