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Looks like Nokia will fail quicker than I anticipated.
Their cash reserves and Microsoft's partnership are no longer the backup for their deteriorating business.

I wish BB success, they actually deserve it.
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
To be serious. If Nokia doesn't succes soon with Lumia series they probadly fire Elop, sells smartphone division and focus only on Asha lowend series.
Not sure if even that would work anymore.

Pretty soon Android will scale down nicely to where S40/Asha/WhatEverItsCalledTheseDays is. It already sort of does, but those low end Androids still suck quite badly. Give it a year or two and ARM-hardware will run Android good enough even in the low end.

Nokia should just:

A) Sell branding rights for generic Android-hardware from Chinese OEMs with it's logo. Collect franchising revenue from those manufacturers.
B) continue collecting patent and IP related income.
C) fire anyone who isn't involved A. or B. Not that they have that many of those people left anyway.
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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post

Looks like Nokia will fail quicker than I anticipated.
Their cash reserves and Microsoft's partnership are no longer the backup for their deteriorating business.

I wish BB success, they actually deserve it.
European deserves a company too. So I really hope Jolla can fix it... But yes I know thats never will happen

Europeans people are just stupid followers means they already to much in bed with Android, Iphone hype.

I have a felling jolla already has failed in case of preorders.
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Stupid followers? Or just discerning and quality conscious? It seems to me that Windows Phone hasn't impressed anybody, anywhere and I'm not sure you can pin that on Europeans that way.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Stupid followers? Or just discerning and quality conscious? It seems to me that Windows Phone hasn't impressed anybody, anywhere and I'm not sure you can pin that on Europeans that way.
Android Quality ROTFL yeah right. Its like windows on desktop == plain garbage for me.

And about WP. We already know that Nokia has failed on that.

What I meant was I want Jolla to success but it will not happen, mainly because european doesn't want companys in europe. People does NOT give new players a chance. They only listen to ******** about triple core CPU and 10000000 apps in a store. And also many developers are that stupid, or does only learn Android.

New Software engineers in european only learning "how to make apps for Android" instead of learn students there is more than AndroidSDK in this computer world!

We prefer to sellout everything to China or USA.

Instead of take the fight. Summary European is doomed. Next will be USA.
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I'm still with hope that the "Nokia-Jolla" Story will have an end like "Palm-Handspring".

I was in this time short before buy an Handspring. But my first SMartphone was at the end another Nokia (E65).

So hopefully Nokia will see the coming Jolla Smartphone, fire Elop and fusioned with Jolla. Thats my dream
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I just don't see the attraction for Samsung to even consider Jolla or Nokia. They're doing just fine with Android, really. If anything, people want a stock Android experience, so there's less and less reason for them to veer. Instead, they're far more likely to provide better and better hardware to run Android on top of, or more differentiating cloud and other services--nothing OS related.

Right now, Nokia (and even Jolla, by Maemo extension) is the ugly girl/guy at the dance and has to really WORK to get someone to choose her/him. Right now, with Elop in charge, Nokia is clearly not even trying. It's up to Jolla to prove themselves first before Samsung goes to dance with them... and they've ALREADY got a successful partner at this dance.

Good luck!
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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It is impossible for Nokia to buy/adopt jolla. Jolla simply won't allow such a thing. There is tiny chance that jolla may licence sailfish to nokia and that's up to nokia.
But these are all in theory since another eco change would simply destroy them.
Posts: 509 | Thanked: 626 times | Joined on Jul 2012 @ Mexico/Germany
Koneschno, but let me dreaming
Nokia was always best Hardware. But Windows is an nogo for me.

So we need an hack-software like freetz or speed2fritz for the German Fritzbox. It can make from 2 Firmware of 2 different Hardware a new FW with the new futures from the FW of new Hardware to going to work on older Hardware. The old driver where be tranfered in the new Firmware

bring me beer, downward spiral, elop is nero, let's talk bs, lumiadickweed, lumiatard, nero fiddling, nokia bears, nokiastockrock, thanks for asha

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