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Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! View Post
I find his review a little too pessimistic but most of his points are not far off from reality. He is comparing it to the current line up of phones, and yes, compared to the top android and fruit phones, it is unbaked OS. No wonder Elop chose Windows.
No surprise that Elop drained all the water from Maemo's well, i.e. no moneyz. Since he has become CEO, everything MS was of highest priority. You should thank Elop for its death and incompleteness.
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Originally Posted by patlak View Post
Part 2 of his review is out. Multitasking is shjt says Eldar!
Struggled, really struggled to read through this. It is one thing to point out the issues but another to be so negative and unforgiving. Is this just how he reviews? Nothing is good, its "fine". He can criticise Maemo6/Harmattan/Meego but to not mention its infancy and the very first of its kind is disingenuous. Maemo6 in its current form is nothing like Maemo5. Find iOS and Android 3 years ago and lets compare the two. Secondly nothing will ever be fixed because Meego is now dead? Seriously? We know there are fixes/enhancements coming so why lie?

Rest is garbage of a 'review'. The worst part? His nerves to complain about the Maps because the POI's are not as accurate as google. What a ungrateful ****. Nokia gives you international maps and free voice guidance for free for life and you criticise that you cant find a nice museum souvenir shop in San Fran? He is very very disillusioned with what iOS/Android can do if he thinks Nokia Maps is lame.

If N9 does anything for me - and i mean anything - it is how well the Maps work. Mine never crashes and I already know i'm taking this bad boy with me all around the world in 2012 to navigate me through markets, airports, safari's etc. Try taking a simless android/iOS outside of US/Western Europe and see how far your go before you start coughing up your mastercard.
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Lmao. He has about 30 apps running in the maps/navigation part, & he's complaining about lag !? He didn't even show how many were running on the multitasking part of the review. I'm sure it was the same, if not more. What a fuggin *****...

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Eldar was as**ole way back when i was waiting for review of 5800...
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Has everybody forgotten that he is using a prototype N9? Why do you even give him the time of day?
Look at the first picture of the review, who has seen those question marks on their standby screen? No one that I am aware of, it's clear he is reviewing a prototype device and trying hard to bash Maemo 6/Harmattan while not openly admitting he is a complete fool....

Edit: and since when did AT&T move to Russia?

Edit 2: Notice how there is no sim card in the settings pictures? What is he trying to hide?
Arie||Nokia N9 64GB x2|Nokia N950


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Last edited by Arie; 2011-12-08 at 17:30.

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I don't own a N9 yet, but this review is making think I should wait a bit more.
If the software is buggy, then I think I may regret buying the device at the current price.
He isn't the only one who reported crashes, lag and other bugs. The Multitasking is key for the N9. With Swipe UI all the applications that you often use should be open and remain open for quick access imho.
Otherwise Nokia should have used something like folders, or desktop widgets to quickly gain access to often used apps.
The phone should handle this multitasking without user intervention. Killing processes and applications to regain memory is very much like Android and Windows Mobile and is not how MeeGo should behave.

If multitasking on the N9 doesn't work really well, I think I should wait a bit, and re-asses when an update is available.
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Multitasking works well.
Eldar used the phone the Android way, i.e. never closed any app. Of course after some time memory gets full and the device starts to swap and lag.
On average days I have 9 - 12 apps open at a time and experience no problems at all with multitasking. 9 is a good number because you can see them all at a time in the task switcher without scrolling.
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Originally Posted by Bernard View Post
The phone should handle this multitasking without user intervention. Killing processes and applications to regain memory is very much like Android and Windows Mobile and is not how MeeGo should behave.
? I think you're confused somewhat. I don't know about Windows Mobile, but Android specifically kills processes and applications to regain memory. If you prefer that, go with those.

I want to be in the control of my phone and don't want the phone "helpfully" killing an application I've started. N9 handles multitasking wonderfully, and can run quite a many applications at the same time without detriment to the performance. But it is like your desktop computer, run too many and performance will suffer. Like in your desktop, you then quit applications that you don't need. And thanks to Harmattan's multitasking view it is very simple.

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Originally Posted by scapegoat845 View Post
Lmao. He has about 30 apps running in the maps/navigation part, & he's complaining about lag !?
Yep. If you say true multitasking, then you better be prepared to show off 30 apps like most of the folks around here were claiming they were doing... without incident.

It's not outside the realm of things to assume that people will do that. I know that I tend to close up my applications as I go, but that's when I'm not in a rush.
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why do you people give a **** as to what a review thinks of your phone ?

eldar is biased, but then again you think anyone here will give a positive review of a windows phone ? lolers

given its current status, the poeple who buy the n9 will be those that already know all they need to know about it - they wont be convinced with reviews like these

those who are convinced with reviews like these.... well they are not the ideal user base for the n9 anyway

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