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i never do an internet transaction before, its a must to have a paypal account? sorry for my silly question and my bad english, and thx too you all,
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Vodafone Australia stated that Nokia N9 was considered "end of life" in end of December last year and was no longer sold by Vodafone.= before the new year. That was only 2 months after release!!!

While Galaxy S2 released back in June last year is still going strong even right now. I guess that just shows how bad of a seller N9 was. (at least to Vodafone) or maybe it's all to do with the conspiracy that Nokia stopped providing more N9 stock to Vodafone? =P

Either way, Nokia (aka selop) was at fault.
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@jakiman, Vodafone still has n9 16gb but not on their website, they probably sold all at virtually no discount or subsidy, also, if the manufaturer itself is not promoting the phone beyond current version then why would Vodafone be worried promoting it when SGSII anf HTC are flowing out the door like fluid... you know what I mean

Their main busines, afterall, is selling network services not matter device brings it.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
LOL. NOKIA had to capitulate. Harmattan clearly exposed that nokia can not put together a stable OS. Despite all the years N9 is still half baked. The screens stuter, it almost feels like you are on roller skates while using the device.

The Windows is at least stable and moving in the right direction. It will catch up with other OSs before NOKIA will ever do.
Question: are you BigBadGuber? Just guessing from your posting history (owned an iPhone, liking terms like "just works" and "hassle-free", being in the US, talking about email client vs. your company IT etc. etc.)
Why aren't you just simply posting w/ like-minded people on wee-pee-central, but here? I guess your chances of convincing a noticeable share of TMO members to try out or move to WP is marginal at best. But convince me, if otherwise.

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Originally Posted by sulu View Post
One possibility to have only one smartphone in your portfolio and still make HWKBD-fans and non-fans happy would be to make a phone without a keyboard but with some sort of docking port that doubles as a hinge. The keyboard could then be sold as a separate unit turning the phone into a "folder" instead of a slider. Since there wouldn't be much intelligence needed in the keyboard unit it could be very thin and since you don't need the overlapping part a slider needs you could use the whole whole space for a decent keyboard (let's say 5 rows).
This is a really good idea. Hope they would do it in the future...
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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
It's need to be said that the interest for N9 is non existant at the moment.
GSMArena's statistics says different:

Nokia N9 is in top 5 phones by daily interest after more than half year it was announced, just entered all-time top 15 phones and currently is top rated phone.

This dead non-ecosystem somehow seems alive.

Lumia numbers are nowhere near (and we all know Elop's marketing strategies for this two phones).

P.S. As an owner of N9, I need to say that this phone is "far from perfect beauty" that I wouldn't change for any other phone

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Originally Posted by iskugor View Post
GSMArena's statistics says different:

Nokia N9 is in top 5 phones by daily interest after more than half year it was announced, just entered all-time top 15 phones and currently is top rated phone.

This dead non-ecosystem somehow seems alive.

Lumia numbers are nowhere near (and we all know Elop's marketing strategies for this two phones).

P.S. As an owner of N9, I need to say that this phone is "far from perfect beauty" that I wouldn't change for any other phone
If those rankings are in anyway meaningful how can iPhone not be in top (sorry)? That phone that alone sells more than all Nokia smartphones together. WebOS had huge hype around it, had arguably the best looking UI of the past 4 years. It didn't take them far.

I'm grumpy just reading these threads these days. Just like in N900 case, only the hardcore fans are left.

Last edited by tissot; 2012-02-20 at 18:05.

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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
If those rankings are in anyway meaningful how can iPhone not be in top (sorry)? That phone that alone sells more than all Nokia smartphones together. WebOS had huge hype around it, had arguably the best looking UI of the past 4 years. It didn't take them far.
iPhone 4 is 6th phone by interest of all times. It doesn't have good rankings from people votes, who knows why ... maybe it's too expensive for what it provides, lacks some features that people find must-have, site is EU (and not USA) based, etc.

Why Samsung's rankings are not strange to you? Or Lumia's compared to N9?

No need to answer that, my point was not in selling numbers or something else, it's in current interest in N9 that you clam that does not exist.

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Originally Posted by iskugor View Post
iPhone 4 is 6th phone by interest of all times. It doesn't have good rankings from people votes, who knows why ... maybe it's too expensive for what it provides, lacks some features that people find must-have, site is EU (and not USA) based, etc.

Why Samsung's rankings are not strange to you? Or Lumia's compared to N9?

No need to answer that, my point was not in selling numbers or something else, it's in current interest in N9 that you clam that does not exist.
Three words - hardcore loyal base

Since a a lot of people who actually bought the N9 has to be considered as fanboys (buying the phone with lousy future support, "dead on arrival" reviews status...) it quite makes sense that the N9 users are kind of more fighting for their beloved phone. 74,290 votes - it's not even all the deluded fanboys out there. Compared to the iPhone, which is spread around the many very different users it kind of makes sense too. That average mass of users has different expectations so the phone has lower overall rank (same about the "interest rate", cause everybody knows iPhone, so nobody has to search something about it).

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Yeah I don't believe for at minute that it's doing way better, the odds are totally stacked against it.
The people claiming that, will be totally dis-proven in a few mths, & we'll learn how the 710/800 are smashing the N9.
Of course that has little to do with them being much better devices....
Lowering stock will do that for you. If N9 is released in all countries with high amounts of support, bye bye Lumia. Even if Lumia outsells N9 in the following quarter, it still doesn't disprove the fact that N9 outsold the Lumia and was the MUCH MORE DESIRED device.

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