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Reefdiver I did exactly the same as you, I have tried all the ideas within the thread so far no luck. I have IO errors for 2 of the files with the US map. My next option is to return the unit for repair!! inless someone has other ideas I can try.
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Just had sucess in recovering the problem, I first umount'd the disk using the -l option, then I followed Karwee's advice, I didn't get the format command write, but on reboot it told me there was a problem with MMC2 and allowed me to format it. I am now back to where I was. PS I did backup the map folders to a 2Gb mini sd card first. Hope this helps.
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I have seen this issue with both my n800 and n810 - its only happening on os2008.

For some random reason the storage (removable or internal) gets set to read only. My n800 had never been connected to a PC so it cannot be related to the USB mass causing issues...
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Might have found a solution!

I powered up my 810 with the USB plugged in an it allowed me to see the internal memory with no locks.

I now have done a FAT32 format and it seems to be working, no root or all of that stuff.

Will report later if I run into issues...

Update: NO ISSUES, everything is installing perfectly now!

No root or anything else needed, just power off your 810, plug in the USB port and then power up, you can access the internal memory as a new drive!

Thanks all!

Last edited by Honeybadger; 2008-01-11 at 10:47.
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I tried Honeybadger's solution to the problem, and it seems dependent on the OS that is used. I was unsuccessful when connecting my tablet to my Mac, but was able to mount, copy files off, and then format the card using my PC (windows).

After that, i realized that the re-flash that seemed to cause me problems was from the mac as well. Has anyone noticed a pattern that might be related to the OS on your desktop?
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2008
This thread really helped me out after updating the OS on my N810. I had the same problems - internal memory card was read-only. With the N810, I got in a serious Catch-22 position - couldn't disable virtual memory, couldn't format with virtual memory in use, couldn't get root without a new package, couldn't install new packages. Pretty frustrating, but solved thanks to this thread.

The steps that worked from updating to useful again were:

1. Enable Red Pill mode from Application Manager.
2. Enable maemo Extras repository (if you don't, you can't install OpenSSH)
3. Uncheck Use MMC to download packages (you can't see this unless you are in Red pill mode, and you can't install new software unless this is unset)
4. Install OpenSSH. Give it a root password when prompted.
5. ssh root@localhost
6. mount -o remount,rw /media/mmc2
7. Turn off virtual memory in Control Panel (memory, virtual).
8. <Optional> Backup files from MMC2 to MMC1 (removable) using your method of choice.
9. Format internal memory card using File Manager

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Thanks for post 46.

I bought a 2G mini SD card for backup. From the terminal I

cp -R /media/mmc2/folder_name /media/mmc1

for each folder in mmc2. I then used the usb cord to upload these to my mac. After this I could not see either mmc1 or mmc2 on my mac.

I did steps 8,1,..6,9 and was able to restore files to mmc2.

I can use mmc2 (save email enclosures etc) but cannot see it when plugging in the usb. For now I will use sftp for file transfer -- until this gets sorted out.

Thanks to all for helping out in this.
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Feb 2008
I found an alternative solution to the formatting of the internal mmc2 memory card. In a Linux:

1.) Connect the N810 to the computer in Linux.
2.) Install Gparted if it is not already installed (to check, terminal "sudo gparted").
3.) Backup your N810's MMC2 internal 2GB flash memory.
4.) Restart the N810 keeping the USB connected to the computer.
5.) Unmount the 2GB MMC2 disk before opening Gparted.
6.) In terminal, or in the XFCE, GNOME, or KDE start menu, open "gparted"
7.) Select the sdb (2 GB MMC2 disk), not your local hard disk.
8.) Delete the partition by right clicking delete in gparted on the computer.
9.) Restart the N810.
10.) On the N810, go to the File Manager (Menu, Utilities, File Manager).
11.) Select the "Internal memory card" and Menu, Tools, Format memory card...
12.) Now you can restore the backup if you wish.

I was unable to format the mmc2 internal memory card by step 11 alone.
Running "mount -o remount,rw /media/mmc2" did allow the write to disk, but not formatting. The above is the only solution I have found to work.

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Posts: 27 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2007
you brought my 3 hour quest to an end. Thank You! The trick was removing the partition!
I was able to see the card from my PC via USB but N810 would not format it until I removed the partition with gparted. BTW, I have gparted on the N810 itself.
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Hey ppl can u plz help me out on this. The issue is that i have compiled the kernel source code of the Nokia N810 using the scratchbox tool. This creates an kernel image of 1.7Mb after the compilation. Now when i try to flash this kernel image to my N810 using the flasher tool the device does'nt boot...

The steps i followed are as given in this link

There seems to be some problem in flashing only the kernel image..
Plz help me out on this.


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