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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Sadly, it's as if people take it personally if you criticize the brand they bought. I wish for the best but I don't hold my breath for long. I've said it from the start: I'm not married to any brand--I'll go to whatever platform provides me with what I want. I've done very well by that philosophy and I happily move on once the brand/platform fails me. It's just business anyway. In the end, the company doesn't care about me--why should I care about the company?
Amen to that.
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You know what, there's a benefit to being niche. Imagine tmo if the N9 sold hundreds of millions...
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
maybe it is only good that maemo was killed, there is no way integrating a community that has such members with normal people.

I cannot believe myself that I could ever never say something such like this: I won't be missing you. My opinions are moving to the direction that if I keep visiting here much more, I'd probably be able to put my name under this thing from the past (those who don't know what happened then: you are probably the reason for the change of my mind. I really loved ITT and tmo at first but now....)
I knew it was worth following rant threads, this right here is pure gold. No idea why author of wiki entry thought it was homophobic, penis-centric more like it, still, such colourful imagery.

Originally Posted by danramos
I've said it from the start: I'm not married to any brand--I'll go to whatever platform provides me with what I want. I've done very well by that philosophy and I happily move on once the brand/platform fails me. It's just business anyway. In the end, the company doesn't care about me--why should I care about the company? The pragmatic among us have already seen the writing on the wall and begun dipping our toes in the waters of other lakes and we've discovered that some of them are far more satisfactory after Nokia stopped trying to cater to the customers and began to filthy their own water. Sitting in that filthy water and claiming it's better is stubborn and isn't particularly convincing to even the mildly astute.
Please share your experience from other lakes. Did you find any that allows you to swim naked without bathing costume/cap restrictions? I might be fanboy considering above golden rant, don't really care, I don't expect any company to be my Jesus, but N900 is still for me the biggest lake out there and I enjoy having a full linux distro in my pocket. (with gcc 4.6 I am becoming a total device fanboy, that is true)
misterc's Avatar
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reminds me of a joke of old...
in a Communist Party organ, the great leader's latest speech is printed out in whole;
one of the key phrase is
a new area is raising at the horizon, promising wealth and prosperity to the people...
underneath the speech, the paper placed its "word of the day" rubric...
horizon: fictional line at which heaven and earth join and towards which one keeps moving without ever reaching it
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Originally Posted by qwazix View Post
You know what, there's a benefit to being niche. Imagine tmo if the N9 sold hundreds of millions...
Key word there: "sometimes." Never mind imagining IF the N9 sold hundreds of millions. Why the pretending and fantasy? Now wake up and realize the humiliating, cold, damp truth of finding yourself on your own, far from support and civilization. Sometimes, there are benefits to being niche--for the vast majority of time though, niche is just code for getting dumped under a bridge in New Jersey, naked and covered in hickies after Nokia took your money and left you on your own.

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Please share your experience from other lakes. Did you find any that allows you to swim naked without bathing costume/cap restrictions? I might be fanboy considering above golden rant, don't really care, I don't expect any company to be my Jesus, but N900 is still for me the biggest lake out there and I enjoy having a full linux distro in my pocket. (with gcc 4.6 I am becoming a total device fanboy, that is true)
The experiences have been, overall, positive elsewhere. I've already pointed them out before: Surprisingly excellent hardware and software support even from companies that I wanted to dislike (like Verizon). It's surprisingly refreshing to be able to get parts (FREE sometimes!), frequent software updates for up to nearly two years out and, most importantly, prompt replacements and someone to speak to face-to-face in a store or kiosk. In contrast. Nokia refused to even make spare STYLUSES available much less parts, to get a whole new replacement I was able to walk into a Verizon store and instantly walk back out with a new device whereas Nokia insists that we ship our product (especially terrible if you're using an N900 as your phone!!) to them whereupon it wanders the Earth (for all anyone knows) for 30 days and it MIGHT come back as the same model--it might not. That's just the personal stuff, then there's the advantage of platforms where there are more than one vendor to choose from like Android and Windows Phone, there's the various form factors to choose from (small phones, big phones, tablets, tablet-netbook, etc.) and so on. All missed opportunities that Nokia easily could have done ages ago and people on this forum had already suggested and clamored for--so it wouldn't have been a surprise if Nokia would have been at the forefront, but that never happened. The mortal sins, though, are how poorly Nokia competes: poor customer treatment and support.

You might be happy with the N900, or you might be one of those stubborn people sitting in a filthy lake insisting it's preferable just to spite the people that have left for better waters. If you're trying to claim openness as an advantage with Maemo, you might have missed reading that part of the aforementioned ranting from Qwerty where he rightfully mentioned the riddling of closed-source components and drivers. If Nokia was so interested in open-source, they would not INCREASINGLY use closed components, argued against OGG on patent grounds, writing more and more closed-source into their product and ultimately decide to go with an admittedly and truly closed-source operating system like Windows Mobile. Ultimately, though, you'll find that the still waters of Nokia aren't healthy. Nokia's waters are very, very still even if you like your device. Just saying--you might want to keep an open and pragmatic mind.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
[...] finding yourself on your own, far from support and civilization. [...]
odd that this is exactly the places where war reporters, red cross employees and many other people working in 3rd world countries, as well as a vast majority of citizen in such countries have been depending on NOKIA phones... for the sake of their lives if nothing else.

but of course, if New Jersey is wilderness to you...
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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
odd that this is exactly the places where war reporters, red cross employees and many other people working in 3rd world countries, as well as a vast majority of citizen in such countries have been depending on NOKIA phones... for the sake of their lives if nothing else.
Myths. Red cross workers have used SE and HTC devices for years, as well as Nokia and Samsung and Motorola.

Time to get the feet on the ground. WP seems to go in the wrong direction, despite the Nokia/Microsoft effort. If this continues for much longer it means the end of Nokia as we know it. Samsung is the new big boy regardless, and if you want something different or niche in the future, that is where you should look.

Samsung makes excellent hardware, and also excellent software. Start by getting a Bada device, or a straight Samsung/Google (Nexus). You will be in for a surprise. Bada is soon to be fused together with Tizen if all goes well. When/if that happens there will hopefully be some kick *** devices to follow it up. That is the future.
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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
odd that this is exactly the places where war reporters, red cross employees and many other people working in 3rd world countries, as well as a vast majority of citizen in such countries have been depending on NOKIA phones... for the sake of their lives if nothing else.

but of course, if New Jersey is wilderness to you...
Sounds like an ad hominem argument without any facts to back it up. Near as I can tell, the closest thing I can find is that Nokia donated phones to Red Cross efforts--but I can't find anything to state that any of these groups DEPEND on Nokia devices (say, because of any particular requirements or because they deem them especially capable or rugged in any way or anything).

However, factual statistics on new activations and market share ARE bearing out the bigger picture that Nokia has been losing more and more of their market share the world over--including these locations where war reporters, Red Cross employees (note capitalization) and many other people in locations you probably consider 'third world countries' (properly spelling out the word third) and fewer and fewer citizens in such countries that used to depend on Nokia phones. The argument that they use Nokia branded phones "for the sake of their lives if nothing else" is purely your conjecture without some evidence of that but I'll admit that it's blatantly hilarious given how much you're "on your own" for support and their world-class mail-it-to-us-to-maybe-get-it-back repair and make SURE that it is tragically obvious.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

Last edited by danramos; 2012-02-27 at 10:13.
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Originally Posted by specc View Post
Time to get the feet on the ground. WP seems to go in the wrong direction, despite the Nokia/Microsoft effort. If this continues for much longer it means the end of Nokia as we know it.
Any change in WP strategy would take at least 12 months and they dont have that time. The people required for it were either fired or left. Plus the key management people put in place are basicly Microsoft Borgs.

Resistance is futile. Nokia as we knew it is allready over. The remaining parts are so uninspiring that I reallly don't care what happens to it.
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Originally Posted by Cue View Post
Your opinions are not moving towards that of qwerty12 it's moving away from it, since you seem to be pro-Nokia and in favour of the move to an even more closed system. The only way you are moving towards it is that you are losing your cool in much the same way and insulting others.
It was pretty much obivous that this pun was intended by me. Lets just say that qwerty12 wasn't that happy about people who didn't want to see the big picture. And now I think I am beginning to understand the reasons why he had no point "hanging out" anymore...

Final time: I am not pro nokia. I am pro their decision to provide lumias to the masses in order to stay alive because they blew it already in ~2008 with maemo when thinking about the big plan, schedule and resources pointed to the project. They just had everything too well with the symbian.

but thanks a lot for the ad hominems, one more reason to know that this place is probably ruined for good. But I'd guess that it is easy to start the "you fanboy, me not" -stuff when there are no real arguments and the big ship is already sailing in the horizon...
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