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Just took horizon out for a quick test drive.

I must say I'm pretty impressed with the nice set of features, considering it runs on such a small package. For simple sketching purposes, I didn't experience any drop in performance or run into any memory problems...etc.

I usually don't use graphics apps on small palmtop devices, but this one is ok by me
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Jeah, its cool and very handy. Writing on the endless (?) plane with a very goot navigation (very fast scolling / zooming) makes fun and is much faster than typing in the words.

But I miss some features: I could not figure out how to start over and delete the whole plane. I also wish there were some drawing-tools (rectangles, circles, lines) and a 'delete the current view' - button.

The time based "Undo" is qute cool btw.
teemu's Avatar
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Originally Posted by blazer
I could not figure out how to start over and delete the whole plane.
I was wondering the same thing. I noticed that there is a folder named "horizon" on your memory card. If you delete that you'll get a new empty plane the next time you start the application. But yeah, maybe that should be as an option in the menu or something.
debernardis's Avatar
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I've tried the deb on my n900. It starts and works allright, but there's absolutely no way of quitting the program since there's no more an hardware esc key. Even ctrl-backspace gets trapped. I had to turn off the device in order to get rid of the open app..
Anybody wants to see if there's a way to close?

To quit your work press q. Other keys don't seem to work, and we don't have Function keys. Also, I'm not sure it saves its work between sessions. But experiments are welcome.
Horizon was a nice sketching app
Ernesto de Bernardis

Last edited by debernardis; 2010-01-02 at 07:03.

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Ah, and I'm attaching an optified copy of the deb I had, since the site is not responding.
Attached Files
File Type: deb horizon_0.36_armel.deb (50.4 KB, 128 views)
Ernesto de Bernardis


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debernardis: what about remapping Fn + left-arrow as Esc on your keyboard?
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The quit key was, quite intuitively, "q" I seemed to remind I used esc on the n810.
Still, the program seems to have some quirks. I'm not getting it to remember correctly changes in its canvas between sessions. I'm presently toying with it to see if I can find a way to make it work. Also, some way of zooming has to be found.

EDIT: It doen't reliably remember changes in its drawing window between sessions. It's quite annoying and I don't think I'll go on trying
Still looking for a nice drawing app for Maemo5. FIY Mypaint doesn't work.
Ernesto de Bernardis

Last edited by debernardis; 2010-01-02 at 07:31.

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