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The N800 has two SD Card slots. One is hidden underneath the kickstand and referred to as external. The other is accessed by removing the battery cover and is the internal memory card referred to in earlier posts.

To be clear, this is not the internal flash memory where the main OS is stored. To format either of the SD cards safely, one simply needs to move any important files off to a safe location first.
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@Ed_ and/or Serge:
Any progress on what might be up with mplayer with ALSA output? I ask because I think something similar (possibly related) might be affecting A2DP in 2008OS. For some reason mplayer (or maybe alsa?) is picking a much smaller buffer size (See thread here, last post) than on other Linux machines when paired with the same headphones. I only ask because if you guys already have it figured out I don't want to duplicate the effort of tracking it down. If not, I can try to track down the problem...
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When I installed .23 on my n800 (now running os2008), I have terrible lip sync issues, even with the nokia_n810.avi that comes with os2008. I had to install an older build (I think either 19 or 20) for lip sync to be correct.

Anyone else having lip sync issues with .23?


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Originally Posted by fatherom View Post
When I installed .23 on my n800 (now running os2008), I have terrible lip sync issues, even with the nokia_n810.avi that comes with os2008. I had to install an older build (I think either 19 or 20) for lip sync to be correct.

Anyone else having lip sync issues with .23?
please read the whole thread (not just the last post). you will find an answer!
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Originally Posted by N770-Freak View Post
please read the whole thread (not just the last post). you will find an answer!
My apologies...I had done a search a couple days ago (for "lip sync" and "lip" and "sync" as separate words) and the search kept coming up with no matches.
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Is there some way to start mplayer with the -ao esd parameter directly from the menu ?
So that I get the GUI, instead of starting it from xterm ?\

Found it myself, took a wild guess and added : ao=esd to the .mplayer/config file

Works like a charm now.

Last edited by Dopehead.NL; 2007-12-22 at 16:23.
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I have the latest HE booting from mmc. So, I am guessing none of mplayer versions are compatible with it right? or am I missing something?
I tried installing mplayer for OS2006 and OS2007 but without success. 2006 version wont even install, 2007 version installs but does not play any uktube downloaded files!
need some pointers........
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Any updates on the audio sync problem with mplayer on OS2008?

I transcode using the following script based on one written by Mark Waters:

RESIZE="-sws 9 -vf scale=400:225"
AUDIO="-oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=96:vol=8"
VIDEO="-ovc lavc -lavcopts"
VIDOPTS1="vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=600:autoaspect:vpa ss=1 -ffourcc DIVX -idx"
VIDOPTS2="vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=600:autoaspect -ffourcc DIVX -idx"
nice -n 15 mencoder $SOURCE $RESIZE $AUDIO $VIDEO $VIDOPTS1 $LOG -o /dev/null
nice -n 15 mencoder $SOURCE $RESIZE $AUDIO $VIDEO $VIDOPTS2 $LOG -o "$OUTPUT"

Video encoded this way worked well on OS2007, but the audio is ~0.25 sec delayed on OS2008. Would other settings work better? Any fixes in the works for mplayer? I am using the lastest version, maemo.23.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Please help!!!! i am having trouble installing mplayer on os2008

its saying packages are missing

libmad0 libogg0 libtheora0

i have tried the method you recommended and it never worked

please help! im using n800
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The build released today (.24), works flawlessly for me.

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