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Wreck's Avatar
Posts: 304 | Thanked: 266 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Apeldoorn area, Netherlands
Might be a good idea to block the incoming messages from Whatsapp. This is happening quite frequent. 4 to 5 times a day.
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today i got this msg the first time too. but only one
Scorpius's Avatar
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Maybe it means that Yappari and all Whatsapp clones will stop working in any time... 5...4...3...2...1...
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Just a thought... is it too difficult to make a widget for it, like the version running on S40 phones?
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Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
That's very interesting... I wonder where the servers get the version from.
I received it yesterday too. Maybe they simply send the notification to everybody when they release a new version without testing the version that you have.

I received it only once and it continues perfectly working
Fatalist's Avatar
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Since yesterday I've received the Whatsapp notification 4 or 5 times, with the text Wreck posted.
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Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
Gray means that Yappari sent the message but the Whatsapp servers hasn't send the acknowledge back. Eventually they send it. Sometimes Whatsapp servers are pretty busy. It has happened to me like once or twice.
Thanks for your response.
The gray tick thing happens to me lots though, usually after not touching the phone for about an hour.
Then on, until I restart Yappari, any message I send out to anyone or any group just gets a gray tick mark. No errors in logs. I test my GPRS connection using pidgin & skype and those work. Main Yappari screen says I'm still logged in; a check on netstat and QNetMan shows that the Yappari session is still connected too.

First 2 screenshots are before a Yappari restart.
Note the date/time at status bar and in messages.
3rd screenshot was taken after a Yappari restart.

All the while, before or after restarts, incoming messages continue to come in as & when available.

Screenshot 4 shows another behavior i noticed.
If you note the date/time at status bar and in messages, you might notice that my friend's status was "typing" for over 25 minutes.
Fact is, he stopped typing immediately after sending the last response.

Just fyi & hope the info helps you.
Lemme know if you would like the logs despite them not showing much errors. Would be great if a next release has more diagnostic info on message sending.

Oh on the log files, I can make a suggestion to prevent log file overgrowing. Write to log files appended with a number representing day of week. You'll have 7 log files, one for each day. When writing to current day log file, always ensure the next day's log file is deleted. When the next day comes, a new empty log gets created for that day. The only issue with this is when crossing timezones (I happen to cross timezones quite regularly); log entries get mixed up when time is changed. There's an alternative to this though.

Keep up the good work!

Best regards,

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Last edited by bozoid; 2012-07-04 at 14:22.
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I have a thing with my Yappari everything connects fine but all I see offline contacts is that if I start the conversation did not get the messages I have to wait for someone to send me message me to strike up a conversation and I hope someone I can help and it's frustrating to wait until you talk to say something in advance thank you very much. sorry for my English I'm Mexican and use a translator
Scorpius's Avatar
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Final version of Yappari won't even have logs so that's why I'm not too worried about them. It's just during the alpha/beta testing phase. People should delete the log every time they install a new version of Yappari.

About the typing/paused: If the contact doesn't send the "stop typing" message Yappari will show "is typing" forever. That's something clients send to (composing/paused messages). You can see them in the logs. I think you lose connectivity and Yappari can't detect it.

About the Offline contacts: EVERYBODY in Whatsapp is Offline ALL THE TIME, even YOU. You should read the Whatsapp FAQ or something. Offline means they have Whatsapp running in background. Online means they have running it in foreground.

If you send messages to an Offline contact he'll receive them anyway, when he's available (connected to the Internet, etc).

A final note, Whatsapp in EDGE (2.5G) is very bad... I'd avoid it in non 3G zones. I'm pretty sure that if you disconnect your connection and reconnect without restarting Yappari, everything works again, and Yappari (or Qt actually) isn't able to detect that the connection to the server was lost, even though it pings from time to time and when you send messages you're actually "using" the connection.
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Last edited by Scorpius; 2012-07-04 at 16:11.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2012
i tried to reflash my n900
and install it again
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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alpha, awesomeness, best_client, let_it_die, mumbai_dumbai, read_first_post, whatsapp

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