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great job, thanks to not give up the fight.

i'm wondering does it possible to use the google-album-art-downloader app to fetch up the album art missing in our library song? also it could use to fetch thumbnail for the web radio in OMP...

futhermore, can you implement in omp webradio a search engine using mediabox internet radio plug-in


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The most important thing has been missed here, I am talking about checking newly added songs or videos. In the stock player yellow information appears when opening it after adding new songs, I meant:

That function in OMP is missing.. After set OMP as default music player, I must open gallery to triger that check for new files. I think that is really important, and must be implemented.

@gidzzz: look at this

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Originally Posted by ed_boner View Post
Tell me when you experience those crashes, for example. If you point me in the right direction and I can reproduce them, I'll try to fix them.

Originally Posted by FireyFly View Post
As you can see in the last screenshot, the settings menu allows for horizontal scrolling, which looks a bit odd. Also, in portrait mode the swedish localisation of the checkbox about FMTX is wider than the popup menu (so the horizontal scrolling is in fact necessary here). It'd be better to make the checkbox label multi-line (if possible?).
Looks like it's an issue of the updated translation. It was "Överskrid FMTX kontrollerar UI" before and in landscape it did not require any scrolling. I don't know about portrait, I'll split it into two lines if the old translation is still too long.

Originally Posted by FireyFly View Post
A minor localisation issue: the swedish localisation of "Now Playing" is currently "Nu spelande", but in the stock media player the translation is "Nu spelas" (which sounds much better as well)..
It used to be "Nu spelas", but it changed with the updated translation (unfortunately, I couldn't say whether it was better, only that it was 100% complete and a few simple errors were corrected). I think I'll revert all occurances of "Nu spelande" then.

Originally Posted by FireyFly View Post
Finally, a feature suggestion: a song queue system and the possibility to queue songs in the playlist for playing. This is probably the most important feature I've missed in the maemo media player compared to desktop music players.
Can you elaborate on that? When I read "queue system", I think of removing songs from the playlist after playing them, but is that what you meant? Inserting songs after the current one? Appending songs to the playlist (instead of replacing them) when you open a song from a file browser? The last interpretation is a great idea, I can't make up my mind about the two former at the moment.

Originally Posted by BrX View Post
The most important thing has been missed here, I am talking about checking newly added songs or videos. In the stock player yellow information appears when opening it after adding new songs, I meant:

That function in OMP is missing.. After set OMP as default music player, I must open gallery to triger that check for new files. I think that is really important, and must be implemented.
The check does not depend on the player, Tracker does it on its own. OMP simply doesn't show the notification, and in case you wonder, you don't even have to restart the player, the songs should be silently added to the library (but you can watch the song count or sometimes notice a list being refreshed).

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Originally Posted by gidzzz View Post
Tell me when you experience those crashes, for example. If you point me in the right direction and I can reproduce them, I'll try to fix them.
I have had a few crashes but when i have tried to reproduce them it seems to work fine which at a guess points to an interaction with mafw rather than a particular input.

But the real issue was i tried to add
"openmediaplayer >> /somepath/log.txt"
to my .desktop file the log was created but empty?
maby some sort of running log would be helpful?
and great work btw gidzzz

Last edited by -L-; 2011-12-08 at 00:12.
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So, do they seem completely random? Logs could give me a clue, but if that's a segmentation fault, I'm afraid that only in a fraction of cases.

The log file is empty, because OMP throws the messages to stderr, not stdout. You cane use "openmediaplayer 2>> /somepath/log.txt" to redirect the output.

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every time i search for lyrics i get"not found".. can u make it fetch lyrics from this site??? this site gets updated almost everyday

is it possible??and tks for your awesome work.. except the lyrics section everything is damn good.. keep up this good work
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Originally Posted by gidzzz View Post
So, do they seem completely random? Logs could give me a clue, but if that's a segmentation fault, I'm afraid that only in a fraction of cases.
They seem random however most of the times i remember them happening was after closing the stock player and switching to the open player.
That being said i have had omp crash when opening shortly after boot up i repeated the process but it didn't crash again could have been that mafw wasn't ready or something like that.

Also i cant remember if you said you fixed opening files from filebox or not but at the moment its broken and will split windows if you had the music section open (artist/albums/etc..) before trying to open a file.
however if the file was loaded with the stock player it will play fine in the open player

Thanks for the pointers on the logs will keep a constant one see if it has any useful information when i have a crash next.

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i always start OMP throug touching on the media player widget.70 of the times OMP tryes to open and imediately crashes.i touck the widget again and OMP opens normaly.

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Originally Posted by gidzzz View Post
Looks like it's an issue of the updated translation. It was "Överskrid FMTX kontrollerar UI" before and in landscape it did not require any scrolling. I don't know about portrait, I'll split it into two lines if the old translation is still too long.
The biggest problem with the old translation is that it's wrong :-). "överskrid FMTX-kontrollerar-UI" literally translates to "override FMTX-controlling UI", which means something completely different.
I think the current translation of that line is better, but if you want to save space you could replace "användargränssnittet" with "gränssnittet". I think that'd fit in a single line in landscape mode.

Originally Posted by gidzzz View Post
It used to be "Nu spelas", but it changed with the updated translation (unfortunately, I couldn't say whether it was better, only that it was 100% complete and a few simple errors were corrected). I think I'll revert all occurances of "Nu spelande" then.
Sounds good.

If you wish, I could take a look at the whole translation file and change what I think sounds odd. Of course, that'd lead to the same problem as before, since you'd still trust a single person to do the translation...

Originally Posted by gidzzz View Post
Can you elaborate on that? When I read "queue system", I think of removing songs from the playlist after playing them, but is that what you meant? Inserting songs after the current one? Appending songs to the playlist (instead of replacing them) when you open a song from a file browser? The last interpretation is a great idea, I can't make up my mind about the two former at the moment.
Forcing songs (already in the playlist) to play after the current song has finished, regardless of the "actual" order (which would be either the song below it, or a random song if "shuffle" is set).

I'm used to this behaviour from the KDE music player "Amarok", which allows you to right-click a song in the playlist and select "queue track" (or "dequeue track" if it's already queued). Amarok also annotates the tracks in the playlist with their position in the queue. (Image: after the current track has finished, first Conveyer will play, then Overworld and then Radio Future. Then it'll continue in the regular order.)

I also like the "append tracks to current playlist instead of replacing the playlist" idea, though! It sounds fairly simple; a checkbox in the settings would probably be sufficient.

Edit: regarding entertainment view not displaying any text:
I tried changing the entertainment view QML into a simple scene consisting of only the "quit" button and a Text container, but it's still invisible. I tried changing the colorus to non-regular colours (in case the text was forced to be black for some reason), but it's still invisible.
I remember that in order to upgrade CSSU I had to install "qtquickcompat" version 0.1.0+0cssu1 (mp-fremantle-community-pr seems to depend on it), perhaps this is what causes my text issues? It's just supposed to be a dummy package though...

Edit 2:
I went ahead and went through the swedish localisation, and corrected what I thought sounded strange. (modified, diff)

I don't like the label for the "lazy sliders" setting, it wasn't very obvious to me what it does. I think changing it to something like "update playback while seeking?" or similar would be more descriptive.

Last edited by FireyFly; 2011-12-08 at 18:33. Reason: Added stuff re localisation

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Originally Posted by ed_boner View Post
i always start OMP throug touching on the media player widget.70 of the times OMP tryes to open and imediately crashes.i touck the widget again and OMP opens normaly.
It happens to me too.

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libplayback, mag 4 prez, media, open source, player, portrait mode, re-write, remake, reverse

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