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MM2.2 has been working great on my N800 with the OS2008. Everything was good until just one glitch... that actually became major.

I was browsing a route to check I have all the map tiles loaded by tap, tap, tap method, and suddenly the N800 just froze big time. (It did not respond to any button presses nor touch screen.) Finally the N800 rebooted itself (watchdog?). Next time I tried the MM and once I got to the point where it froze the MM just quit without warning.

I did run dosfsck on memory card and it did find errors on the map database file. After fixing the errors MM still crashed on that same spot. (So I assume the database was still corrupt.) Luckily I had another copy of the database on the second N800 device. Once I copied that file over the MM started to work fine.

So, this bring me to the point: It would be very welcome feature to add some sort of database integrity tool to MM, so that if this happens again, there is a way to restore the database without loading a backup copy. (And I assume not everyone is lucky to have a backup...)
james.bottomtooth's Avatar
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anyone's MM stopped working?

i have upgraded my N800 to OS2008.
both MM and Navicore seemed to work fine. then for some reason it would not start. (i think, but not sure, that it happened after i configured GPS receiver under OS Settings. I use Nokia gps receiver)

so i uninstalled Map (wayfinder), and uninstalled/reinstalled MM and Navicore multiple times and neither want to start. (once i reinstall it, i click on application, but nothing happens)

any ideas? do i need to reinstall OS again?
thanks a bucket.
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gnuite's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ag2 View Post
Any word on when maemo mapper will work with the built in GPS in N810?

Looks like the GPS api is documented here:
Maemo Mapper is already using this API (if you use "File Path" in the Settings dialog). It doesn't seem to work with the built-in GPS on the N810.

Maemo Mapper also supports libgpsbt, which is used if you specify "Bluetooth" in the Settings dialog. Normally, when you do not specify a MAC address when using libgpsbt, Maemo will automatically search for bluetooth devices that claim to be GPS receiver. For some reason, there seems to be a feature (undocumented?) that allows causes libgpsbt to work directly with the internal GPS receiver if you don't specify a bluetooth MAC address. I have no idea why this works, but it does.

I can't investigate further until I actually have an N810.
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This is a bit off-topic I guess, is it possible to compile Maemo-Mapper on a standard Linux desktop? or are they too heavily dependent on Hildon libs? I have a Car PC as well as an N800 and was hoping to one day be able to install it on that as well.

Gutsy Ubuntu does have some hildon stuff available but I doubt it will be the correct libs thats on Maemo OS2008.

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After upgrading OS2008 Beta => 0S2008 I do not get my WMS-services running on MM. OpenStreetMap and other dowloadable repositories works very well.

After adding following private url to map repository and closing repository dialog MM crashes immediately. Gconftool is only way I know to get MM running again.

< CE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Rinnevalovarjostus,ma asto&STYLES=&SRS=900913&BBOX=%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f&W IDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&FORMAT=image/png>

Is there something wrong in my URL or what could be reason to crash?
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Originally Posted by james.bottomtooth View Post
anyone's MM stopped working?

i have upgraded my N800 to OS2008.
both MM and Navicore seemed to work fine. then for some reason it would not start. (i think, but not sure, that it happened after i configured GPS receiver under OS Settings. I use Nokia gps receiver)

so i uninstalled Map (wayfinder), and uninstalled/reinstalled MM and Navicore multiple times and neither want to start. (once i reinstall it, i click on application, but nothing happens)

any ideas? do i need to reinstall OS again?
thanks a bucket.
Maemo Mapper doesn't start up for me sometimes too. I've found that if I turn my N800 off then on again, it starts up fine. Maybe it's leaving something running in the background that shouldn't be?

Also, another quick question : how do you search for an address - like say I want to find kreta ayer road, how do I search for it? When I try View -> Go to -> Address, and type in the street name, it always tells me it's not found...

james.bottomtooth's Avatar
Posts: 150 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on May 2007
i never have luck with my N800.

with new OS2008 i tried 3 methods, from Application manager, and file from SD card, all give me same result
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PinCushionQueen's Avatar
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Maemo mapper is in the Maemo Extras reposiory & it's broken at this time. AFAIK, no app from extras will install & every one of them give that same "corrupted install" error.

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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Maemo Mapper is already using this API (if you use "File Path" in the Settings dialog). It doesn't seem to work with the built-in GPS on the N810.

Maemo Mapper also supports libgpsbt, which is used if you specify "Bluetooth" in the Settings dialog. Normally, when you do not specify a MAC address when using libgpsbt, Maemo will automatically search for bluetooth devices that claim to be GPS receiver. For some reason, there seems to be a feature (undocumented?) that allows causes libgpsbt to work directly with the internal GPS receiver if you don't specify a bluetooth MAC address. I have no idea why this works, but it does.

I can't investigate further until I actually have an N810.
I can confirm that leaving the MAC address blank and specifying 'bluetooth' in the settings menu will enable the internal GPS on the N810 to connect to MM. Kind of strange, but welcome nonetheless.

Any idea if this drains your battery more (e.g. does it really use the GPS chip AND bluetooth at the same time, or does the hardware just think that it does?).

The Following User Says Thank You to tfinnan For This Useful Post:
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Thx for mentioning this, I think I tried this in my efforts but referenced a MAC; never thought to leave it empty!

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