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i use it alot for playing media files i get from online learning sites which are usually 640x480. i usually have to re-encode to get it to be smooth with MediaConverter 400x240 (and maintaining aspect ratio). i wish out of the box it would have enough juice to be able to play movies ~800x480 though. the only thing keeping the my n800 from being great is that it still feels underpowered.

i have a 16gb sdhc and an 8gb. mplayer is awesome. i'm not too fond of the heavy UI's even though that's what I use to show off to my friends that aren't too techy and only want something glitzy like the iphone/itouch.
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It could be quite suitable for me as a player, if it displays unicode ID3 tags correctly.
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Another note: It would be nice if the Media Player was able to display album art embedded in the track.
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Originally Posted by ascherjim View Post
Benson: I went into Red Pill mode and found all six of the missing lib files listed, and was able to install all of them with the exception of one -- libid3tag0 -- which couldn't be installed because it too was identified as a corrupted file. Maybe it's this one which is preventing my overall installation of mpd! Oh, well. Thanks anyway for your help and guidance.
Well, here's a libid3tag0 deb, HTH:
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File Type: deb libid3tag0_0.15.1b-8_armel.deb (32.2 KB, 89 views)
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Well, here's a libid3tag0 deb, HTH:
Benson: Many thanks for keeping with me on this. In trying to install this on my N800, the Applications Manager claims it's an "Incompatible application package."
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My N800 is my media player. All I do is fill a 2 gig SD card with MP3s, stick it in my car and make Canola do a random play.

It works.

The only pain is that I store my music as OGG files, so have to run them all through an OGG-MP3 converter first. However if I owned an iPod I'd also have to do this (and I'd also be using the awful Windows version of iTunes).

Never tried to watch videos, I have no need to.

And who cares if 90% of the population can't work out how to encode audio and install a media player. 90% of the population won't be buying N800/810s, they're off buying eeePCs and putting XP on them instead.
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Originally Posted by piku View Post
And who cares if 90% of the population can't work out how to encode audio and install a media player. 90% of the population won't be buying N800/810s, they're off buying eeePCs and putting XP on them instead.
You're right! Let them eat cake.

Gotta love your attitude to the rest of the mobile computing world.[/sarcasm]

And it's not so much as a how, but also a matter of convenience/dedication. Sure for Linux/AV nerds it's not so much of a big deal, but to the rest of us, it's kinda a pain in the *** no matter how you cut it.
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Okay, today I just moved copied my MP3 and OGG collection from my TH55 and Zod2 to the luuurvly 16GB SDHC card that just arrived today (Yaay! ).

I tried using the MediaPlayer to play them, but it just freezes when confronted with the 700-odd MP3s and OGGs.
In fact I can't even load the damned thing to play videos anymore with the card in because it just locks up for a good few minutes before letting me do anything (Parsing the metadata maybe?). It will, eventually, play stuff, but every time I change screen, click on play/pause/next/menu/ANYTHING the bloody thing just sits there for a good few seconds before doing anything!
If I just let it play, it's fine, but trying to tell it to do anything seems to incur large amounts of Waiting.
Now, my TH55 does the same thing in the Clie Audio Player, but this is because the programs drops the TH55's CPU to 32MHz to save power, since all the MP3 processing is done via DSP.

Is the N800 doing something similar, or should I file this as a bug?

Also, what's everyone using for their music playback?
I'm after something fairly basic (Ability to load/save playlists and manually browse files; Not the way N800-MediaPlayer does it...), but fast and efficient; Something like PocketTunes would be perfect...
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Originally Posted by Cyker View Post
Also, what's everyone using for their music playback?
I'm after something fairly basic (Ability to load/save playlists and manually browse files; Not the way N800-MediaPlayer does it...), but fast and efficient; Something like PocketTunes would be perfect...
I use MediaBox, obviously for the sole reason that it's my project. But there's no playlist support yet.
Before that I was using Canola1, or the built-in media player.

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