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Posts: 54 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Wales, UK
Okay, I am trying to flash my dead as **** N9.

This my problem
WARNING: bad kernel format in emmc.bin
Picked ape-algo from a FIASCO file
Suitable USB interface (bootloader/phonet) not found, waiting...
Found device RM-696, hardware revision 1603
NOLO version 2.3.6
Version of 'sw-release': DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_005
Sending ape-algo image (7096 kB)...
100% (7096 of 7096 kB, avg. 15163 kB/s)
Suitable USB interface (phonet) not found, waiting...
Ping attempt 1 (250 ms)
Server application: 1.7.2
Found product RM-696 rev. 1603
Server implements softupd protocol version 1.8
Image SW version <none>
Image cert-sw not present
Image cmt-2nd skipped
Image cmt-algo skipped
Image cmt-mcusw skipped
Image xloader skipped
Image secondary skipped
Image moslo skipped
Image rootfs skipped
Image mmc skipped
Image tar skipped
Image config skipped

Battery level 18 %, continuing.

    image        [state    progress         transfer     flash speed]
[_] kernel       [init         0 %       0 /       0 kB      NA     ]
ERROR: SU_GET_UPDATE_STATUS_REQ terminated with error code 1: Unknown error

    image        [state    progress         transfer     flash speed]
[f] kernel       [init         0 %       0 / 1946679 kB      NA     ]
Fetching error list:
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
Image too big to fit partition: image 219776+1993399680 bytes
[Pipe   0] Finishing in error state with status 1

ERROR: Failed to flash images

C:\Program Files\Nokia\Flasher>
So yeah, help me sort this (I use Win8 and Ubuntu) and I will chuck you 20 GREAT BRITISH POUNDS if you do get my N9 back.

It will be on a first come first serve system, I will follow orders from newest to old in the thread.

Last edited by DS McGuire; 2013-02-22 at 15:04.
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
Firstly, it seems you are trying to flash kernel from EMMC? You haven't posted what you input into the command line. Post that too then someone can help out.

Secondly, my post is to help so no monetary awards here...

Lastly, code tags are enclosed with [ ] not <>

The Following User Says Thank You to thedead1440 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 164 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Jun 2012
You haven't told us enough about your phone, have you ever flash it or changed firmware or product code firmware, what's your phone product code number and so on, but first charge your phone.
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Wales, UK
Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
Firstly, it seems you are trying to flash kernel from EMMC? You haven't posted what you input into the command line. Post that too then someone can help out.

Secondly, my post is to help so no monetary awards here...

Lastly, code tags are enclosed with [ ] not <>
Thanks Thedead1440, honestly, you help the community so much I wouldn't mind paying

C:\Program Files\Nokia\Flasher>flasher -a main.bin -k emmc.bin --flash-only=kernel --suppress-warranty-warning -f -R

I have honestly tried loads of different methods but none has worked. This one seems to be the closed I have got.
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
Just do:

flasher -a main.bin -k zimage --flash-only=kernel --suppress-warranty-warning -f -R
Put the zimage in the same folder as main.bin and you are done
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Wales, UK
Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
Just do:

flasher -a main.bin -k zimage --flash-only=kernel --suppress-warranty-warning -f -R
Put the zimage in the same folder as main.bin and you are done
I tried that, I got this:

WARNING: bad kernel format in zimage
FIASCO ERROR: zimage: No such file or directory
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
That's because your zimage is not in the same directory. zimage is the dual-boot or open mode kernel that you are trying to flash.

Could you clarify if you are trying to flash just an open mode kernel or dual boot for NiTDroid?
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Wales, UK
Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
That's because your zimage is not in the same directory. zimage is the dual-boot or open mode kernel that you are trying to flash.

Could you clarify if you are trying to flash just an open mode kernel or dual boot for NiTDroid?
I am just trying to flash.

Dude, I am being serious, I don't really know what I am doing.
Posts: 1,067 | Thanked: 2,383 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Finland
C:\Program Files\Nokia\Flasher>flasher -F main.bin -F emmc.bin -f -R
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Posts: 54 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Wales, UK
Originally Posted by rainisto View Post
C:\Program Files\Nokia\Flasher>flasher -F main.bin -F emmc.bin -f -R
No that didn't work.

C:\Program Files\Nokia\Flasher>flasher -F main.bin -F emmc.bin -f -R
flasher 3.12.1 (Oct  6 2011) Harmattan
WARNING: This tool is intended for professional use only. Using it may result
in permanently damaging your device or losing the warranty.

Suitable USB interface (bootloader/phonet) not found, waiting...
Found device RM-696, hardware revision 1603
NOLO version 2.3.6
Version of 'sw-release': DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_005
Sending ape-algo image (7096 kB)...
100% (7096 of 7096 kB, avg. 18196 kB/s)
Suitable USB interface (phonet) not found, waiting...
Ping attempt 1 (250 ms)
Server application: 1.7.2
Found product RM-696 rev. 1603
Server implements softupd protocol version 1.8
Image SW version DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_005
Image moslo not present
Image tar skipped
Image config skipped

Battery level 15 %, continuing.

    image        [state    progress         transfer     flash speed]
[x] cert-sw      [finished   100 %       1 /       1 kB      NA     ]
[x] cmt-2nd      [finished   100 %      95 /      95 kB      NA     ]
[ ] cmt-algo     [pending      0 %       0 /       0 kB      NA     ]
[ ] cmt-mcusw    [pending      0 %       0 /       0 kB      NA     ]
[x] xloader      [finished   100 %      23 /      23 kB      NA     ]
[x] secondary    [finished   100 %      94 /      94 kB      NA     ]
[_] kernel       [writing     75 %    2714 /    2714 kB    3738 kB/s]
[_] rootfs       [finishing  100 %    3072 / 1170162 kB      NA     ]
[ ] mmc          [pending      0 %       0 /       0 kB      NA     ]
ERROR: SU_GET_UPDATE_STATUS_REQ terminated with error code 1: Unknown error

    image        [state    progress         transfer     flash speed]
[x] cert-sw      [finished   100 %       1 /       1 kB      NA     ]
[x] cmt-2nd      [finished   100 %      95 /      95 kB      NA     ]
[x] cmt-algo     [finished   100 %     789 /     789 kB      NA     ]
[x] cmt-mcusw    [finished   100 %    6050 /    6050 kB    3308 kB/s]
[x] xloader      [finished   100 %      23 /      23 kB      NA     ]
[x] secondary    [finished   100 %      94 /      94 kB      NA     ]
[x] kernel       [finished   100 %    2714 /    2714 kB    2537 kB/s]
[f] rootfs       [finishing    0 %    5120 / 1170162 kB      NA     ]
[-] mmc          [pending      0 %       0 /       0 kB      NA     ]
Fetching error list:
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
mmc: Partition table mismatch (start=1948285285, sum=1024). You may want to use
the no-preserve option or flash an erase image.
mmc: Could not exec 'tune2fs -L rootfs /tmp/sudmmcmSVjGg/internal0p2'
mmc: Could not remove mount directory /tmp/sudmmcmSVjGg/mnt: No such file or dir
[Pipe   4] Finishing in error state with status 1

ERROR: Failed to flash images

C:\Program Files\Nokia\Flasher>

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