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Gidzz can you solve this issue
in video player whenever we tab on screen, there is a little flashes screen,
while this is not in the case of osso media player
actually yes you are right
while playing video on tapping it displays pause/play but it takes some micro seconds and at the same time screen flashes
I hope you understand what I want to say
I think you can stop screen flashing in between playing

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Originally Posted by pali View Post
@vi_: better solution should be to replace nokia player by openmediaplayer (eg. /usr/bin/mediaplayer will be omp)
Is this better at a technical level? I.e. does having the Nokia media player in there as well, detriment the system at all (unless you're running both openmediaplayer and normal media player at the same time)?

As an aside, personally, I have absolutely no idea why on earth this media-player hasn't replaced the Nokia-provided one in CSSU. This was, after all, the whole reason why this media player was started. It's certainly no less ready for inclusion in at least CSSU testing than some of the other stuff that was put into testing at times, methinks.

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Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post

As an aside, personally, I have absolutely no idea why on earth this media-player hasn't replaced the Nokia-provided one in CSSU. This was, after all, the whole reason why this media player was started. It's certainly no less ready for inclusion in at least CSSU testing than some of the other stuff that was put into testing at times, methinks.
Well, I am using OMP and compared to camera-ui(for example) it is way less stable and bugfree. The problem with self-closing second window appears at least once a week, there are some inconsistencies in UI (fm-tx enable dialog text is in gray, while it should be blue), etc.

It needs some love before being ready to enter -testing IMO
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+considering, that 100% ready for inclusion packages, like busybox-power and replacement (like FOSS clone of worldclock) are kept outside of CSSU for non-meritocratic reasons, I can hardly imagine OMP appearing there, polished, or not.

Which doesn't mean that I don't agree with Mentalist, obviously - I'm just stating facts about current situation.

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OMP has many great improvements compared to the stock media player. One of the nicest things is how the music lists populate more quickly than the stock player.

However, for more than about 4000 songs, things start slowing down significantly, especially for selecting playlists. Occasionally even if a playlist is seen, it takes time for it to open.

Is there any potential for improving the speed of how menus are populated in OMP? That would make the software much more usable for me.


The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to wumpwoast For This Useful Post:
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Isn't OMP prime candidate for a Thumb2 compilation?

Also, how do I get it to use the Media Player widget?

As for suggested improvements:
1. Gapless MP3 playback.
2. Subtitle support.

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Originally Posted by _David_ View Post
Also, how do I get it to use the Media Player widget?

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+1 for Thumb2 compiled version of OMP!

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this sometimes stays that way.. a fix would be helpful..

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thumb compile is must

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libplayback, mag 4 prez, media, open source, player, portrait mode, re-write, remake, reverse

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