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The "ecosystem" in your pants, Dave
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Originally Posted by switch-hitter View Post
How so?

They're stated in Google Play before you've even downloaded the app, again during installation and you can check them even after you've installed the app. If the user doesn't know what they mean they should RTFM!

Would you prefer Google to be more like Apple where they retain control of your device? They decide what you are and aren't allowed to do, what you can and can't install?

80ll0ck5 to that!
That don't mean a **** to the user and don't explain what happening and how the app communicating in a "secure" way or not.

yes, they can, but do they?

If I want google to be more like apple? Yes, in some areas. I would say that apple is better/easier to secure the data and device. They also have fewer versions available.

I would suggest google to enable a management system to secure the device better if user choose to. Many companies using MDM and end user could also if google wanted. Seriously, you can easily upload very very bad stuff at Google Play before they are removed.
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Last edited by Dave999; 2013-01-23 at 15:35.

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The ecosystem mankind hasnt' access to. Oh, are we talking 'bout software? That wasn't mentioned!

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The best forms of security are:
  • Obscurity: < 1% market share FTW.
  • FOSS: Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
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The problem with android is that you can't use the app without giving it permissions. Developers use that to request every conceivable permission (I downloaded a gong-style app that needed GPS!) and because all of them do it, you just can't use anything if you don't agree.

Good thing is that blackberry allows you to download application and decline specific permissions to it. That's pretty nice.
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PDroid. Or root-based solutions.

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Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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Think about the traditional wisdom with computers and why so many people say apple is more secure then windows.

The ecosystem with less mainstream attention will have the less attention from hackers.

With phones you will go
Apple>Andriod>The rest.
Our Meego/Maemo are pretty safe for the simple fact that its a very small community of users.

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Originally Posted by switch-hitter View Post
At least Android tells you what permissions an app requires, with Apple you have no way of knowing.

I read a report stating a researcher from a US university tested around 60 (I think it was 56) of the most popular apps from the Apple app store and found all but a handful were harvesting data and sending it off to remote servers. Most apps were encrypting what they sent so he couldn't say what the data was just that some was being sent. I'll try and find a link to the report, I'm sure I've got it bookmarked on one of my computers.

Aren't the problems with Android users installing malware and giving it permission to run rather than some sophisticated exploit?

Another issue is most SD cards are formatted as Fat 32 which I understand doesn't support the assigning of permissions so apps have free reign over anything stored there.
This is part of the reason I've jailbroken my iPhone and used firewall IP, it tells me of every connection that gets in or out for any reason and I have the right to stop it. I assume none of the games I have should be connecting externally, so they don't.
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Originally Posted by unoace View Post

With phones you will go
Apple>Andriod>The rest.
Our Meego/Maemo are pretty safe for the simple fact that its a very small community of users.
Android>Apple>The rest

information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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