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where are the haters!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhahhaha....oh my, the symbian and android lovers are getting it from behind baby!
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
where are the haters!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhahhaha....oh my, the symbian and android lovers are getting it from behind baby!
If you are any indication then I'm not surprised. However if you are putting this down to "Lumia sales" you would be mistaken. It's mainly from Nokia Siemens, major cutbacks and from a victory from a lawsuit with RIMM. Devices and Services would still be struggling without it.
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hey dude, let me celebrate a little, why are you always raining on NOKIA stock....give them a little break!
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
hey dude, let me celebrate a little, why are you always raining on NOKIA stock....give them a little break!
Celebration and flaim-baiting! Just for Lumiaman!
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Heheheheh....thanks dumby, I love my Lumia 920, that Ubuntu phone looks good though.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
I love my Lumia 920
You keep profusing your undying love and affection for a piece of hardware to prove what exactly? You use your iPhone as your daily driver and have complained about the things lacking in the L920 but still you parrot the same thing for what purpose?

At least those people who you complain about being fanboys actually use the stuff they praise unlike you.

Actually you are a very good indicator of why WP isn't gaining market share; if you didn't have the means, you would have most probably returned your WP as it is lacking for you just like other WP-fanboys who go all over forums, blogs etc and proclaim the re-birth of Jesus as WP but don't actually use it or have it

In other words, troll is over-used on you when you are an astro-turfer in the truest sense
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What did you smoke today?
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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
Google has no plans to develop Windows 8 or WP apps, cites lack of users

Originally Posted by daperl View Post
Google drops a Gmail-shaped bomb on Windows*Phone
Last week google was redirecting wp away from maps...

This week Google are creating havoc for wp users by redirecting YOUTUBE links
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Seems like Microsoft's ecosystem is hurt by limitations to Google's ecosystem.

The irony of that isn't lost on me.

bring me beer, downward spiral, elop is nero, let's talk bs, lumiadickweed, lumiatard, nero fiddling, nokia bears, nokiastockrock, thanks for asha

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