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Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ France
Hi all,

Yes, I have the same problem, maps are broken at certain zoom level, tiles are not there, and offline routing can't figure out a correct route.
My problem is that I need all Europe downloaded, and I can't refresh a single map (you have to delete and redownload ALL of them).
So downloading all of them is a little annoying but not that much, but the real problem is that there is no way to check that all download are correct, so the same problem will occur when you need it the most : lost in some little town without a data connection... (like it happened to me 2 days ago....)
Do someone know how to refresh a single map?

Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ France
hi again,
I finally find how to do it and that's quite easy when you know how to do it. I post it here as it may help others having the same issue.

Retrieve the zip file you need from

You can find the number of the required zip file(s) by editing the catalog- file in /home/user/MyDocs/cities/MapLoader/ directory.
For example, for whole Europe, there is a line in the xml file which is like <File Description ="Europe" Id="2" Zip="" Link="maploaderzip-" ZipFileSize="4226468773"> so the file I need for whole europe is at http://static.maploader.maps.svc.ovi...2.49.104/

Then unzip this file into /home/user/MyDocs/cities/diskcache/ overwritting existing files when needed.
Et voilą! Europe is available offline in Maps and Drive and I don't have any issue about missing roads anymore!
I guess you have to change the "" numbers in the catalog file and the url link according to the maps version you have. Of course, this also works for individual country (example for France)

You can also download the POI using the same URL but putting the name of the continent as zip file, for example http://static.maploader.maps.svc.ovi...104/ for Europe and unzipping it into /home/user/MyDocs/cities/diskcache/ClientIndex/

The only issue that I have is that I don't get the list with downloaded maps with a little green tick on the side, but tht's not very important IMO. Also I d'ont know how it will work over next maps udpate!
Hope this help!
Posts: 78 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Sep 2010
It works fine for me in offline mode. The main issue I had was trying to download the maps for my city. Now that was a pain in the ***.
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