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I just got an N810 tablet, and I'm been having a little trouble with it.

1. When I connect to the WiFi at my house, it connects fine, when I open the browser, it doesn't connect. It ends up saying the server cannot be found. Yesterday, it worked seamlessly, and my laptop is working fine, so it can't be the router.

2. When I connect to WiFi hotspots outside, it says "Network Connection Error. Try again?" But I noticed others have had this problem too. It may just be because the signal is weak.

3. When I try to update, the wizard says that device cannot be found. I'VE TRIED PRESSING THE SWAP KEY AS THE TABLET STARTS UP OVER AND OVER AND OVER!

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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There could be a number of things involved, but let's try the simplest: remove the battery for several seconds (I wait about 10) and then replace it. Make sure it's fully charged, then restart the device.

If you still have problems, you *might* have a defective device. However, more troubleshooting may be called for before returning it.
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Forget everything I said. It turned out the router was acting funny. All it needed was restarting. So painfully obvious that I should've done that in the first place.

The connection error probably has nothing to so with my tablet.

I pressed the wrong button when updating

Thanks, Texrat.
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Hey, no problem! I was once QA engineer for the N800 and I've done some silly stuff with it, too.

I would have suggested restarting your router but your problem seemed to be with the tablet based on the description. Just glad it's working for you though!
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