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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
I want an app that only works on sailfishos that make Android people say "I want that device!"
That's already there. It's called "SailfishOS".
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AGTL - Advanced Geocaching Tool for Linux, running on N900 and N9. Android version AAGTL is not even close yet.

Geoplacer - gives GPS coordinates, averaged over max. 100 samples

I'm just into geocaching. So I need this stuff...

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Dears, suggest a panel to make a short list devided by categories (music, games, etc...) then make a Poll on this list.

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Originally Posted by tonyhuynh View Post
Dears, suggest a panel to make a short list devided by categories (music, games, etc...) then make a Poll on this list.
righto, as the person who started this, I'll throw in my 2 bob.

no panel
no short list
no poll.

and this is why.

Taking an initiative based approach, in response to seeking community input, I started this thread to:
1. Get community (at least TMO community) input for what THEY/WE Want
2. Update (time and actuality dependent) the list with info from devs who are committed or not*
3. Show Jolla and the Dev community (involved here) what people are looking for**

It's not about a contest or narrowing of the scope of desire or delivery WRT software.

* clearly, most of the Devs have been overwhelmingly supportive of porting and further development for SailfishOS. those that aren't (right now) have based their decision entirely around time management and work commitments. Every person who has said "I don't have plans right now" has also pointed to the source code and actively supported others to take up the reigns (with assistance if required) to port the apps to Sailfish

**A number of the application requests on the list may provide "food" for Developer creativity and in turn, present an opportunity to see application development.

the list is now reaching close to the word count limit anyway.
Based on this, and the original discussion with Jalyst, I intend to regroup the list into categories (not dissimilar to your suggestion) and then it will be posted as a GDoc, similar tot he questions/ideas one.

Have no doubt that this thread is being watched by LOTS of people, It is getting plenty of air time on Twitter and also being blogged about within the jolla "community" and has the support of Jolla as a means of gathering important information for them and keeping the community aware.

i will keep updating as time allows me (around my own work/project stuff) every day or so.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Would like to see these:
Gravity (Janole)
Opera Mobile
Nokia Maps
fMobi (JKosonen)
QNeptunea (best twitter)
MTV3 (Finnish)
Teksti-TV (Finnish)
Sports Tracker
Live F1
Nokia Tennis
Nokia Goal
Leffaan (finnish)
RSS Feeds
Ilta-Sanomat (Finnish)
SkyDrive (Microsoft)
Helsingin Sanomat (Finnish newspaper)

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It is creepy to see skype and whatsapp at 1st and 2nd... but oh yeah people like to be ripped off and show their inner guts to any company asking for it... thanks to my friends some of these "companies" have my real name, street address, date of birth, e-mail and phone number (how I know? I got an email to my birthday... proper date proper everything)

add Columbus to the list please. Is Xournal there yet?

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I would also like to see Whatsapp as an plugin to Sailfish's "message center".

Other apps I would like to see:

Cardu (Mobile card app, which has Qt version for symbian) Devs are intrested at developing version for Sailfish too, but thay want to have UI desing guides & rules, which they said they have not found.

Karttaselain (Finnish app for topography maps, Sailfish version will be developed)

I would also like to have some map software which makes it possible to use Finland open data for topography maps. Ie. Data with compined info from openstreetmap, like for example.

Ilkka (Finnish newspaper reader app. They aren't planning to create sailfish app ATM, but will most probably offer Android app via some source at first.)

Description for following apps can be found at google play, I put just some info here):

Ampparit ( Newscollector site, which offers reader app aswell. They have no plans for Sailfish version ATM)

Viiniopas (Wineguide which has databae for all wines sold in Finland. Has support for barcode scanning)

Tässä.fi (Offers info about local (finnish) offers at shops, locations etc. Has got Qt version for symbian, hasn't reply on feedback yet)

Posti (makes it possible to trace post delivery in Finland)

OP mobiili

Ruutu (shows some Finnish tv channels tv-shows)

YLE Areena (Shows some Finnish tv channels tv-shows)

Sport Tracker (Has Qt version for Symbians, but I think this was on the list already)

Shazam (Has Qt version for symbian)

Hill Climb Racing (They have no plans to port it to Qt ATM, haven't resond to quostion about Android version availability in Jolla's store for Android apps, or whatever that will be).

Skype for voicecalls

Google Hangout for videocalls.


Just few more things:

Samsung remote (remote controller over wifi for samsung tv's) Unless offcourse there will be ir "the other half for real remote controller option.

Swipe panorama

If possible, some kind of Photosphere support also.

Edit2: Caller ID: or similar (Fonecta Caller is not going to port to Sailfish ATM, they will follow how things are going fo Jolla)

That was pretty much all for now.

PS. Sorry for my bad English.

Last edited by uggeli; 2013-06-05 at 12:57.

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With time, I will port my games to the Sailfish OS: The attack of the moles
and: Adventlands, and other games that I have in google play.

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-Media Player WITH EQUALIZER (N900 user )
-Offline Navigation Maps App with decent map data for every country
-Some kind of Task Manager with detailed process info (htop or with GUI will be even better)


-Foreca weather
-Torrent app

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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
4square client(if official one wouldn't create their own)
Nelisquare will be ported to Sailfish.
twitter: @basil_s home: - community driven repository project. Warehouse - native client for
Buy me a beer

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