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Just installed OS2008 yesterday. I'm coming from a background of having a 770 for about 4-5 months, then just got my N800 which i've had for about 1 week on OS2007, and now OS2008. Wow, its much faster, and I love the interface. The blue glow for email/chats is awesome, and I love how its made much easier for finger use then stylus use. Two thumbs up and two toes as well!
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Originally Posted by Moonshine View Post
Whoa... that certainly isn't normal. Are there certain sites you're seeing this on? I haven't tried the entire Web (yet ) but I haven't see a crash so far, or reboot. Did you happen to restore a backup after install OS2008? Many people have reported problems do to that.
Off the top of my head, I've had it happen on Yahoo! mail (the newer DHTML version), Google Maps and --- anything that can be CPU intensive. However, it only happened on when I was using GPRS... it's like the N800 freaked out and couldn't deal with doing two major things at once. :S
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Thumbs way up on OS2008, for me. I was having trouble with the filesystem being corrupted in OS2007, forcing me to reflash the device, and I haven't had that issue, at all, in OS2008.
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Originally Posted by hordeman View Post
It's a 45 degree thumbs up from me! The Mozilla browser actually seems MUCH less stable to me --- it consistently locks up my tablet and causes reboots. HOWEVER, I see a lot of potential with this browser moving forward --- it's good for a first-step, and it can only keep getting better!
microb still crashes occasionally but not nearly as often.
i chat on skype a lot, and i can't get the thumb keyboard to come up at all. the middle dpad button doesn't work with skype chat as it does in other aps.
but everything is much faster. i feel as if i just bought a new tablet. these things do way more than any other 200$ gadget. i use this thing with skype as my phone, and i turn my computer on only a couple times a week. i can use transmission to torrent and i'll try hooking it to my 80gb hd based mp3 player when i get the right usb cable. that should take care of storage issues.
the battery life seems about the same as with 2007, although some have said it's longer. the max volume does seem a bit less.
i'm really impressed at how fast aps have been ported.
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A reluctant thumbs down. I'm actually going to downgrade back to OS2007 this evening. I was eagerly anticipating this new release, and I have to credit what a refreshing upgrade it is with regard to visual prettiness, streaming media, and overall system responsiveness. But the new browser is, in my experience, exceptionally slower than OS2007 Opera in all operations (even zooming in), across a variety of web pages. Add to that a point previously made on this thread about the thumbpad needing extra coaxing to appear, and the web browser experience (which enables 90% of my use of the Internet Tablet) is a big step down in the new OS for me. If I could somehow get Opera on OS2008, I'd be happy and probably get over the tweaked touch-responsiveness of the entire system, but as it stands I'm shuffling back to OS2007.

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Right, my thoughts, though I only used OS2007 for a week before the upgrade...

1. I don't like the way the menu comes up - on my OS2007 it used to be either a nice compact menu with the stylus or the big menu with a finger... now it is the same big menu with both. - some points.

2. I preferred the old status bar icons - more polished looking but pure MMI so not really something I can complain too much about.

3. Comes with XTerm built in + a lot of points.

4. MicroB is alot better in the new incarnation.

5. Mail still can't cope with gmail imap.

So in summary, one thumb up but its wavering abit...

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Arimus For This Useful Post:
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Been using N800 for 6 months. Using microb since beta came out for OS2007. Default Opera browser did not properly render many of the sites I regularly visit. Big thumbs up for microb improvements and overall system responsiveness in OS2008. I have never had microb crashed on me in OS2008 yet. And a big Yay and thanks for porting adblock to microb.
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I originally had the n800 a year or so back when they were us$400-500. while it was good I couldnt justify the coin and moved it on. Was looking at the n810, but due to its memory change it simply wasnt/isnt worth what they are selling for. Then i heard the os2008 would be available for n800 and looked at the price now @ around us$200 now thats value for money.
Glad I bought it, it will only be a internet browser for me and a fun little toy, i really like the new os its easy to use, unlike all those commands of the last system. Suits me just fine.
Id recommend anyone to buy one and upgrade at this price

ps agree about the negativity of quite a few members here, its a forum, and if you dont like what people ask, just move on, do you realise there are more and more new users everyday and a quick answer to maybe a repetitive question can save so much time
The new users ask for a layman term answer, which is what all the other new users want

Last edited by mikey; 2007-12-21 at 21:11.
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Originally Posted by namtastic View Post
Actually, this is exactly why the site -- and I mean the site itself -- needs a chat room. (Because no one wants to wade through a 20 page thread for a quick answer.)
This is what you want.

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I give it 2-thumbs up since it's faster and more responsive than the OS2007.

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