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Originally Posted by reinob View Post
Not that I care but.. why dual core? why not solving the problem with that smart search or whatever slows your N9 down? Just pumping (or pimping..) the hardware will not make the software problems go away. Look at PC's FFS. Do you want ("smart-")phones to go that route?!
Good point; also dual core === more battery drainage.

But still, N9 on dual core would have been awesome .

Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
You forget N900.
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#82 is not working for me now, same for you ?
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Originally Posted by nodevel View Post
It's funny that the information about Android apps running on Sailfish was publicly available since yesterday's afternoon here , while only 11 people have read it as of now
Is it that special? Blackberry also talks about Android compatibility, Ubuntu talked about it, WeTab OS too.
If it is of any consequence depends on how well it works and how it is implemented (can you access the Google Play store to actually get applications directly? or is the compatibility layer just an alternative way for developers to port applications?)

It seems that Ubuntu is also working on tablets and phones for 2014. Even more competition for Jolla, and very little time for them to create a user base.

I want an open linux OS on my phone, tablet and desktop, so I like what Jolla is doing, but I have strong doubts if Sailfish OS have staying power even as a niche player.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Of course its not only Jussa. However, if he is the leader, that is a problem. To get perfection you need to have a leadership that takes no excuses for shoddy work and works around the clock to make everything fit well. I hope that being outside of the comforts of big corporation, they know that they have to deliver perfection or they are out of a job. Lets see if the third time is a charm for them.
Course, you are assuming that Jussa is the problem, and not a corporation where the priorities weren't where they should have been. Nokia's direction and resources dedicated to Maemo and Meego always seemed to be confused. Jolla seems to be less so.

Certainly, it is early to be predicting anything about Jolla, but I see this as a 1.0 product, much like Android once was and WP7 was. It is a beginning, and much of it is trying to recreate some of the stuff with Harmattan, while trying to put their own spin on it. I don't expect this to be as mature as some of their competitors, but hopefully as they move along, things will become more mature and this will be much of the OS that we are looking for. As I said, it is early and no one has a final phone in their hands.
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Originally Posted by n-mi View Post is not working for me now, same for you ?
They seem to be down, but direct link to stream still works for me.
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Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic View Post
Overall, is anyone else disappointed? This looks almost exactly the same as what Blackberry 10 is doing, but doesn't look anywhere near as advanced or polished. Lumiaman has a point as well. I'd like to see how Jolla Mobile handles web browsing, or integrating with e-mail. Fluffy UI's and background images don't do anything for me.
Heyyy! Give it time! This is so new.. How good every windows phone was beginning . It was a catastrophic piece of .... garbage... I know, i was there

But hey guys!!! Now we can get support back to N9 and this is very good news. I think someone will make installer for the Jolla ?
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Originally Posted by Makeclick View Post
Heyyy! Give it time! This is so new.. How good every windows phone was beginning . It was a catastrophic piece of .... garbage... I know, i was there

But hey guys!!! Now we can get support back to N9 and this is very good news. I think someone will make installer for the Jolla ?
You should look at the bright side that it's possible to be ported. And you think there will be an installer too?! A tutorial like NITDroid installation will do the job No need for an installer. Well, let's see what they can do about Jolla in our N9's
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I will vote AMD for president next time if I'm having any shares during next meeting.

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Originally Posted by n-mi View Post is not working for me now, same for you ?
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Have I missed the formal Jolla presentation?

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