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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Feature request - could we have user-configurable, arbitrary number of layers? This way, in many cases, we would be able to create task-specified, fancy settings. For example, using above case - one could get google satellite as main, street names layers above, and traffic overlay on top.

But, it would be useful in many other cases, too (satellite + streets + signal, or satellite + street + temperature).
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This is a modified version of PinchMap.qml. Still not attached to the settings: the list of layers is set in "property variant layers". Theoretically, it should work with any number of layers.
Best wishes.
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Originally Posted by Whispering Weasel View Post
Nice, especially the traffic overlay can be useful

still playing around with the maps, the submarine cable map seems to be off: puts me somewhere of the coast of southern Norway, normal maps are fine
Yeah, their projection seems to slightly differ from the standard web-mercator currently supported in modRana (and used by OSM, Google & co). But as the the map is quite low-resolution, I see fixing this as lower priority.

BTW, I had similar (only much more serious) projection problems with the chartbundle layers. I even delved to the source of the OpenLayers Javascript library it uses, but without success.

Originally Posted by Whispering Weasel View Post
Screenshot: Stamen watercolor + google weather overlay (100%) zoomlevel 7
Nice combination ! Can I add this image to the modRana screenshot gallery ?

Originally Posted by roman2205 View Post
I hv installed modrana in my n9 via terminal version 39.8 whereas latest version is 39.11. pls tell me the way of update or atleast refer me to the post in this thread.
Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
Here you are: Harmattan deb package, 0.39.11. Found at
Best wishes.
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Thatnks both - roman2205 for reminding me to trigger the Harmattan build & Wikiwide for posting the download link.

Originally Posted by klinglerware View Post
Thank you, thank you, thank you for adding the Google Traffic layer! I've been waiting for this development with anticipation for a long time now. A question: is the traffic layer self-updating? If so, can a specific time interval be set to refresh the layer?

Thanks again Martin for continuing to support and improve this application, it is much appreciated.
Not yet, but I know about this issue. I plan to add a layer setting to the map configuration file, that would set for how long will the map tiles be considered valid before being redownloaded (and maybe even reload currently displayed tiles ?). Something like:
max_age=2 # in hours
And a setting in Options to turn this behavior on/off.

Also, any ideas how I should set it for the different layers (eq. how often are they updated ?)?

As a workaround until this is implemented, you can just delete the folder before starting modRana (and if storing to tiles, maybe even periodically delete it while modRana is running ).

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
:shocked: Jaw drop. Thanks! You will have fun time, keeping it working as services change, especially google ones. May the Force be with you
Well, yeah - I'll have to fix it once a broken layer is reported and/or once I notice it myself. Also, due to the modRana source being on Github, the nice automatic pull-request functionality can used - like the pull request Wikiwide recently sent me with the vearth layer.

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Confirming - if it's fixable, it would be nice, but I'm not sure if submarine cable map is cartographically accurate. Maybe it should be considered as "consult only" one, like moon surface maps in Marble (which also shows your "current" position

Good question - it seems that per-layer update interval could be useful. Meanwhile, maybe per-mode settings could be abused to achieve the same?

You might get a similar effect already with options->Map->Tile Storage->Store downloaded tiles
If you set it to NO, it will only store tiles in memory cache and won't store them to "disk". The cache is circular with newer data overwriting old. Works for all layers, even the background one you might want to store.
Originally Posted by Estel View Post

It seems, that traffic overlay is strange. Even with "labelled" option, it shows label only for places, where traffic colors are present. Sometimes, it even cut parts of street name (because color ends there).
Yeah, it behaves in quite strange way. For example, if you change the style property, it randomly slightly changes. There were also other variables in the original URL, but I have dropped them as they didn't seem to influence the concrete tile I was using for testing. Might be that they do influence other tiles or are time dependent.

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Feature request - could we have user-configurable, arbitrary number of layers? This way, in many cases, we would be able to create task-specified, fancy settings. For example, using above case - one could get google satellite as main, street names layers above, and traffic overlay on top.

But, it would be useful in many other cases, too (satellite + streets + signal, or satellite + street + temperature).

As Wikside has already demonstrated, it is quite easy to do in the QML GUI. Though, with something like 10+ map layers, it might screw-up with QML image cache behavior a bit.

In the GTK GUI, IIRC it already composites the tiles just once and then draws the result from cache. So compositing more than two tiles might also work.

BTW, being able to save interesting layer combinations might be also handy, even though it can be currently supplemented by the per-mode setting.

Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
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Github gives me 404 error for this webpage, so a modified file is attached here. Though, I don't know how to connect this map-overlay to user options (rWin), so the background layer is hard-coded as "vaer", and opacity is hard-coded as 50-50.
Best wishes.
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Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
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This is a modified version of PinchMap.qml. Still not attached to the settings: the list of layers is set in "property variant layers". Theoretically, it should work with any number of layers.
Best wishes.
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Thanks, looks good ! Nice idea with the variant. I'll hack some settings for it so the layers can be configured and merge it back in.
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The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to MartinK For This Useful Post:
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i am at work, and would not check...for n900(running with 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo7.2+thumb0 CSSU), is the version v0.39.9 the latest? I did not see anything about update last night.

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Posts: 215 | Thanked: 448 times | Joined on Aug 2012 @ Burgas, Bulgaria
I have some questions about your software and before I ask I must greet you, its a WONDERFUL program!

So...I liked more the QML GUI but when I try to open some menus the app just doesnt open them, why so? These menus are 'Search' , 'Routes', 'POI', 'Map->Download', 'Mode->*any*', 'Options->*any*'. Basically I cant search, cant change routing options and blah blah..that problem doesn't exist in the GTK GUI.

And the second one, for example - I have downloaded a map tile of a particular area on 15.03 and that area gets updated on 18.03 will the program check in any way that there is a new version or I have to delete that tile and download it again?
Thanks in advance!

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
I plan to add a layer setting to the map configuration file, that would set for how long will the map tiles be considered valid before being redownloaded (and maybe even reload currently displayed tiles ?). Something like:
max_age=2 # in hours
And a setting in Options to turn this behavior on/off.

Also, any ideas how I should set it for the different layers (eq. how often are they updated ?)?
I like the idea of having an option to redownload the tiles that are currently displayed, once validity expires.

Otherwise, having the option to easily turn refresh on/off, and to be able to vary the interval would be useful. It seems that refresh for some layers is irrelevant, while refresh rates for other layers will vary depending on the type and use case. For example, I believe that Google Traffic updates very close to real time in some cases, depending on the location. Setting the refresh rate to something like every 15 minutes (or less) could be useful if I am driving, for example. Being able to change the refresh to longer intervals, or turning refresh off entirely would be useful if my battery was running low or if I want to limit my mobile data usage...

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to klinglerware For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by tanago View Post
So...I liked more the QML GUI but when I try to open some menus the app just doesnt open them, why so? These menus are 'Search' , 'Routes', 'POI', 'Map->Download', 'Mode->*any*', 'Options->*any*'. Basically I cant search, cant change routing options and blah blah..that problem doesn't exist in the GTK GUI.
The qml version is work in progress and some menus are placeholders. So "Modrana" is the operational version and "Modrana-qml" is developmental.

As you wrote: great program.

Last edited by handaxe; 2013-03-20 at 22:55.

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Posts: 188 | Thanked: 308 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ UK
Just started to properly learn this program and it is great. I have three questions though, which may already be answered in this thread, and if so apologies for missing them (I have searched but at over 100 pages I may have missed it).

They're all in reference to offline usage:

1) Is it possible to download a whole region/country (eg UK) in one go, rather than the 160km radius?

2) This may get round (1), but is there a way to download the tiles (OSM Mapnik, preferably) on a computer (Linux, but I can get to Windows if necessary)? I have seen the perl script to import them to sqlite, so I know what to do once I've got them.

3) What are the downsides of using the "external" SD card to store the tiles? Not an issue in My Docs at the moment, but if I have a lot of offline tiles stored, I may want to shift them to save space in the future.

Again, many thanks for the application.

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Originally Posted by skanky View Post there a way to download the tiles (OSM Mapnik, preferably) on a computer (Linux, but I can get to Windows if necessary)?...
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I personally use JTileDownloader. There are other tile downloaders, of course.
Best wishes.
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Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
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I personally use JTileDownloader. There are other tile downloaders, of course.
Best wishes.
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That answers my main two questions, many thanks.

The Following User Says Thank You to skanky For This Useful Post:
Posts: 188 | Thanked: 308 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ UK
Just read the OSM tile usage policy. What servers do people use? I'm looking at mapquest's UK one.

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