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FYI, lack of OpenOffivce is one reason I am (probably) sending my n810 back. Lack of a decent PIM with desktop sync is the other. I bought this to *replace* my Palm T5, not so I could have *another* gadget to carry around.

If I had OpenOffice *or* the syncing PIM apps, I could find some workaround for the other and live with it. Lacking both pretty much kills the n810's usefulness for me.

And no, the Garnet VM is not a usable workaround: not having a way to set the Hotsync user name makes that a no-go right from the start, aside from there being no way for the Garnet VM to access the n810's non-VM memory (and vice versa).

Okay, so I am rambling. Long story short, being able to edit and sync OpenOffice text documents (which I have been able to do on my T5 for more than a few years now, using Blue Nomad's Wordsmith) is, in my opinion, a requirement for any palmtop computer in the 21st century.
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I have no vested interest in whether or not you keep your N810. If it doesn't work for you, you should return it. With that said, once abiword is out it will very likely support most of the same formats that OpenOffice does, including MS .doc, OOo .odt, rtf, and Abiword's .abw

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It's been mentioned before, but...

doesn't KDE on the N8X0 have both a good PIM and KOffice, which would work?
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I don't think N8x0 is made for such tasks anyway. It is an "Internet Tablet" after all. I mean, at some point you will be able to run some office apps, but I'm pretty sure it will not be a pleasant experience anyway....more like a proof of concept.
Next time you need to do some research before you buy.
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Originally Posted by bblackmoor View Post
And no, the Garnet VM is not a usable workaround: not having a way to set the Hotsync user name makes that a no-go right from the start...
This has been discussed previously.
  1. Launch "X Terminal".
  2. Substituting your desired HotSync ID for "Sync Name", type: /usr/bin/gvm/gvm --hotsyncid="Sync Name"
  3. Press enter.
  4. Close "X Terminal".

GVM will HotSync using the name you've just set from now on. You will need to repeat these steps anytime you reflash your device or otherwise uninstall-reinstall GVM. Were you keeping your tablet, that is.

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"Once Abiword is available...." How long have I been hearing that on the ITT forum? (First it was going to be for OS2007, and now for OS2008.) I'd love to see it happen, because offline word processing with a bluetooth keyboard is a major reason I bought the N800 in the first place. Writing stuff (using a huge font for readability) with the bundled Notes program is okay, but pretty limited. Installing KDE, etc. is for supernerd Linux jockeys only. The long-promised but non-existent Abiword would be great, but I've stopped holiding my breath.

It's easy for me to gripe, because I'm not a developer slaving over a hot Chinook, but where the heck IS Abiword for Maemo/OS2008? Is anybody really working on porting it for us? Lacking any reassuring answers after lo these many months, I nominate it as the format's leading vaporware no-show.... and I'll joyfully eat those words the moment it actually appears, since I use Abiword all the time in Xubuntu and love it.
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Originally Posted by Johnx View Post
I have no vested interest in whether or not you keep your N810.
Understood. I guess I was just venting. What I wanted -- what I have been wanting for years -- was a real Linux handheld, and all the hype said that the n810 was finally it, but it's not.

Not your fault, nor the fault of anyone else here. Sorry if I offended.
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
I concur with those who wish to see Abiword ported. Clearly, if the tablet ships with Notes, and developers have created MaemoPY and Xournal, there must be some demand for basic word processing. I understand the primary role of the N8x0, but that role would grow immeasurably for me were I able to edit documents when out of reach of WIFI.
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
This has been discussed previously....

GVM will HotSync using the name you've just set from now on.
No, it doesn't, but I do appreciate that you are trying to be helpful.
Posts: 214 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Jan 2008
Originally Posted by bblackmoor View Post
Understood. I guess I was just venting. What I wanted -- what I have been wanting for years -- was a real Linux handheld, and all the hype said that the n810 was finally it, but it's not.

Not your fault, nor the fault of anyone else here. Sorry if I offended.
You say you want a "real linux handheld", so why not install 3 debs and get a full KDE desktop with a comprehensive office and PIM suite?

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