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Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2007
This is the best app I've seen on my n800

The way I can listen music, view photos - easiness of browsing and changing albums, getting to the picture - awesome

I am impressed.

I have two questions:
Does anybody know if I can get to the canola's mplayer options ??
I am thinking about something like etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf file
I want to change the way that my videos are displayed - I don't like it stretched :/

Second thing - Can I zoom in pictures ?? I can't find shortcut to get into 100% of zoom. Any Ideas ??

Thank You Canola team. Great job
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2007
From what I remember seeing in the videos, just tapping the pic should enter full screen mode with controls, and tapping again should toggle the controls. Possibly wrong though.
barbieri's Avatar
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Recife, Brazil
Originally Posted by wetcoast View Post
- Ogg support enabled out of the box; users shouldn't have to know about Nokia's shameful lack of support for Ogg; users shouldn't have to wonder why their Ogg Vorbis files do not show up in a media scan, nor should they have to search through forums and such to find Ogg support. Think about it: there are not that many players that support Ogg out of the box (digital media players overall, I am not talking only about those on the IT) - this is a selling feature. IRiver, Cowon do; for this reason those players appeal to a certain segment of the market. Why Nokia doesn't get this I can not understand but that doesn't prevent you folks from being so dense!

By the way; I have T.K.'s Ogg support installed; have restarted the device; rescanned my media library.

I don't see any of my Ogg formatted files showing up, and since I can't navigate by folder, I can't even be sure that there are problems merely with navigation; with recognition; or with rendition.

It would appear that Canola2 does NOT have Ogg support at present, or there is a bug which needs addressing. Lack of Ogg support the primary reason why I un-installed Canola1.
Hi, I wrote lightmediascanner ( and the ogg support is there, but is not provided by Canola since thuomas ogg-support is not in yet. He said that he'll upload his packages, then we can compile lms "ogg" plugin. If you wish to have it working sooner than this, then just download lms source and ogg/vorbis libraries and compile, it will generate "src/plugins/ogg/", just copy it to your device at /usr/lib/lightmediascanner/plugins/

So, it's more a distribution problem than lack of support :-)

PS: we use mplayer or osso-media-server to play files, so you must have one of these working with OGG to have it to play. If you wish to use mplayer, then you need to specify using atabake's config file, just join #canola and ask ;-)
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barbieri - that's fine news. A distribution problem is one I can deal with on my own, and gives hope that this will be sorted out in time. If not for the Nokia/Maemo repository problems at this point I'd already have put mplayer back on; I think I'll go that route for now.
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Any mirrors??
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2007
From the IRC channel concerning OGG support:

add bora maemo and install my deb:
this should give you OGG support
Also with a request for testing, BTW, so if someone can confirm that it does or doesn't work, that'd be super-nifty, I'm sure.

Last edited by GreySim; 2007-12-21 at 15:28. Reason: Remembered about the quote tags, updated for new version, and newer version again.
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Does this support WMA files? Just realized the media I have is in that format. I can convert to mp3 if need be, just wondering.
Mahaloha's Avatar
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Hawaii
How do you get the album covers and video images to display?
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EXACT Catalog details for n800 0S2008

Catalogue name: maemo
Web address:
Components: free non-free

Catalogue name: maemo Extras
Web address:
Components: free non-free
handful's Avatar
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Hi guys, Lot's of message.

First of all (I know you probably pissed of with excuses) but this time it's not our fault.

please understand why we cannot place the canola2 on one big debian. We have too much dependencies on Maemo-extras that it would need to maintain more than 60 packages and this could actually break other applications. So actually we tried to solve the first version problem and this server problem is giving people headaches.

So let me try to answer some question.

@player, mediaplayers etc :
Canola support both mediaplayers. It comes with no player installed so we support the default media player. But bare in mind this media player can have some weird issues with Canola. We are already aware of this

We cannot add this. Sorry, we are quite small, but we are a company and we don't want to be sued at this stage, so we removed it : / we are trying to figure out how to legally do it but it's hard so I believe some scripts will be made by others. That will be our salvation.

@Scanner :
This is always the most sensitive topic for devs. We were afraid of eating cpu, locking at 100% and so on. So we decided to really go opensource on this one, improve it to have separated actegories etc.
So please we will improve it. but first :
- we didn't set up manually because we wanted to see what's the optimal way of doing it.
- We will place a button " force re-scan " button to help those that don't see the media.

B ut: it seems to take a little while to appear, but it does show. So please be patience with that one.

@Coverart : we cannot supply it, but there are scripts made by thirdparty. We do have our solutions (sliding cover) but don't know if we can release.

@OGG : the scanne is indeed supporting (so make sure you have the ogg support installed) but we do need to improve, so please we will improve it, if it's not working we will fix it. I promise , read that this is the only one I write that : We will support as best as possible (or as the ogg support )

@ other formats : the lms is open source, so if you need AAC wait a little bit we just cannot do everything, but we will do the most needed one.

@HArdware keys : are really missing love, and we already know,.. so please bare in mind that will be there (volume is always on the + and - ) hardware keys can scroll and play pause etc. I have posted about it.

@more and more : please bare in mind that this is a beta =) so I'm listening to everything you guys said to fix most of it, but wwe cannot do everything, and of course we will do what is the best.

@Folder based: this is in the todo. We actually have the small folder icons, etc for it. So don't worry I think we will be able to do it sooner or late.

@Add items, playlist creation : we have crazy ideas for that, have been talking to gustavo and the infrastructure is there. So we can do it and will, just need time =)

Please keep the problems coming.

Thanks everyone... I'm on vacations but I will make sure to answers everyone message.

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