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interesting read with another Elop ending. Seems like another example of not realising what they had.

I remember the N95 memory update, something like dynamic paging, which helped relieve out of memory errors. The E90, as featured in die hard 4 iirc, was S60 so should of had the "pen" button, allowing copy and paste. The button was dropped on later phones because people didn't know what it did.

To me the biggest problem is the fall in quality in nearly ALL modern phones, regardless of manufacturer. Obvious defects that should be picked up in quality control. USB ports faulty on N900, antenna gate on iPhone4, pentile screen issues on N9, software issues that should be picked up in testing (siri working whilst locked on 4S). 6610, 6220, Motorolla M3888. 3 phones before N95 all solid, stable and well built.
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I work in a industrial supply chain. Experience has taught me that customers will buy as cheap as possible that just works. I can offer a uber powerful 15 amp power drill with laser pinpointing,but at the end of the day they will buy a 2 amp B&D, after all , its only going to perforate into drywall.
That said, manufacturing costs for N series phones were very high, even higher than first gen Iphones. I can only guess that when Nokia tried to market them through major carriers, the carriers asked if these phones could be subsidized through a contract and make a profit on that. Looking only at the bill of materials costs, that would not be even thinkable. Therefore, carriers declined N series phones and went to cheaper E series phones.
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Originally Posted by number41 View Post
Nokia's management continued to baffle the world, even with the N line, as it continue to create offerings that competed against nothing except nokia's own phones, which was as bizarre as bizarre would get. The company was literally chewing itself out from within.
Sadly, SonyEricsson have done much the same. I have seen more then one release from them in the past that was 2-3 phones with basically the same internals, a somewhat different external, and firmwares that was interchangeable but did different things.

Two examples i have owned was the Z710 that could take the firmware from the W710 and get the better media player, or the C702 (my current phone) vs the c902 where the latter would have a firmware that allowed the flash to behave as, well, a flash (rather then a flashlight)...
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Originally Posted by F2thaK View Post
Wow. Imagine where Nokia could have been today if it weren't for their internal politics, secrets, stupidity, etc.
Supposedly a similar thing within MS where the head of the Office group would not allow tablet specific customizations to be added to the package.

Or dear old Apple, where before Jobs was ousted there was a ongoing "battle" between the AppleII and the Lisa/Mac camps (or even just between Lisa and Mac teams, where i think Jobs himself basically unplugged one guys computer and carried it physically to the Mac office)...

I wonder if it can be connected to the abundance of sociopaths in the top levels of corporations.
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Originally Posted by codecxbox View Post
I work in a industrial supply chain. Experience has taught me that customers will buy as cheap as possible that just works. I can offer a uber powerful 15 amp power drill with laser pinpointing,but at the end of the day they will buy a 2 amp B&D, after all , its only going to perforate into drywall.
I think there is a story that when there is a boom, people will buy cheap. But during a recession they will try to get the most bang for every buck.

Hell, i think one guy found that one could model the economy on the inverse of skirt lengths. Basically when there was economic constrained times, skits would be longer to show of that one could spend. But during booms they would get shorter...

Humans, rational, yea right... Rationalizing more like it.
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
Basically when there was economic constrained times, skits would be longer to show of that one could spend. But during booms they would get shorter...
I thought that when it comes to ladies "fashion" the price is inversely proportional to the material used?
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
I think there is a story that when there is a boom, people will buy cheap. But during a recession they will try to get the most bang for every buck.

Hell, i think one guy found that one could model the economy on the inverse of skirt lengths. Basically when there was economic constrained times, skits would be longer to show of that one could spend. But during booms they would get shorter....
Female clothes follows the economics in a predictable way, if economy is good then the sexiness get dropped for practical clothes, and when it gets down then the clothes get sexy to attract men with money.
Deskypplet , a desktop for N900 *RIP*
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that's why I still use a nokia 9500 and a 9300i with my n900.

I have many units of them , so will be able to use that platform for the next 5 or 6 years

4 * 9300
4* 9300i
3* 9500

I had a 7710 but was stolen...

Posts: 4 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2011
good article tnx for sharing it
btw After 5-6 years some one will write an article "Nokia's Great Lost Platform-Maemo" LOl
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Maemo is Hildon

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