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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
It looks like a mixture of WP, Harmattan and ios. Not impressed at all. Moreover, it doesnt seem smooth to me, and Jussa is known for not delivering a smooth experience.

The bottom line is that there is very little in those videos to make one decide one way or another. For example, how is email performing? N9 has THE WORST email client in the history of smartphones. Did that improve? Is it still stuttering and laggy like N9? I gave 4 N9s away due to such subpar performance. The only way I would consider buying anything from Jussa, is if he gave it to me for 10 day grace period, to test it out and make sure it doesnt contain all the previous flaws that disgraced N9 and maemo.
Only an idiot would buy a product that he knows is broken for 4 times. How do you expect "Jussi" learn from his mistakes if you repeat them 4 times in the row?
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if more than 4 backgroud app, it will go mini-window, like n9.
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Originally Posted by OVK View Post
Probably same way as in N9: swipe from outside of the screen.

Heh, good point.

Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
It's was quite interesting to see Jolla. It really obvious is a start up, I thought they had some more power when it comes to brand. I expected a little bit better presentations The are not pro presenters they should really hire some market people or send their employees to media school to learn basic presentations skills.

It was beyond horrible. After the hype they received i thought they would have done better job on the A day.
Rather than being the "social and friendly" Jolla they did on the presentation i would have wished it to be a lot more professional if you want to be invested as a company.

Last edited by tissot; 2012-11-21 at 15:28.
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These guys are way undisciplined to pull it off
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
It's was quite interesting to see Jolla. It really obvious is a start up, I thought they had some more power when it comes to brand. I expected a little bit better presentations The are not pro presenters they should really hire some market people or send their emplayies to media school to learn basic presentations skills.
For the moment, I prefer them to hire good tech people to keep developing an awesome phone OS.
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The UI is interesting. The comparaison with WP7/8 is only relevant because of the dynamic aspect of the tiles. However, while it is with WP only informative, the real innovation from Jolla is to make the interactive, which can be very useful (the audio player example is obvious but there are for sure many applications like the phone torch).

Obviously, a lot of design work is missing to make the OS visually efficient, especially to give a solid impression when presenting the UI (better contrasts, better icons, better fonts, etc...) but that will probably be improved before the official release.

The major problem is in my opinion that the transition effects are not intuitive enough, especially when starting applications and swiping back to the home screen. The harmattan solution is very natural but there are for sure many other ideas to explore (like scaling up/down the application from/to a tile). The fading effect of Jolla UI is mostly confusing.

I really like the way they simplified the "home screen" to integrate both multi-tasking and the 4 main launchers. The vertical nagivation however (from the lock screen to the application grid) is in my opinion the wrong choice as it makes the path longer, at least for mobiles (because the height is usually much larger than the width...). Another problem is to mix the home screen and the application grid in one layer. It is neither obvious nor convenient to use. Maybe a button and a simple modal frame would be more efficient.

All in one, a quite good UX concept, especially the way they make the tiles really dynamic, but which still need some polishing.
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sh******t video lag all over here and that head! I call Kratos to rip it off
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How did the ignore work in this forum?

Originally Posted by bwalter View Post
The major problem is in my opinion that the transition effects are not intuitive enough, especially when starting applications and swiping back to the home screen. The harmattan solution is very natural but there are for sure many other ideas to explore (like scaling up/down the application from/to a tile). The fading effect of Jolla UI is mostly confusing.
Totally agree. Imo effects and such in general look subtle and nice, but pointing out what you are doing they are not good at. Harmattan multitasking swipe was so satisfying, on Jolla it seems like hazy background stuff. Need to improve there thinking how important that effect will be. It needs to be satisfying and clear to the user.

Last edited by tissot; 2012-11-21 at 15:39.
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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
How did the ignore work in this forum?
Click on where it says "Lumiaman"-->Choose "View public profile"--->choose "User lists"-->"Add to ignore list".
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Originally Posted by n-mi View Post
For the moment, I prefer them to hire good tech people to keep developing an awesome phone OS.
Yes, sure. But seriously. Reading from paper. Its not funny its not third grade school work.
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